What The Luck!?

Chapter 172 - 172. You Don't Have A Ticket?

"Do you feel like earning a ton of points today?" The staff member that appeared to be in charge of the medical staff looked at Jackson like he was a potential employee. Garnet just watched along in silence while this happened.

"Well, I don't see why not. You just want help with small injuries right? I thought you would have enough staff to handle it all though." Jackson became worried that the staff member was offering him this because they did not have the proper staff to deal with the entire sparring field.

"Yes, you would be getting first hand experience with real injuries. It would be simulating a real emergency scene. I will give you the points and you would be gaining the experience. I also think you wouldn't mind this over more matches." The staff member had the feeling that Jackson just wasn't the fighting type, and he was right.

Jackson thought about it for a moment while he took some bandages from the other staff members' first aid pack and cleaned the wounds the boy had. "Sure, I will take it on. I don't have anything to do until the night time training anyway."

"Perfect welcome to the team. Put this arm band on and take that first aid pack. If you need help call someone over." The staff member looked like a greedy wolf who had just found a feast. He was rarely able to steal away assistance from the campers because they were too busy learning the basics.

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"You sure went for that fast." Garnet had slightly judging eyes on the staff member but he didn't seem to care.

"You always snag up the promising campers with your siblings. I may work under you but that doesn't mean I can't try and find some who will learn about disaster medical care. That boy has a lot of talent." The staff member and Garnet went on like this for some time While Jackson happily went injury to injury racking up the points at an incredible pace.

Meanwhile, Laura, Sammy, and Art found that they were completely ditched. "They all left us here. I thought we would be sticking together." Sammy was the one who felt the west. She was used to Louis disappearing on his own to do the lone wolf drama but now everyone else was leaving.

"I kind of figured it would happen at some point. I mean we are all different people and need to work on different things. You have the night training ticket thought, right? We will all need to meet up for that later." Art was trying to stay positive since Sammy seemed too unhappy with the situation.

"Wait, I needed to buy that?" How many points was it? When can I get it until?" Sammy fell in to an even more paranoid state realizing she did not have one.

"Camp store has them. We can get it easy. I want more snacks anyways." Laura was already snacking on a pack of mini chocolate cookies and was still wanting more.

"Then let's go!" Sammy tried to grab the two and drag them with her but she realized they wouldn't budge.

"You have enough points thought, right?" Art spoke slowly making Sammy's face fall.

"I might have some points…" She had not been building points the same as her friends and was actually very low now.

"Alright then off we go to make points. We can spar here or we can take a shot and ask someone for some points." Art thought that a staff member would be better since Sammy was not as experienced in fighting so she would most likely fail to build a high number of points.

"Oh! Let's go ask Dia, she said she needed some help fixing up part of the obstacle course yesterday." Laura was instantly excited since she could not only go back to the obstacle course but also help out Dia who she had decided was her favorite counselor.

"That sounds pretty easy...what's the catch?" Sammy had a feeling that there was more to it than just helping clean up the obstacle course. She had already realized that this camp was tricky and full of hidden reasoning and tactics.

"Maybe she just needs the extra hands. There are a lot of staff members here and there may be less over at the obstacle course." Art was again playing the positive role in the trio.

"Ok, then we should go." As soon as Sammy said she would go Laura was already dragging them along at a ferocious pace. She was slowing herself down to stay with her two friends but she was still a little too fast.

Sammy and Art suffered through the voracious pace and made it to the start of the obstacle course. When they went to the first obstacle a staff member approached them immediately. "Hello Laura, back again with some challenges?"

"Oh no, not this time. These are my friends Art and Sammy. They said they would help me with the task Dia needs to be done?" The staff member had easily recognized Laura and the two wondered if she had been dragging people like this to the obstacle course since other campers got here.

"That's great. I know counselor Diamond wants to have the newest obstacle set up as soon as possible. She is very excited and finally received the last of the supplies for it. She might even be able to add it tomorrow." The staff member reached in to her pocket and pulled out a phone. With a few clicks she had sent a message to Dia. "She should be here in just a few minutes."

The staff member went to speak to some approaching campers to explain the rules and regulations of the obstacle course. "So what is the obstacle we are working on?" Sammy was curious if Laura actually knew or if this was just a blind activity.

"I don't really know. I saw a lot of rope and some wooden pillars but that's really all. It should be fun though. The entire course is a lot of fun." Laura just laughed a little to herself while Art and Sammy looked at her worriedly.

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