What The Luck!?

Chapter 194 - 194. Power Chat

"Art, there are little metal beads everywhere. What have you been trying to do?" Jane had realized that Arty had made a huge mess on the foreigner of the cabin. It was littered with small metal beads he had been training his super power with. 

"I am trying to control multiple at once but I can only make them all do one thing or two do separate things. Whenever I try to do more it falls apart." He had been stuck for the last three hours and felt like he was making absolutely no progress.

"Why do you want to control so many at once again?" Asher just thought that the hundred or so little beads were just too much to try and control. 

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"If I can control more of them then I can do more. It's like having my own army of metal beads to deal with a lot of villains." Art had the grand image of him standing and control thousands of metal beads to capture criminals who were breaking the law.

"Why don't you just get a fused piece of metal and spit it using your power until you can't control the pieces? Then you could have as many as you want and need. Plus it helps find your limit." Jane easily found a better solution for him to try. It was better than him just aimlessly trying all of the metal beads at once.

"I can try that. I don't know if I can make the metal split like that though." Art got to the new strategy and was soon holding a large metal ball in an attempt to break it in to two with his super power. 

"What about you Jane? Have any idea of what to work on with your super power?" Asher was wondering what Jane had thought about when it came to her super power. It was mostly at a resting state at all times but when she shifted she would be left very weak afterward. This was the weakness overall. 

"I want to strengthen my stamina. I 5think that I can be able to shift like that better and longer if I do. The problem is I don't have any control over the shift. I got really angry and did it by accident the other day." Jane was still not sure how to trigger the shift at will. 

"Well, you said you were angry right? Maybe you should just focus on that feeling and see what happens. Maybe it is adrenaline based?" Asher offered what theory he could come up with. 

Jane turned a little red remembering the taunts coming from Nine tails. She had been very agitated by the girl but the fact that it was all about Asher made it a little awkward to remember at the moment. "I don't think just thinking about things that made me angry will work. I need to have the right drive too…" Jane was acting fairly timid making Asher wonder how she had managed to get the shift to work in the first place.

"Then what if we looked at the app? The elite home gym system app should have some guides for this right? It can't just be set up for regular training." Asher's idea was perfect. Jane opened the app and did a quick search finding plenty of guides that would stimulate a change of physique. 

"Ha, look at this one. It says that when additional adrenalin is needed there are energy drinks that can help. It seems like a way better way than trying to force my emotional state." Jane was ecstatic to see that she wouldn't need to make herself angry and push her mentality to the limit. She was very worried that she would be burdened by the nearly uncontrollable anger every time she used the shift of her super power. 

Asher was happy to see his friends so focused on gaols. He wished he could have better control over his super power but realized that it was a very touchy thing that always existed and was in use. If he were to turn on or off his super power he could miss many opportunities or make things more complicated. It was just better than he didn't have much control. 

"What about you Asher, have you noticed anything more with your super powers?" Jane stopped her research and wondered if Asher had gained anything. She knew it was harder on him than the others due to the way his power existed. 

"Actually when the staff was pretending to be prisoners and taunted me I got a little overconfident. They started to say a few things to taunt me and I traunted right back. When they decided to say something else taunting I told them that they were making themselves my enemy. I didn't really mean to say it but after I did I have a strange feeling." Asher was reflecting on the moment from earlier in the night. 

"Strange feeling how? Did you feel like you were eating their luck?" Art chimed in from his practice. He had managed to bend and flatten the metal ball some but not broken it in to multiple pieces. 

"I don't eat luck. We've been over this." Asher reprimanded Art then started to think of how to put the feeling he had had in to words. "It was more like something around them had changed, like a worse feeling or a foreboding. I still felt confident in my actions like nothing was in my way. But when I looked at them I had the feeling that they were going to keep hitting roadblocks." 

"So maybe that was you using their luck. Maybe the more luck you have the better you feel and then you know that those that are your enemies gave worse luck or something?" Jane had no idea what to tell Asher. It was a strange occurrence but she kind of like the idea of Asher acting more and more confident. "I think you should just keep playing around to see how things go. You have been trying those gotcha games right?" Jane pried a little more and Asher started to show off the things his luck had brought him in the smart phone game world. 

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