Chapter 39 - CHAPTER - 5 : AND EVIL FOR EVIL



"Damn it. Why?" I struck on the wall of the frozen cave where every inch of the wall was covered in deep white ice which by time had forgotten to melt on its own.

"Why couldn't I finish them, it was much easier with my other classmates or rather it felt fulfilling that time. Even if I had made up my mind. Is it because I still considered him a good friend of mine, but that's all in the past now and this life is totally different. Doesn't matter next time for sure…" I said to myself as I tread down faster, the stairs of this ruin which I found deep inside the snowy mountain hidden by a magic illusionary barrier just as he told me and gets wider and wider after every turn I took delving deep underground. The deeper I went the darker and colder it became.

But this only made sure for me that I was in the correct ruins, I couldn't have allowed them to roam here like pests after all and discover the secrets behind it.

Before I reincarnated in this world I thought I would get a totally new life to live, different from the previous ones. For me it was like a delete button of my pale history. I also considered it a gesture of God for my salvation from the hell I was living in.

My classmates used to consider me some short of criminal, as if I had murdered someone and came running to school. Everyone gave me a scornful look as they passed me if they knew all of secret. And if someone didn't know then the others would make sure to tell them. People are rather quick to splash dirt on others. No one likes cleaning their own mess and someone other's is considered a taboo.

But he was different, Natsu he grabbed my hand and asked me to join his basketball club. At first I stared at him, wondered why he was doing this. Did he want to stomp on me just like others did and make fun? If that's what he really wants then let him have it. I didn't care about my life anymore, neither about my self-respect. All was lost on that day…

My father murdered his own friend from whom he had taken a huge loan and always refused to return it. My mother had left me after a year I had been born. I don't remember her and father threw away all of her pictures and things of memory.

I was always kept in the dark. Father used to always say to me that how he was the only one I could depend on in my life. I have no one else to ask for help and even if I asked no one would help me. That's how he would always keep me indoors, on daily basis he would used to come home drunk and destroy all the house wares. And on certain weeks time when he would be frustrated he would slap me and go to sleep. Later in the morning he would ask for my forgiveness and say that he loved me.

Maybe that's how my upbringing mostly has been or that's what mostly kept me sane and going.

Maybe that's how he kept me caged all this time. Or, that was his own way of not letting me go because he loved me.

Day after day, as I grew up, his demeanour towards me changed. He would start complaining about how I have been an inconvenience to him this whole time and I am only alive because of him. The maniacal love he would shower on me was now turning into something disgustingly dark. Jealousy. That's how I would word it.

He was jealous of me. Because he thought I had him.

'Because I would never leave my son alone. But my wife left me even though I loved her. It's your fault. It was just after you were born…' Maybe that's how my father felt.

Someday attacking me with a kitchen utensil for dropping eggs, or make me stuff stale vegetables raw because I forgot to take proper care of them. Slowly when did these little things turned into me being beaten for no reason even I don't know. I was always at home alone and even at school my father told me to never talk to someone. So, I never knew how one would describe my situation.

The environment of the house soon started changing when all kinds of hoodlum looking guys who would talk vulgar all day started coming regularly to my house with my drunkard father. Then there were those who started knocking on the doors asking for their borrowed money y which my father lost in gambling.

Whenever I told him to stop gamble, he would start beating me again telling that I was only able to eat everyday meal because he has been working hard. But all day I saw him resting at home, coming late at nights all drunk and then the usual unjustified beating on regular basis and the morning forgiveness. It turned into a routine. The bandages near my abdomen would usually hide the bruises and the back which was scarred with red marks which by now had become permanent.

My self was disappearing and I was slowly getting adapted to all of this too just like the previous old times. But then he started bringing women in the house and the same kind of hoodlums guys started staying at home.

But one thing never changed.

He kept on beating me even in front of them.

Calling me a pitiful kid who was abandoned by his own cruel mother and he was the only one who took care of me. That's how my father usually described me in front of his friends.

When I tried to say something, he would call it business work and make me shut up. Slowly the things in the house started vanishing too, and he would blame me in front of his friends for stealing and making me naked and beating me to his heart desires. Even if I cried and told him that the one who were stealing were his so called friends he wouldn't listen.

"You are just a cheater and liar like your mother. I hate you just like I did your mother. If only you would have disappeared along with her, it would have given me back my freedom."

Then he kicked me.

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault." Shouting at me like that he threw chairs at me and then came his belt raining down on my back.

That was the first time I did not cry when I was being beaten because I knew now my voice won't reach to anyone. That morning after he asked me for forgiveness that was the first time I turned away and in return I got slapped for not obeying him.

