What The Luck!?

Chapter 135 - 135. Bag Of Chips

Asher led the two towards the cabin that held the smaller nurses' office. The one that he, Laura, and Jackson were only allowed to use. The trip was quick and he didn't encounter any other campers. This was mostly due to the scramble for points at the other activities. Staying in the ain camp would not let anyone build points up. They could really only spend points.

"Is this smaller nurse's office better than the one everyone else gets to use?" Art was slowly flexing his fingers as they walked, his hand was bothering him now that the adrenaline was gone.

"This one will be only for us. The campers that get hurt will mob the other and might challenge the three of us who came to camp early. This one is also what the counselors use. So it is going to be empty. I'm glad I am allowed to bring you." Asher wasn't planning to go to the nurse's cabin ever again if he could avoid it, if he was even slightly scratched and campers saw him he could have a hundred sparing match challenges in a day.

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"So, this is like a safe area other than the cabins we sleep in." Jane was happy to hear that Asher could go somewhere without worry.

"Exactly. By the way, I think you two are going to have a lot harder training ahead since Garnet was so interested. She had me download an elite home gym training app and it gives me tons to do. It even showcases what I should eat."

"Why do you sound so worried? That is why I am here. I already learned one lesson, I can work on the control of my super power so I don't add too much force to a punch or kick. I can't add much but it is enough to tax my body." This was something that worried both Jane and Asher.

" We aren't going to shy away from hasher training if it means we will get better. I finally used my super power in a fight and it was a world of difference. I really understand what I can do. What if I specialize in hostage situations? I could freeze a bad guy in place before they hurt anyone."

"I figured you might have the trouble Art, but it was good to hear that we could go to the genera; store to get you some gloves. For not you might want tother braces too, they might protect your joints from the strain as you get better at using your powers." Art just nodded while flexing his hand more, he didn't want to deal with this every time he sparred.

"Did you see how Garnet was surprised when you used your power, Jane? I bet you changed her training plans pretty radically. I bet she will make you your own style before the night falls." Asher was spot on, Garnet had already started to think on this before the trio even left.

"Really! You guys just had to rush off without me!" Laura popped up with four bags of potato chips.

"You could have caught up any time you wanted. You have a little more control over your speed now." Asher teased back since this would be the only chance to do so before he would worry about her controlled speed in a sparring match.

"Well, then I guess I didn't get you this bag of chips. But Jane and Art can have one." Jane wasn't going to let Asher go unpunished. She greedily held on to the fourth bag of chips before turning the head back. "I'm going to the obstacle course. I want to see if I can stock up on points." She was gone again.

"I wasn't sure what to think of Laura when you introduced us, but now I think she is a nice girl." Jane was happy to have another friend besides the two boys. They had yet to find where Louis and Sammy were at camp so she had been the only girl.

"Anyone who goes out of the way to bring me food is a good person." Art said this right before biting in to a chip with a loud crunch.

Ashe just grumbled along as he pushed the door open to the small nurses' cabin, he was miffed that she had kept the chips after his teasing. "Jackson, what are you doing here?" Asher was surprised to find Jackson sitting on a bed in the nurses' office.

"Oh, the usual. I stayed up all night so I could read and learn everything for free and then fell asleep waiting for people to come to challenge me. So I came here for a nap. Did you already manage to get some injuries from sparring?" His speed was slightly slow from just waking up, but he was fairly bight-eyed.

"Just some bruises and a pinky that someone tried to hide." Asher looked at JAne to make sure she knew not to hide an injury again. Her face was both happy that Asher had worried and sad that she had made him worry.

"In that case, can I practice my first aid? I need to keep my skills sharp so I can beat anyone that tried to challenge me in the classroom." The three were happy to let him. They only saw it as a boon for them to have someone with knowledge assist them.

"Then here is the run down from sever to light. Jane dislocated a pinky and needs preventative measures. Ty has bruised knuckles and I saw him walking a little weird so I think his foot is bothering him too. I just have a minor bruise on my shoulder." Asher's run down was perfect for Jackson who jumped in to action.

"The pinky will be best set with another finger until all the swelling is gone. This will keep the muscles in a proper position without worry. Come here and I will teach you to tape it. The bruise reducing cream won't fix it all overnight." The three watch Jackson work so that they could better learn how to do first aid themselves.

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