About 16 years ago, I and all of my other classmates suffered a tragic death in a bus accident and later were reincarnated into a new world with the mission to save it. We were given to form contracts with a God who would assist us on our journey and help us grow stronger.

I, Natsu Kenchi was one of these reincarnates. It might sound a bit sad to leave all of the people I cared about – mother, father, big sister behind, but to be reborn into a new magical world is something I considered myself to be fortunate of.

At present we were roaming in the extreme North-eastern territory of this world. My party 'Soothing Fire' was heading into the Juna forest of the Calistonia Kingdom. We consisted of five other members – my God in contract Prometheus, another fellow reincarnate Akane Kirigashi and her God in contract Orpheus. Then we had Jane an elf and Marth a human from this world.

It just so happened incidentally that I met Akane in the headquarters of the adventurer's guild and undertaking a joint mission and the fact that how well we co-ordinated during the mission, we decided to form a party. None of our Gods had any problem with working together since we had the same goal in mind for the moment to reach the peak of strength and accumulate as much experience as we can...

We both were already S-rank adventurer when we met and since we have formed team we had quickly risen to SS-rank all six of us together.

Prom, that's what I call him, is quite an easy-going God who takes things lightly and only gets fired up in a fight against strong monsters. For some reason he simply hates monsters too much and so he can easily detect them from far away which helps our teams. Even if the monster is using some kind of concealment skill, they cannot escape the thermal scan skill of Prom.

Since I excel in fire type magic bestowed to me by my God I usually fight in the front, while Akane who is a monster summoner and tamer supports from the rear with supporting spells while her tamed monsters does her bidding in the forefront. Prometheus uses a magic sword to fight along my side while Orpheus casts a special kind of musical magic to strengthen our magic circulation and at the same time plays with the minds of the monsters.

Jane is an elf who excels in water magic and archery while Marth is a body enhancement magic user who works as a martial artist fighter. Marth is also my childhood friend in this life and we had been working as adventurer since then while we teamed up with Jane in another joint quest of ours.

For the moment we still haven't figured out a way to save this world. Though the demons here are not involved in something usual called a 'race fight' and tries to obliterate each other's races but things are not peaceful either. It could be that later in future we need to partake in a war with them but for now we can enjoy our lives.

Even though we are adventurers who are getting experience by hunting monsters, it's not enough to bring a change in the whole world. We needed to rise to the level of World class adventurers who can then exercise great military and administrative power in any country. And when we are at it - form a familia certified by the guild and become the number one familia out there.

For that purpose all six of us have been secretly probing ancient ruins and hidden dungeons that pops out of nowhere. According to Prometheus and Orpheus these kinds of ruins might contain ancient weapons from the age of Gods and during the Great War which might help us get even stronger.

As such these two are able to detect divine magic in close proximity from these ruins and the strong waves of magic they usually send when they rise to the surface. This kind of phenomenon happens because of the outburst of magical energy which gets collected over time and start leaking little by little until the crack widens and ruptures completely.

For that purpose these two have detected a similar strong energy coming from the extreme of this forest. According to them it's extremely strong than all the previous ruins we have explored and this might be our lottery ticket to get strong quickly.

Though our other teammates don't know that we are reincarnates and other two are Gods and our real intention to collect these relics but they both are usually fired up in this treasure hunt. Talk about the thrill now, as I used to had dreams of adventuring, finding treasure, fighting monsters back in my own world but now I am living and breathing in it. I would say reincarnating myself was more of a miracle and bliss than to be sad about something like dying. No point in deteriorating my self-consciousness over what has happened that's what my God told me and to enjoy the new life.

I decided to live with the best of my ability. I think he too feels sorry for what has happened and how we had no choices but to go on with their conditions of saving this world with no leads.

On our way we had taken various sub-quests and had already stocked up supplies for a journey of three weeks. We never know how long it would take to reach there or if for some unforeseen reason we get stuck.

At present we have been engaged with a goblin hunt, as a request from a small village which was to wipe out about fifty goblins.

But since in the week's time we got here, it has turned into a goblin settlement of three hundred goblins. The rate at which they breed is extraordinary and maybe something to be curious of.

But after we saw how terrified the villagers were and even though we were getting less payed we accepted the request of the village chief.

Since the settlement is new there are less chances of finding a goblin wizard or a goblin king which would have drastically increased the difficulty of the quest.

"Well there is no backing out now; Allen just couldn't leave the people in danger. One of these days you might even earn the title of a Hero." Said Marth as he brought down his heavy fist technique on the floor and knocked out five goblins at once.

Allen was my name in this world while Akane chose to go with Ariella. While for Prometheus it was obviously Prom but Orpheus is still Orpheus. She was too adamant and did not change her name. Not that people of this world can realize that they are Gods. Sometimes our teammates call by either of our names since they had heard us sometimes conversing in our previous names and they find it to be something amusing of having a second name and did not suspect us much.

"A hero's title does sound good. But if I get turned into a hero then I have to be a country's dog and wouldn't be able to adventure with you all as frequently as I do now." I was surrounded with about twenty goblins from all sides who were maintaining constant distance from me and were trying to throw stone made hammers at us. But my weapon is exactly meant for that very purpose.

"Die you green primates." I shouted as I unleashed my chain whip a mid range weapon. The moment it hit a goblin with its huge force their body got severed just with a single touch. The shining dart attached to it like a pencil carving out a circle's perimeter I chopped all of their heads.

Akane had summoned a heavenly bull who was ravaging the goblin settlement to ground. While Orpheus was leading the horde of goblins towards us attack team while Jane was shooting them down sometimes up from top of a tree or behind bushes or sometimes suddenly appear at the back of us. Shadow movement sure is a handy small range teleportation skill.

As usual Prom was going all out with his heavenly fire blazing magical sword.

Even he seemed to be having fun while fighting with us together. They did tell us that heaven is quite a boring place like being locked up and watching from far. And if they have to give up some of the power and live for a few hundred years with us down here then it's only in their benefit. He too doesn't seem to be much motivated in saving the world. As it stands they think it's only the work of the title holder of a hero to do such a thing. For now until we haven't turned eighteen we can still enjoy our life here and not bound by the duties we are given to perform.

Within half an hour we wiped out an entire settlement and were now on our way to report the village chief of the success of this mission.

"Weren't the goblins a bit resilient and of higher levels than the usual." Objected Akane.

"It is possible that it could be effect of the high magical density in the surrounding area." Orpheus tried to come up with the most probable explanation.

