What The Luck!?

Chapter 195 - 195. Skip A Year

"See, if I spin this thing it should only have a one percent chance to land on the top reward but I have hit it ten times out of eleven. The eleventh gave me a piece of ultra rare gear for this top reward." Jane was watching Asher abuse a game on the smartphone and was starting to feel bad for the other players. 

"You know you could just be some master video gamer. I'm sure you will make a ton of money instead of being a hero." Jane said this as more of a joke than anything. Asher made a sad face not wanting to be left to the side by his friends. 

"I thought you guys would form a hero group with us. I even have the best name, we would be called link, like chain links in an unbreakable chain. It would be perfect." Jane and Art visibly flinched hearing the cheesy name. 

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"Well, as long as you aren't leaving us to be a gambler or play gotcha games for the rest of your life, then yes we'll start a group early. I think we can even register it before university too, it will look very good on our applications." Jane was thinking a little farther ahead than the others. She wanted to make sure that she and her friends made it in to the best universities so they could keep advancing and be the best heroes.

"Oh, if you want good thing to start building for applications we should try and get ahead a grade. There was a group of ten students from south heights high school that worked together and finished a year's worth of academics ahead of time. They also were able to pass all the physical tests. I want to say they skipped most of the junior year of high school and graduated early their senior year." Art had read about this in the daily news letter most people received in their electronic mail. 

"Could we really finish the academics needed? We wouldn't just have to memorize them, we would need to be able to use them." Jane was already questioning if this would be possible. 

"I think we could do it. We can get Jackson for help with more of the natural side of academics, Louis might be our hidden ace with sciences since he had been learning them more often to understand lightning. Jane you are a math expert. I can get lucky and find the answers to things that we struggle with. Laura can help us keep our nutrition proper while we push our physical limits. Art, bro I think you will need to help out more…" Asher got stuck on Art.

"I have plenty of knowledge on how school works and what universities we should attend. I have to have these connections due to my family standing. Also what would Sammy do? I know you're the good luck charm but dude, that's all?" Art was a little huffy since Asher had partially write him off. 

"Sammy actually has the second best grades in all of our class. I think she even qualified for a creative writing award." Jane was recalling a poster she saw a year back. It was a small award but had made Sammy stand out overall. 

"Well, I also can kick your but in sparing sooo I can be the main training guide." Asher used his trump card and made Art unable to argue. 

"Fine then, but we will need to do more than learn academics and get to physical pique. We will need accomplishments to back us and I can help find them." Art was sure that he would be able to find the right competitions and tests of skill for their group to show the school and the world that they deserve to rise faster. 

"See here, the Ricktor tournament named for the best all around hero before he retired. He was able to copy most people's super power and help make advancements at the same time. They named a major set of tournaments after him. It costs five thousand dollars to enter in to one so it is very pricey. But it can be worth it, there are tournaments for everything, martial arts, sciences, mathematics, geography, disaster rescue, even cooking." Art had pulled up the website and sent it to project on the larger television. 

"We can make a splash here and then push ourselves to top the academics of put class and out physique as well. It is a good plan. Nice find Art." Jane was impressed with the idea. 

"Thanks, my brother, unfortunately, participated in this and my parents once judge the sciences portion. I am very familiar with it…" He was a little down saying this but he quickly rebounded, "It would put us in the spotlight, the only problem is it is two weeks before the finals and yearly school ranking." 

"That would make a tough few weeks." Asher realized that the entire month at the end of the school year would be a massive test of their will. Each of them would be pushed to their extreme by the back to back tests and tournaments. "I think we should do it. If we can from our group when we leave camp we can start our studies." 

"We should apply for additional training time and a space at school. We would be similar to a club and able to use the facilities we need." Art was still pushing for more to prove that he was an intricate part of the group. Asher and Jane never really thought he was going to be a weak link, but seeing him try so hard made them proud to be his friend. 

"This will also be another step to get you strong enough to kick your brothers' butt. Well, unless I beat you to it." Asher made a light joke which prompted Art to crack his knuckles.

"I will take the full advantages I can and crush him. Then I will get every answer I need and walk back in to my family home proud." Art voiced his goals making them seem all the more real. His current advancements in his super power had been proof of his determination. 

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