What The Luck!?

Chapter 171 - 171. Doctor Doctor

"Jackson! You have a challenger. Come over here and show them how to patch up a sprained wrist and minor cut." Garnet's voice boomed through the sparring field getting Jackson's attention.

He turned to see that there were three students laying on the ground with various injuries. Jackson put some energy in to his feet and ran over to where they were. "These three decided that they were going to try some team match whatever and managed to cause a little problem with their super powers."

Garnet was looking at the three and shook her head again. She thought the idea to try and mix super powers was bad in general when someone couldn't control them well enough. But here at camp where they were trying to learn in a faux combat situation was already a bad idea.

Jackson was already looking at the three and aw that one was only a little bruised. "I will fix up my friend here. You can try to fix up the guy that challenged us and prove that you are as smart as the counselor says you are."

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Hearing the smug attitude made Jackson's face turn sour. But he was still determined to help the boy that was injured. He could see that the boy had sharp metal points coming out of his body. "Sorry about this. I know it's troubling, but he said he could use his minor telekinesis to make my spikes fly faster…"

From this Jackson was able to gather that the telekinesis super power user had tried to pull the spikes faster than the other boy's body could create them. This caused a spike to move faster than expected and cut the telekinesis user as well as the boy with spikes to trip and sprain his ankle. There were also some cuts from his own spike getting bent and pricking him.

"Don't worry. You will be fin. I can easily wrap your ankle with the bandages I have with me. I thought I should put a compressible bandage wrap in my pocket just in case." Jacksons' forward thinking made Garbet smile in approval. She had chosen to call on the right person for the minor injuries. This would show the value of field training in first aid skills.

"Can you roll it around or do you get stuck because of pain in one spot?" Jackson started to ask a series of questions he had long since learned from his mother for when she treated certain injuries. He said a silent thank you to her while working.

"Yes, but it feels like I stretched it too far and it is out of place." The boy was slowly retracting the sikes but progress was slow due to his high stress level.

"Alright, then just relax it for me and let me wrap it up. You won't have too many problems later. Just go to the nurse and have her use some bruise reducing cream then take some anti-inflammatory medicine. After that, just ice for ten minutes on and fifteen off until swelling reduces." Jackson issued the treatment for the ankle easily.

"That's easy stuff. I already have my patients' wrist wrapped." The other boy turned to see that Jackson was carefully wrapping the ankle with perfect skill. It was a flawless wrap.

"Is this too tight?" Jackson was happy with his work after he received a nod from his own patient.

"Now you have some cuts from where you fell right? Roll over and let me check them." Jackson wasn't going to take no for an answer once he took a patient he wouldn't back away. His mother had been the same way and he had inherited the trait easily.

Garnet watched as the boy rolled over and revealed some small scratches that didn't need any attention. However, the one that worried her was a deeper cut that looked like it had gone through to a dangerous depth.

"You have a decent cut here. No real damage but it will need some stitches or some sealing glue. Either way with proper medicine you are looking at a full healing process of three days." Jackson knew that with the medical technology they had it could be healed faster but would cost a lot more money. He also remembered what the camp had and estimated three days.

Garnet had beckoned for a staff member. "Since you both need to deal with cuts that need stitches here are some on the go suture kits for wilderness rescues." Garnet had the staff member hand them to each camper. "They come with everything you need for a safe operation. My staff member has a nerve block super power so don't worry about pain."

The staff member touched both injured campers and they suddenly lost the pained looks and relaxed by a huge margin. They had all of their pain disappear like it had not even been there in the first place. "Understood. I am going to get you fixed up quickly then you can get to the nurse without worry." Jackson was already in motion.

The other boy was sitting looking at the wound and the kit. He had not been prepared for this and had only read about it in books. The injury he needed to stitch was too intimidating. He would just end up hurting his friend. "You win…"

"Good, I was worried you would keep pushing. Textbooks are no replacement for actual experience." Garnet had seen through the camper right away. With her signal, the medical staff showed up.

"I can take over from here kid. Just get back to-" The male staff member came over and was stunned by what he saw. Jackson was skillfully stitching up his patient without any hesitation. The stitches were only describable as perfect and nothing else.

"Is this camper some doctor prodigy?" This question drew the attention of the two other staff members who were equally impressed with Jackson's work.

"Huh? My moms' a surgeon, if I couldn't do this I would be disowned." Jackson's answer just stunned them more.

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