"Doesn't that mean that the ruins are nearby?" Jane just now jumped from one of the trees and started following us.

"Well it doesn't matter if I get to level up and throw up some punches on those monsters." Marth was still fired up while plunging his hands in the air.

"If the ruins are nearby then we can ask the villagers who might have noticed something here since they would be better than us in knowing their way around. Let's go back now, the nights would be freezing." Even though its summer time, since we are in North the temperature changes drastically here. It seems that the seasons and weather change according to the wind currents in the hemisphere are approximately same as our previous world. Maybe we should stay the night in the village and then continue our journey tomorrow.

Since we are on an unknown adventure where we might end up astray, it's better to take rest when we can and travel in ideal conditions only. As a leader of this party it's my duty to keep everyone safe and look after their well-being.

"Hey Natsu why don't you pass me a leather jacket from the pocket storage, it's awfully cold already." says the God of Fire.

After hearing the news the village chief was shocked at first of hearing about the goblin settlement and at the same time glad that we had completed the quest.

As a thank you and a gesture of showing their utmost gratitude they gave us the best of stay service at night and since they had a good harvest of crops recently they threw us a big feast. The two girls were already tired and so resigned to bed just after the meal while Orpheus remained to sing a song for the village ladies. She seems to actually like to do these kinds of things as the goddess of music and poem. While we three left, remained there to celebrate with the booze. It was our only salvation in this freaking cold.

A person is considered adult in this world when they reach an age of 16 and is free to do anything like drinking wine. Marriages can be considered from the age of 14 already, too young to be paired up I think. As for you can join in the work force anywhere with an average age of 12. Well, it's obvious that in a magical world with monsters, people would prefer to be strong than intellectual academics when dying is a common fact in this world.

I hate to say this but killing in this world has no rules for both monsters and humans. The strong can always manipulate the weak masses. That's why I too have to do my best. Even though once Gods used to rule this land, and how majestically beautiful and magical it appears there is always the dark shadow of a coin which we should not neglect.

Next morning we woke up pretty soon, though Marth had a bit of trouble since he entered in a contest of who remains conscious after the drinking and he stood at the second place. Surprisingly the village chief who was the old man was the winner in the entire village. He must have a huge tension off his mind after the goblin termination since they will have now more land to plough without the fear of monsters.

According to the villagers a week ago there had been small movements in earth though not as devastating as an earthquake, that's how they described it. It seems that the ruins might be in straight west after a one day travel if we use one of the summoned beasts of Akane.

For half a day we traveled on an old cart which the villagers were more than happy to gift us. Because of the frequent colds the villagers are usually low on funds so we didn't force them with the money issue. As top class adventurers we have already more than in our pocket and if these kinds of small helps on a journey may count as small steps in saving the world.

At least that's what I think; I don't mind helping others as long as it doesn't put our lives in jeopardy and we can handle the problem.

It s a much better way of doing things than those of my classmates who were born as nobles and spends an extravagant life. They didn't even treat me as an equal now when I met them and was looking down upon us. The thought that noble's blood is pure and powerful might have plagued their minds or that's what I think. People sure do change, but maybe that's how their upbringing would be in this world. As nobles they need to command respect from commoners. From a democratic system to rule of a king or monarch, lifestyle and outlook of people obviously won't remain the same.

In a democracy, citizens always pays attention to the critics more than the policy making government itself, while in a monarchy or dukedom they would rather support the policies of the king without question. Well it has its own pros and cons but as long as the king thinks of its people's welfare and kingdom, the country would prosper in harmony. Even I don't know if I would change if I were born among these nobles.

As a born commoner – though my parents themselves are retired top class adventurers. And I did spend a nice childhood in this world raised with love and training in magic with mother and physical training with father. Nothing of regret to speak of and every wonderful thing an isekai life has to offer. While Prom helped me with controlling divine fire magic and he was the son of our neighbour from an esteemed merchant family.

Who would have known that the weather would take such a turn? There was suddenly snowfall and within moments snow had already covered the entire clayey road.

Marth was still driving the cart, as he is the only one in our party to be able to do this. At one corner, Jane was wiping her arrows and tightening the string of her bow with a level of concentration which I could never exert in my whole life.

I and Akane and the two Gods were discussing the plan of action and what we could actually find at our destination.

"What if we find a legendary violin that can match the magnificence of my singing." Orpheus as usual has only interest in being a songstress.

"How about a cold resistance jacket, I still feel chilly in this outfit." Prometheus is still not accustomed to the weather changes.

"Should the fire of God even complain about the cold." I might have sounded bit rhetoric.

"Human's body sure is an inconvenience. In a divine body in the first place you cannot feel temperature changes. But in a human body while taking a bath I get chills all the times."

"Then I think you are more close to a cat, Prometheus." Orpheus and all of us laughed when thinking about how a God has fallen to such a disgrace due to a winter's change.

"Well if anything it would be sad if we just find a desolate grassland like the last time isolated from this world." Akane was not that excited about this expedition like she was last time with the failed one where we ended up without any profit after fighting a long line of monsters. Though we leveled up quite a lot, not finding any treasure was a bummer.

"But wouldn't that be good, if it turns out to be a hidden land piece, then we can build a house there and live there together in the future."

"W-whattt??" Akane's voice shivered in the space.

"I see this is how they confess in human culture from your world." Wait what Prom is even saying.

"Kenchi sure has gotten so close to Akane recently it makes me feel jealous." Why is Orpheus blushing and shaking so much?

"Huh…..Ahhhhhh" I realised my mistake soon with how I have worded the whole thing in a hurry to cheer them up.

"I didn't mean it like that… it means…. I was just saying that if we could find a hidden land where no one can reach except us then we could use it as a secret base for ourselves."

"Well-lll I already know that. So just stop turning it into something big." Saying this Akane turned her face away. Now I have gone and made her angry, instead of making it fun. But the idea was not bad indeed…

"Of course it's not bad…."

"No Prom it's not like that… how can you…."

"What are you saying; it's quite entertaining seeing a young fiery love to blossom with passion and the heat of embarrassment."

"You have got a lot of fire in you, so just hand over the jacket." Akane rose up from her place, snatched off the jacket from Prometheus and went off to Jane to help with her work.

"Ahhh, Akane seeing you leave like that in future will make me sad, but you should try with coming more strong on him."

"It's not like that!! I have more important things to do at present." Akane shouted from inside the cart which might have even scared the nearby monsters.

"She didn't even try to refuse, that means in the future I will have to see her off as a bride pretty soon." Orpheus started rubbing her cheeks with her hands maybe to rub off the cold or the fact that she was getting excited just by the thoughts of a fall out future.

"Huhhh. Are you two really Gods; acting like that when we have such heavy responsibility on our shoulder."

"Relax… we came to the earth for the purpose of pure entertainment and travelling. So an adventurer's life is the best choice. The world itself gets peaceful the less you meddle with it. Don't you agree Orpheus? Tell him…"

"It's not like we don't want to save this world but unless we don't know of the worst, we can only try getting stronger in the meantime. The demons won't make a move unless a new true demon lord appears."

Both Prometheus and Orpheus sounded less convincing as each day passes by, which only makes me doubtful that all they wanted was to live a freeloader's life and let loose the stiffness that they had built up in their bodies.

As for the true demon lord's resurrection, it still is a mystery. After the true demon lord died during the Great War a new one should be granted the title pretty soon. But it has been more than two hundred years with not even a candidate appearing. Same goes for the true hero. As for us reincarnates none of us were born with the title of it. Though in this world there are people with title of heroes who usually work under the shackles of royalty and are aiming to become the true hero, but no one knows the exact path that leads to it.

One could even say that at present there is nothing that is endangering the world. Do we even get to save the world or will we have to live a so called 'slow life' in another world. Though it's not bad if it is even that, I am still happy adventuring with my party and more than content I am with my present life than the previous ones.

"Hey Ariella, it seems that your beast won't be moving any further." Marth shouted from the outside as the cart abruptly halted.

I wondered what the problem was since we just now crossed the small passageway between the two undersized mountains without any issue. Monster detection did not report any sighting neither from up the mountains where the most danger came from and nor the front.

Both I and Akane rose up from our seat and headed to where Marth was sitting outside. As I drew open the curtain a chilled wind threw itself inside and kicked out the warm air currents.

"Natsu… close the curtains or give me another jacket."

I payed no heed to the complaints of a nauseating God not because he was my partner now but because of the eye-catching view that presented to us on the outside of the rift. Huge pile of snow was racked up in front of us and then the vast deciduous forest which should have been green at this time of year now was covered in a white blanket. Under the scanty heat rays of sun which was not enough to melt the ice surface but reflect its cold light in our eyes.

"It's so beautiful and unwanted at the same time." Akane sounded to me a bit happy and dejected at the same time. But I think she wanted to appreciate the view but at the same time criticize it for being an obstacle in our journey and messing up with our schedule.

"Everyone come out, because of the snow we have to walk the mile now." I called out to everyone one.

"Can't you wait a bit?" Jane was still sitting and checking the balance of her bow.

"You should be almost done with your maintenance by now so what's the wait for." I was getting tired as if to pull out Prom from the cart was more than troubling enough like trying to pick up a slime between two sticks, because every time he would slip out from my grip.

At last Jane stepped out of the cart while Prom still seems to be complaining about the sudden change of weather to Orpheus who is probably listening with one ear and flushing it out with another. Now it almost feels like carrying a broken-recorder with us with a needle playing on the same circle, round and round.

If I would have known about a snowstorm which might have hit the area last night then I would have made more preparations with cold clothes and other travelling accessories and warm food.

"From here on we will be walking to the ruin. I will use fire magic to warm ourselves up while you should all put some blankets over yourself."

"We have to head straight towards north, following the path between the trees should do the job." Akane had already put the cart in the magic bag which was of high capacity value and worth quite a fortune. She was now passing the blanket from our emergency pouch to everyone.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While Marth does not have dimensional storage, mine and Akane's are quite small to store things like as huge as a cart. As for Jane she would only use it to store her arrows of which the number still remains unaccounted for till date and there is no room for negotiation about other items.

"Hey, Natsu let me get close." Prom was sticking to me to get the warmth of the air which I was releasing at regular short intervals while warming up the air around me and regulating and releasing it in spherical waves outwardly. And so others are trying to stick close to me and walking at their own pace.

"Why don't you use your own fire?" I tried to push him away saying this.

"I don't want to." He did not even flinch a bit and was adamant on not using his own store of magic. What a pain… usually during fights he would recklessly use magic to surround his entire body with fire and enter a fist fight with monster with no regard of his magical sword. But in cases like this he is not passionate at all and at the same time too lazy. These days I think I should just leave him at an old-age home. Maybe they will accept him if I told them that he is actually older than the age of ten old people added together that are living there.


Wait don't tell me he read my thoughts.

"Listen we are not alone…"

Just as I thought he can't read my mind but complains and compla….

"Everyone get ready we have company." As I issued out a warrant everyone took position. Orpheus, Akane drifted to the middle, while I, Prom and Marth formed a perimeter around them. Jane vanished and must have taken cover over trees already, elves are awesome.

I think I sense ten, no maybe fifteen and still growing. As we all wondered what kind of monster it is. Two white hound wolves leapt from one of the thickets but before they could reach us I struck them down with my whip. But it seems that one blow is not enough to kill them as I had to bring down another slash on them while they were writhing in pain. It felt more like torture and it did hurt me a bit to see them in pain, so I try my best to finish them in one go. But here the possibility seems to be dim and grotesque.

As the bugle of war had been announced one-sidedly by their howling and wolves numbered in group of five's attacked from every possible direction.

All of our hands were full in keeping them at bay. Orpheus was using body enhancement magic on us since confusing dog-type monsters takes time. Akane had summoned small fire bats which seems to be the weakness of these monsters. Marth and Prom's hands seem to be full with handling things on their own.

While I was staring at the larger wolf which give the impression of being the leader of this pack. It felt like I was a circus master with a whip trying to discipline and train the ungrateful animal that I just gave some meat to it in its prison, so act as I tell you to. Though I am myself glad that there are no animal protection rights in this world though the tamer guild do exercise and promote kind treatment of tamed beasts and summons.

I launched several blows at once as they produced fine cuts over its ligaments to slow down its movements. And yet I was having trouble to follow its movements. Even these cuts were not deep enough to deal any real damage.

While the other small wolf which were trying to stop me and defend the leader of the pack at the same time were being taken down by Jane's arrows. At first I had my reservations when she would shoot wind arrows around me without any pause and might have appeared haphazard but I know now that there is nothing to worry as her true aim is peerless.

As the leader of the monsters saw its brethren die in front of him one by one. It unleashed one of it skill attack. A huge snow storm headed in my direction.

"Flames that purify evil and burn thy enemy, fire shield." A wall of orange flames stood in between my team and the attack of the wolf.

Just as the storm was about to vanish, a huge shadow leapt over the fire wall, and its face appeared to be agitated when he saw no one around.

It was the wolf who thought would be able to ambush me after it saw that its attack failed and thought of using it as a blind cover now to take me by surprise when I would indefinitely wait for the fire wall to disperse on its own. But I think I am able to outwit him.

As I appeared in mid air near its body and taking out a small dagger from my back scabbard I slit its throat and fell near its corpse. Others too seems to be done and after a while when Jane came down from the tree it was confirmed that there were no monster nearby.

"That was unexpected, but now I feel warm. I don't need this jacket anymore." Prom threw the jacket on the ground mercilessly to which by now he was bidding his life on and clinging on tightly. Akane picked it up and put it back into the storage realizing that he would ask for it again pretty soon. She doesn't have to be so nice to him, just because he is a god. It would have been a different thing if he acted like one or showed signs of wisdom, but I don't care about his swinging mood now but more about the matter at the hand.

"Hey, Allen, why have we stopped moving? We have already kicked all of their butts haven't we? Don't tell me your feet are frozen by this early winter type." Marth said as he stood fearlessly without a thing covering his upper body, laughing the cold fog out of his mouth. Don't come crying to me after you catch a cold, you hear me.

"You are too muscle minded to understand." Jane passed her harsh criticism.

"What… if you have something for me then let's settle it right here." Marth seems to have a rematch with Jane after his 48th loss again. He is still not over with it. A martial artist is useless against a long range fighter if he fails to locate the enemy, why doesn't he understand such simple stuff. Yeah, I forgot he is muscle minded. So I need to explain to him.

"Marth I am trying to think whether it's safe to continue the journey or not."

"Huhh…What do you mean by that?" He seems to be confused.

"Meaning that someone set-up this attack."

"You think that someone is trying to stop us from reaching our destination." At least he gets that much.

"Or so it seems. See only the part of land where we are standing is cleared of snow before the fight began. Then that means someone prepared this ground for this specific fight to happen. And I can smell the monster attracting potion sprinkled here to lure them out." I would usually use those kinds of potions to call out monsters in large numbers and use wide scale fire magic on them to take them out at once. And it is quite a strong one at that.

"But why and who would try to do something like that. We did not cross paths with someone until now." Akane seems to be worried just as much as me. If we are unable to understand how this attacker is working and what its goals are then the path ahead could be set up with traps and more dangerous monsters which we might not be able to handle at once if we get tired.


"Magnificent. You did well in figuring that out pretty quick. So as a reward let me show myself to you before you all meet your pitiful ends." A voice resounded from a nearby tree mingled in the harsh cold weather.

All of our eyes turned in that direction and high above the ground there stood a person covered in tight black and red clothing and a hood hiding his face.

"Who are you and did you plan this attack." I shouted out to him. Well it was clearly obvious from the previous statement that he did it, but just for confirmation and to know his reasons for it before we duke it out of him by force.

"Hey, Allen is he the one who is trying to stop us mid-way and acting all cheeky now, is it fine if I make him spill the beans myself. A punch in the abdomen from me will probably push his organs out of this stickman." I really didn't like how Marth proposed the last sentence, but I know he actually didn't mean it of course because he is a muscle brain that's why… Oh! I need to….

Just in case I signaled Jane to take cover now while he is distracted by Marth. I still needed to keep my guard up, because this guy was confident enough to show up himself but at the same time was able to conceal his presence from all of us and also the fact he was watching us and could easily put up a surprise attack midway and harm us.

"Now then…" Marth got into his fighting stance and as he was about to close in the distance between them after charging his body with a huge amount of magic rush, he fell on his knees.


"Marth… why you…" I called out to Marth but he was already unconscious and fell on the ground after taking a punch from the stranger in his guts. It was strange for a magically augmented tough body of Marth to give out in one blow… I should have warned him too.

"Jane now…."

"I can't move… my shadow skill is not working Gahhh…. Damn it this has never happened." Jane was trying to pull herself away from something when I saw at her shadow and a card stuck in it. As the shape of the shadow formed irregular shapes my doubts heightened. Was the card the cause?

"…Don't tell me." I looked at the person in front of us and he was holding a similar pack of red cards crossing paths across each other in between his two hands.

"Why not play a card of games, but first let me rough them a bit." I could tell that this person was probably laughing under the hood but his intentions still remains unclear.

Suddenly a card crossed past my face forming a deep cut and as it approached Jane, a thick black smog covered her until it cleared out on itself I couldn't make out anything and approaching it without knowing what it was would only hamper us more. As the picture came in view Jane was now lying on the ground.

I could not even know that he threw the card at us until it grazed and left me with its stingy paper-cut pain. I wiped the little blood that oozed out with my hand and placed it near my whip just about on its handle.

"Jane… Jane…. You bastard." Everyone including me called out to her and Akane went to tend her and take a closer look.

"Why are you so angry when I just put her under sleep, so we can have a nice little reunion."

"Reunion…." I am sure I have never met this guy and the voice is still too unfamiliar for me. "What exactly do you mean by that."

"Wahhh! So boring…after meeting a long lost friend this is how you treat me." He started rubbing his hairs which was still covered by his hood.

"If you want the good treatment then act respectfully instead of hiding and ambushing us on our journey. A friend would never attack us like that. It's clear you are our enemy."

"I couldn't have even put it better myself, Natsu. So now we have declared where we stand let me introduce myself, I am Zander Lift and nice to meet you Kirigashi and my respects to the two Gods Prometheus and Orpheus." The attacker bowed in front of us, just the neck but I knew it was not out of respect but he was looking down on us.

"How do you know that… no if you are a reincarnate like us… then why attack your classmates."

"Didn't you yourself say now that we are enemies? So that's what we are. Sounds about right!"

"Enough chit-chat you two, if you know our status then you should be more respectful and instead of hiding your identity face us properly." Prometheus by now I could tell was furious enough with the passionate blaze of fire that his body was covered in. He was angry with two of his companions put out of commission by this guy and pitying us. He was going all out with the strength he was putting behind with each strike of his sword and quick speed.

But each time his sword was about to pierce its enemy it was met with a red colour long dagger. The hooded-guy did not even flinch or appeared to put up much effort to resist Prom's attack which made him more the furious.

"Ho-ho… you should try a bit harder if you want to even come close to me."

"Stop fooling around and fight seriously." Prom was going in full throttle as sparks produced from each strike met fell and melted the left-over snow on the ground.

"Then make me." These words were more than enough to aggravate Prom's stress which would later get converted into his flames. The angrier he becomes the stronger he gets. But it was clear by now, that the hood-guy was still playing and only making small moves with his dagger to slide the tip of the blade and put the swordplay of Prometheus off-terms. It was clear he had more combat experience than us. Appraisal was not working on him that means this guy was absolutely stronger than us, even though we were now above level 2000.

"You have bought enough time Prom, now get back…" It was clear Tom was trying to buy us some time to recover our magic reserves from the previous battle and prepare spells, while Akane succeeded in making a huge summoning circle with help of Orpheus.

"It's not done yet; I am going to teach this brat a lesson to not mess around with us…" Prom neglected my offer and was still on the offensive. Maybe I had wrong thoughts of him again.

"You idiot get back."

"Ya-hhhhhh…" As Prom led out a large bestial roar, huge fire waves formed a trail of flames behind him as he increased his speed at a tremendous rate and his sword clashing with the dagger, slid across it and went right for the face of the enemy.

"That was unexpected. Maybe I should take you a bit more seriously after all. But that was all you had in you."

No wonder, with that speed no enemy should have been able to dodge, but this guy made it sound so simple as he titled his neck in the last second with an inhuman agility and dodged the sword. But the force of the strike was strong enough to sent a stream of flames on him regardless and making the hood fall down on his shoulder, as his long red hairs flailed in the air and two thin red horns were protruding out of his head. His mask cracked with a chikkk… sound and finally crumbled and fell on the floor. A familiar face poured into my ears. Even his voice which was sounding still a bit distant, now was resounding the memories of this person in my mind.

He casually caught the tip of the sword without worrying about its sharpness which had no effect on his thick skin, and bringing it right in front of him, he started walking towards us, while Prom was being pushed back. It seems that he is burned out and reached his limit. If only he had listened to me rather working on impulse.

"You two are getting in between our reunion." This familiar voice no more had the softness in it that it used to convey. But it sounded so cold that even the winter wind felt a bit warmer.

"Akihiko, why are you doing all of this…" I said in a state of being unable to catch my own breath and frenzy.

"Took you long enough to realize, that it's me." So it's really him, and he is not denying the fact. But why him, why here of all places after he went missing…. For him to appear now like this. It doesn't make any sense.

"Natsu stay away from him, if he is one of the reincarnates he has already killed his God. I cannot sense an ounce of divine energy from him. Rather his mind has been corrupted with black miasma and he is bursting with it. It would appear that he has reached a level of resistance where my tricks won't work on him." Orpheus warned me as Akihiko was approaching me.

"Stay quite… stay put you two." Saying this a blast of magical aura I had never felt before was radiating out from Akihiko's body. Several card shaped projectiles started flying around him as they swiftly moved towards its target and taking Prometheus and Orpheus hostage he tucked them up high on the trees as the cards with unimaginable strength half pierced through the dry wood.

"Akihiko why are you.. Doing all of this.. stop…"

"Won't you rejoice meeting me again?"

"Don't mess with me." As I approached my comrades, two cards were now flying around their neck close enough to their skin to open a small opening and let out a small stream of blood. Suggesting me what can happen if I approach them without caring about the guest in front of me.

"Leave them alone they have done nothing to you… so why?" I shouted back at Akihiko.

"You ask why… because it disgusts me to see how you get along with your Gods. Acting all friendly with no care in this world. Going on long journeys like some kind of tourists and enjoying this damn wretched world." Akihiko though talked about how frustrated he was but like a maniac sounded exalted and disturbed at the same time.

"What happened to you? Tell me."

"So, you find me disgusting too. This appearance, me being close to a monster kin. Is that it?"

"…No, of course not… if it's you…"

"I knew it you were just like the others…. You find me repulsive."

"No matter what you say you are doing it all wrong. Give them back, otherwise…"

"That's right, the reason I came here for. If you do want them free then fight me otherwise I will be taking something precious away from you. HAAAHAA…"

"But I don't want to. Remember we are friends."

"You must be foolish to think that. But that naivety will only bring you suffering. In this world there are no friends if you want to live you need to be alone. If you want to be strong you have to be independent of others."

"Of course not, without my companions I wouldn't have come out here alone, without them I would not have made it this far. So stop hurting them."

"You know what, you are sounding more and more like those pathetic heroes who are about to meet their ends. This world really turned you into one of them. Maybe this falsified peaceful setting has put a damper in your brain. If you want your friends back you have to kill me for that."

"I see, I don't know what you are doing this for or someone is forcing you to do it. But I will stop you but I won't kill you until the real Akihiko shows himself."

"Whatever you say my friend?"

"Don't pretend to be my friend if you don't want to?"

Without any second delay, I was now standing behind him; I used fire burst in my body to move in an instant. I launched the tip of my whip on his back, but as it was about to crash on his body it landed on the ground instead leaving intricate cracks wherever it hit.

"You really were not holding back. That's the spirit."

I heard a sound from behind me, and to my horror he was quicker than me to do the same thing to me.

"…How did you?"

I felt my hands being touched by something icy but could not move myself, snatching the whip from my hand; he instantly charred it and threw it on the ground.

"What are you a kid, playing with soft weapons. You would need more than that to defeat me."

"Natsu use that…."

"Prom you are okay." I turned to Prom's voice and it seems that he is still tired after his super-fast attack.

"There's no time to talk. Use my divine energy and defeat that guy for us."

"Akane use my powers too, and use your unique skill to summon a magnificent beast. We are counting on you two." Orpheus called out to Akane and cheered us both.

Had it really come to a fight? Even though we are classmates, but if I don't do something about it, then my comrades will have to suffer the most and they are the most important person to me right now. Before that happens I will stop him, no matter if I end up hurting him a bit.

"Unique skill – Furnace Calor. Activate."

The next second I knew my whole body from inside out was engulfed in flames. My hairs, my eyes everything I could feel myself in was engulfed in fire and the energy exploding inside me was all aimed at defeating the person in front of me.

"That's more like it… use your full force and then despair while I show you how pointless your efforts have been."

"Shut up." As I moved forward with a punch towards his right shoulder, it was blocked by the mere force of a card he was holding in his hand. But it was just the start…

My true powers lied in my hand to hand physical combat which my father trained me in. The whip was only a weapon, just a means to an end. I had decided to end it by going all out.

I launched a kick at his abdomen but he blocked it with his hand. That strange feeling of an icy cold hand crept on my leg and I drifted a bit back.

The flames over my body turned a bit more dense and hotter than before. I went in for another round and this time with more speed and power behind my blows he was pushed back a little.

"I see as time passes your offense and defense both increases. Isn't that fun. I think it's time to distribute the cards."

That's right; my unique skill allows my body to behave just like a furnace which increases my physical abilities with thermal energy. As my unique skill remains active my body heats up and at the same time increases my body durability and the damage my each attack deals.

"Tell me Akihiko why are you doing this. Is someone forcing you, then we will help you, just tell us." I said to him as he caught one of my flying kick mid-air.

"Help me. Didn't I say I am independent. You see you are causing him trouble going around and exploring old ruins he has his eyes set on."

"Who is 'he'. Is he the person controlling you." I said to him as I flung in mid-air and released myself from his hold aiming for a double kick on his chin to make him lose his balance.

"Controlling me. It would be more like I am just interested in what Zero plans to do with this world." Akihiko gently moved back without making much movement. It's as if he can read my movements and where my next attack will happen.

"What do you mean by that? Who is Zero?" This name I have never heard it before. What has he to do with us and him? And why the ruins especially?

Hundreds of cards appeared in mid-air and made me its target. I projected heat energy from my body and created a barrier of pressurized heat. I thought this would work as I could not move away otherwise it would hit Akane and others. She was still in with the ritual forming a contract with the summoned beast. I need to hold out until then.

While most of them got initially burned but suddenly the cards started passing through the holes in the barriers the previous ones left and impaled me. A soaring pain made my whole body shake and left me immobilized now.

"Giving up already. I thought you were going to protect your comrades."

"Akihiko you were not like that. You would never hurt people you knew. So why now. Is it because of that guy you mentioned."

"My name is Zander now. And my weak self is all in the past now. No more better to say I abandoned it just like I was stripped of my humanity. Monster that's what he called me."

"No, you are not a monster. So please talk to me. Stop this useless fighting." I was desperate, because fighting an old friend is something I still couldn't accept.

"You are just a weakling, who ended up having peaceful good nights with the blessing of your gods. But me, he called me a monster and slaughtered my family."

What really happened between him and his God? What changed him so much? He is not like the friend I knew him from before.

"Even if something terrible happened to you. I am sorry I was not there to help you. But if we work together we can figure something out." I was slowly condensing the fire barrier strengthening it as his card attacks ceaselessly continued. But I still was being roughed up badly with several cuts all over my body; I had lost a lot of blood.

"Tell me, is this how you are going to save your comrades. I haven't even started trying and it is already getting boring. Maybe I should end it sooner and then look at your face."

"Stop spouting nonsense. I know you can't kill anyone. Before you were even afraid to see blood. So how can you change so much in so little time." I put all of my remaining magic into the shield and increasing its radius I pushed back all the cards at once. But with that I was only left with the divine energy which was being supplied to me by Prometheus. For all I knew I could only launch one attack.

"That's right. At first the mere sight of blood would make me vomit but now. I can kill and that too with peace in my mind. Tell me have you ever killed any of your classmates." Akihiko tone totally changed to something ecstatic as if he was talking about eating food or indulging into something fun.

"Why are you talking like that? What's your point?" this uneasiness inside me as I tried to gulp in the dried spit in my mouth.

"It's just as I said. Killing a classmate. Yumiko Furata was she. She is dead. We killed her while she begged for her life."

The air cleared out, the smoke receded and the heat condensed as water vapour on the icy surface of the woods.

But both of my and Akane faces' were frozen cold. As if something hard had hit us that we couldn't release our voice. What is he talking about? Killing your own classmate. People whom you once knew, from your own world. This isn't a joke; you can't joke about killing a human.

"You must be thinking that how can I kill a classmate, a human. But can't you see I am not a human myself. This world identifies me as a savage monster; wherever I go I will be hunted. So to make a place for myself, I have to wipe out those who cannot accept our survival."

"You are lyinggggg…. She is not dead. Silver Dragon lay waste to that enemy. Slaughter him." Akane cried and shouted at the same time as tears fell down from her face.

She and Yumiko were good friends back at school. But in this world when she met with her as a noble princess form a country in south east she acted awfully cold. But Akane did not mind, she thought it was okay as long as she could had a good life. She still considered her a good friend.

But the news of her death must have hit her hard; no for me too it was something unacceptable. We were all handed down a mission together so why kill each other.

Even so Yumiko, how could she be killed and when. She too had a unique skill just like us. Absolute Magic Field. It allowed her to negate magic and counterattack or reverse it and even block a physical attack by a shield which her goddess had put on her. Something impenetrable and a power as untouchable like that, how could she be killed. Unless they tried to ambush her in that case her unique skill won't register it as an attack if Yumiko can't perceive it or they did something to her Goddess beforehand and then killed her.

"You are a liar. Stop spouting nonsense. All of my friends are alive and you cannot harm them. I will stop you. Silver Dragon finish him."

Yes that's right. For all we know at present we cannot trust Akihiko words. We don't even know whether he is an impostor but it's most unlikely. Even so if anyone can do something about it in the present then it's going to be us.

"Akane hold him, I think it would be best for us to work together and stop us."

"Yes…" she was holding in her tears pretty well. She had not given up and so won't I.

The silver dragon she summoned from her unique skill Beast Symphony allowed her to summon a heavenly beast. And it would be almost impossible to defeat it for Akihiko and after that we just need to restrain him.

"A heavenly dragon huh… that's pretty rare. I wonder how its meat tastes. The elder dragons where I used to live had a tough meat but they were considered a delicacy there."

"Raggggghhhhhh…" The silver dragon led out a huge roar, its scales silver and its eyes glinting a majestic gold. It was as if it understood the taunt of the man and did not need to be described what to do with him.

Every time the dragon flapped its wings, an unbelievably powerful gust of wind blew past the surrounding area. The trees shaking as if they could get uprooted anytime, I was glad we were not on some snow mountain to be swept away by a snow slide. The surprising thing was that, Akihiko did not look a bit concerned but excited to face the dragon, even the strong wind attacks of the dragon did not move him an inch from his original position. No wonder it's a heavenly beast with its majestic and the overwhelming pressure it exuded was far greater than any monsters we had ever faced. I would never like to fight an opponent like that without making preparations and would avoid it if I could make a choice.

"Maybe I should take this a bit seriously. Unique skill - Card World. Activate."

Just as Akihiko activated his unique skill a red aura engulfed him and then dispersed running amok in the surrounding. What bothered me was that I could feel it's overwhelming strength and hatred for us at the same time.

Several huge cards appeared in front of him as it formed into shape of steps reaching all the way to the dragon. The dragon sensing the approaching danger opened its mouth wide, revealing its saw like teeth, a massive amount of magical powers started collecting near its mouth and it turned into a huge jet-ray silver beam.

Akihiko did not stop moving or try to change his trajectory to avoid the focused attack, but climbing higher on his step cards he brandished his hand and the ray of beam turned into cards which started raining on the ground and disperse into shining droplets – like water.

I could sense him focusing his magical aura in his right leg… what was he going to do…just before the thought crossed my mind I led out a squeal of astonishment.

"No way…" Akane followed my astonishment.

Akihiko just now kicked the dragon on its lower jaw causing an intense shock wave which rippled out from the point of contact.

The beast cried in anguish and was sent several meters away from its original position.

This time the dragon furious it moved its paws to launch wind attacks and let out streams of lava jets from its mouth. Akihiko dodged all of them using shadow movement skill, I could tell because Jane uses it too. But it was on another level, the shadows were discontinuous and that too in mid-air. He was using the shadows that formed over his own cards as an original point and the card underneath it as the exit point.

One could describe as the situation being explosive and as those heavy attacks landed for which would have usually left huge craters on earth or the wind claws that would have bisected all the trees and grounds into half, all were turned into cards.

"What kind of unique skill is that? Is this some kind of illusionary world."

"I don't think so… it is too real to be an illusion."

"Shhhh. We can't even figure out his unique skill. If we don't do something sooner..." But still we had hopes on our dragon and to some extent we were bidding our safety on it.

"Useless beast. Trying to ruin my shadow coat. It's pretty much getting late. I am going to end this business now." Saying that, all the cards that were now lying on the surface started rotating in circular waves around him. The numbers as if exponentially quintupled every time you looked at them.

"Flame hell of the jack." The cards suddenly started burning in a pink flame they started rotating around him gaining momentum with each rotation. The small procession within a matter of few seconds turned into a raging firestorm of cards and all we could do was look at it clashing with the huge sturdy body of the dragon as it got ripped into shreds.


The dragon fell at a high speed on the ground like a meteor leaving a huge crater which gave an example of its inexplicable mass. And yet those paper cards annihilated it in a blink of an eye.

Akihiko stood laughing there as we were frustrated and tensed up at the same time. Because we were going to be his next target. What was he eventually going to do with us?

Akane was almost flat on the ground with all her magic powers exhausted in that summoning, she could not perform a new one. Even if Orpheus supplied her with more divine energy she needed to have her own amount of MP to support its existence in this world. At present only one was her limit.

This time I was the one who needed to do something. Something that could save us all from this crisis. But what…

"Now then which one of you is first willing to suffer an insufferable death, or should I start with your gods or put your so called comrades out of misery first." Akihiko was pointing his dagger at us again. He was bold with his words with no hesitation whatsoever and firm in his stance.

Was he really going to kill us? An old friend. From the time I had known him… just an ordinary guy…. How did it turn like this? I thought it would be a good redo life for everyone. So why does he look so hurt?

"Akihiko tell me is this what you really want. Would killing us really satisfy you." I questioned him.

"No matter how many times you ask me, my answer won't change. This world disgusts me and I am going to change it according to my wish."

"Does something like that could really be done?"

"Of course we would have enough power pretty soon. We will destroy this world, put it in turmoil, conflicts and wars would be all around. And then we would finally seize all the power for ourselves."

"Something absurd like that many have thought but never succeeded." Prometheus he was still conscious. And it seems that Orpheus has regained her strength too.

"You God's run your mouths a lot. Maybe your supremacy and commandments have gone into your head. So it's rightful for me to put you in your place. So how about this."

Two colourless crystal stones materialized in Akihiko's hands as he put them on display to show us properly.

Wait what's so special about them, they look so ordinary and I can sense no power inside them whatsoever.

"Why you have those… they were supposed to be all gone."

"Oh, so you do know what they are… huh so you can realize what I am going to use them for." Akihiko gave a stern look at Prometheus whom I first time saw back down or looked afraid of something.

"Akane and Natsu get away from here. Those Pectus Teneo stones are absolutely dangerous to even us Gods and if used on humans it would kill them. Run away…."

"Ah! So you do realize what they are, but these are now called Origin Stones and they have been greatly improved after the Great War, or so I have been told."

"Akihiko what are you planning to do with them. There's still time we can fix it all. Everything will return back to how it was just talk to me."

"Yes, Totsuka, talk to us we are willing to help you." Akane supported my words and it seems that she really meant it.

"Help me… you cannot help someone being this weak yourself. Things can never return back to how they were. There is no point in talking. You should enjoy your last moments and say farewell to each other it won't be long we would create a new world where those things will never happen to us again. This is the path I chose and the only way to do it. Those gods, they betrayed our trusts and pushed us into something of a mess because they themselves can't figure it out. I know why don't you join us and I will let you two live. I would save you from their falsified so called protection in name only when all they just do is sit and watch and only act with their mighty power when it suits them the best."

"I would never join your side where there is no place for all of my comrades."

"If that's so then I will snatch those comrades away from you." Akihiko threw those stones in mid air and chanting a small code a bright light unleashed from inside blinded us. The moment we opened our eyes we saw a colourful aura being drained out of Prometheus and Orpheus into the crystals. After a minute when even if I tried I couldn't get closer to that dense magical aura and was always repelled dismally.

"It's useless. You are too weak to stop with what is happening in front of you." The then coulourless and now shining stones fell into his hands.

"Prom. Prom. Why aren't you answering?"

"Orpheus. Orpheus say something."

Both of them were unconscious and didn't answer no matter how long we called out to them. Something heavy struck my chest when I couldn't sense any power coming from them. It was almost as if they had no life inside.

"What did you do to them?"

Waving me the stones, he answered, "You see these stones snatch every ounce of the divine energy these gods have and make them even fragile than humans. See how carefree they are sleeping and wouldn't even know when I would have killed them."

"Akihiko you have gone too far with this. I will stop you right here and now."

"But if I kill you before, then that won't happen now would it."

"Kill. Kill. Kill. That's all you have been speaking of since we met. I always think of you as a friend and even now I want you to be my friend. I still want to hold on to the fact that you are the same person who was back then so kind that he would never hurt anyone. Because no one could better understand what real pain meant that time. So stop hurting me and my friend and wake up."

I could feel a huge energy swelling inside me. Was it my frustration? My magic reserves are already null. But this strange energy dwelling inside of me. I could tell it was Prom's power stacking up inside of me now, so even now that his protection is gone for the moment he helped me out turns out to be like this. I could sense my own energy mixing into this strange sensational chaotic energy. My life force SP parameter depleting at a tremendous rate.

"Natsu…" Akane called out to me as if she too realized my awakening.

While when I saw Akihiko he was tearing apart his hairs. That stupid old friend of mine, I knew he was still the same crybaby like back then always confused about what to do. So I will stop you with my own hands and make you atone for your sins for hurting my friends.

As I compressed all of my energy swelling inside into my fist I brought them into my right hand and concentrating it near my palm and supporting it with my left hand I pulled my arm in front from my back and a huge gigantic waves of blue flame rising as high as to touch the sky launched out from my palms.

'Why, why it suddenly hurts so much. What a joke? I can't hurt someone what does he know? How can a happy guy like him know about real pain? How does it feel to lose everything in your life in an instant by the same people you put your trust into. Always acting the good guy who tried to support me in my hard times when everyone avoided me like I was some sort of criminal. I was fine with everything a minute ago so why does it feel so strange now. Huh... this surge in energy… Natsu you…" before Akihiko could continue his thoughts in the previous beat the huge blue flames engulfed him.

"Is it over…" Akane said trying to look through all the smoke with almost zero invisibility.

I fell on the ground, but Akane caught me as we both twitched our eyes in search of a common person. But suddenly my attention went to my status screen where a new title message was displayed.


The smoke passively cleared out and a dark shadow stood out in between.

The forest in my front had been totally obliterated while my behind one was still intact. Everything in front was erased out of existence as far as I could look.

"Was that really me…" did I really do this. How did I get this strong?

The pressure of the flames had gouged out part of the land and incinerated the entire spot. Steam still coming out of the scorched parts, the half-burnt grass under the snow and the trees still covered in a heated orange lining.

It was a sight so absurd that it had to be a dream or a hallucination. And yet to our surprise and devastated looks a huge black ball stood in between half broken and half burnt.

This ball was made of black cards which were radiating a much stronger aura than the previous cards we had seen before. And inside that sphere was a man standing facing opposite to us. It was though expected and yet surprising to find Akihiko standing there with few burnt marks and tattered clothes.

He put on his hood back, "This time I am leaving you with a warning just like we gave to the others but if you stood again in our way next time I am definitely going to kill you."

Saying that he with his deck of black cards mingled with its own shadow, his presence extinguished from the surrounding.

"Damn it. I couldn't do anything." I repeatedly kept on punching the ground even though my burnt hands from the blast were still being recovered by the healing magic of Akane.

"Hey, Natsu do you really think Yumiko is dead. Will the same happen to us?"

"I don't really know. We will need to contact others and find ourselves. As for us next time we meet I am definitely going to defeat them."

'Them' specifically because now I definitely knew that he was not alone in this mess. Some strong and dirty power is at play which must be stopped at all costs. And it would seem that other missing classmates from the start might have been a part of it. Or maybe I am thinking too much into it. We needed to find our missing classmates and ensure their safety, if they were going to end like that.

"Stop crying I am sure we are going to be fine, let's put down these two hanging from the trees down first, otherwise they would start complaining anytime soon about how we forgot about them."

"hahaaa…Right." She wiped her tears and did as I said to her. I pulled out the cards from the trunk and detached them as she casted healing magic on them, but it seems to have no effect. According to Akihiko they are in deep sleep, and so it seems with their condition that it's true.

But for how long? Since we have been together this has never happened to us before to end up in a dire state… how are we going to defend this world if we are so easy to beat like this.

But when I think about it, we were asked to save the world. But we were never specified the way we could chose to do it. Or how the saved world would be envisioned. According to what the common folk of this people imagine, the imperial kings who rule the countries, or the person who puts his life on the line to save it?

In my previous life I would always worry about weekly tests and school homework but now this so amazing fantasy world did not appear to be so bright and happy to me. If that is the path some of my classmate chose to bring the world to its destruction and make a restart, I wonder what I will chose to do if given a choice. To stand idle, fight against those strong enemies who were once my classmates or abandon my ideals and stand alongside them just to save myself?

Suddenly I felt something heavy and looking back, Akane was pulling my shirt; she looked dejected and heart-broken more than ever.

"Hey, what should we do now? Is it really safe to keep on going like this?"

Yeah, that's right. I need to keep my comrades safe, my new family, the god I contracted with and my party members. For that reason alone…

"Next time we face those guys we would be definitely stronger to make it out alive without depending on someone's mercy. So let's keep adventuring together."

"Yeah… you are right."

"Hey you two how long are you planning to keep flirting like that. It's getting harder and harder to play dead here." Marth was awake, but his comment seems to have scared Akane and ruined the mood and the emotional scene of a script it should have been.

"How long it had been since I was out?" Jane was up too now.

They did not question us anymore about the attacker but helped us set-up a camp and take care of Prom and Orpheus and keep their bodies warm. We didn't know how long it would take them to wake up. Their statuses showed almost no recovery in their stats, which was concerning but they were not dead. Only our connection to them had been severed, which we could feel by the missing amount of divine energy flowing in us.

After a while we tried to explain what the attacker wanted for us to leave for and so we decided it was better to back off with our dread condition and travel back to the capital city in search for their treatment and maybe some new gear and clothes should be added to the list too.

The atmosphere was still grim after such a terrible loss but we still hadn't given up hope and the spirit of adventuring still burns brightly within us.

////////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE /////////////////



AGE : 16


LEVEL : 2500

HP : 15000

MP : 10000

SP : 7000








AGE : 16


LEVEL : 2000

HP : 9000

MP : 15000

SP : 6000








AGE : 17 RACE : HUMAN LEVEL : 2200

HP : 9900 MP : 10000 SP : 6500






AGE : 17 RACE : ELF LEVEL : 2300

HP : 10000 MP : 14000 SP : 5000





AGE : 17


LEVEL : 3000

HP : 20000

MP : 25000

SP : 24000







Till now I have published from volume one to volume three for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 4 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating.

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Even a little amount helps. I hope that you enjoy my work from now on and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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