I was abandoned. He said it himself that he hated me. My mother hated me. My father hated me. And then there was no one else. There is no point to care about them. The only one who cares about me is me alone.

Then one day, a man in black suit came and my father welcomed him properly. He brought in drinks and speaking politely to him, though I could tell that the black suit guy was getting frustrated by each passing second. From inside my father called me and started beating me again in front of that guy.

"It's this child fault. He tore up all the money you gave me. See how I put him in his place and punish him for you." Father took out his belt as usual and started throwing blows on my naked back where the skin was red instead of the normal peach.

The man got scared and started shouting to stop but my father continued.

"You are lying, stop putting the fault on your son and beating him."

I did not pay heed to the pain soaring in my back but the voice of a man who was asking to stop hurting me. This was for the first time someone asked my father to stop what he had been doing for years. Others would usually smile back at me and tell me to be a good son or sometimes would lend my father a hand or new ways of correcting and disciplining me and take control over me. That's how they justified the burn on my left palm to use the candles on the cake they brought for themselves to celebrate for.

Seeing that the man did not follow up with his tactic, he threw me out of the room. After a long heated exchange. There were crashing of two bottles and the sound of the tables being flipped.

"Ak…Akihi.ko…. quickly come here. Help me…"

I quietly opened the door and seeing the inside horrible scene I puked. There was blood everywhere shards of sharp strong glass pieces scattered around. Half of the bottle slid in the throat of the black suit guy and his eyes rolled up. His body and suit soaking in a pool of blood still gushing out of his throat.

And from under the turned table I could hear deep hurried breaths of a man calling out for help in his feeble voice.

That was my father calling out my name.

"Akhiko you damn child… I know you are ther… help your papa he loves you so help him… call the ambulance."

I went closer to take a look at the person, and another bottle was fixed in his body where is stomach should have been. With the pain and his legs crushed under the table he couldn't move otherwise the blood would pour out of the wound.

If I called the ambulance, probably he would be saved. But I waited. I stared at him.

"You monster… call for help…. Help your father."

His voice sky-rocketed as pain was taking over his consciousness. My ears were hurting with his voice. Calling me his son and a monster at the same time. Saying that he loves and some day that he hates me. Which one it is. His harsh voice, the blood all around here, the stink of death from the man who was asking my father to stop beating was making my senses go bleak.

"It's so unfair…. Unfair…"

I wondered will everything become normal if all of these things vanished. What if I really disappear from in front of his eyes? Thinking that I pushed one of the glass pieces fallen on the floor inside the man's neck while he looked at me with a grim look and eyes as red as blood itself was pouring out of it. When I thought the voices stopped I closed down his eyelids and went and slept in the bedroom.

Next day the police came and sealed my house, they took me in custody and took my testimony. They said that they found my fingerprints on the bottles including my dad and the black suit guy.

I just said that I carried the bottles in the room and they let me go. This all happened when I was in middle school. After a year I decided to change schools under the care of a far-away relative. And maybe this information somehow spread in the high school on the first day that my father was a killer. All kind of rumours started exploding, how my father was a bad guy, how I am not fit to be in such a good environment, or how I could be an accomplice in my father's dealing, or the act that I could have spent the last year of my life in jail and was hiding things.

For two weeks things went on the same and I did not mind the rumours. I didn't know them and they didn't know me. They didn't try me and I didn't let them try me. But one of them still kept on insisting how I should join the basketball club because of low members. His continuous pestering got me and I went with the flow. For a month I watched. The next day just like he grabbed my hand and brought me to the club, he took me to the court. For the next two months I played. And when I realized I was already surrounded by other basketball club members who admired my talent in it.

"I knew this guy had in it. Akihiko get ready for the next round."

"Yeah." I replied to Natsu the person, who turned my life upside down. But I was liking this change. Maybe he was my best friend and I still did not know whether he felt the same about me. And I never wanted him to be bothered with the question.

For the first time I thought he could be the one to accept me even if I explained him the one who silenced my father forever was me. He just might be the only who could have understood my situation back then.

But after the summer vacation everything changed when we got held up in the bus accident, then a tour to heaven and finally reincarnate into a new world.

We were told that we would get our new forms according to our personality and nature affinity.

I was born in a humanoid monster tribe – Red Demon Clan. We were living on an island all in the extreme west of the map and surrounded by the fog. According to my father who was the tribe chief we lost the war and our place in this world. But this world unlike any other had magic, a new loving mom and a caring father from birth as I saw them take care of me. I did not care whether they were monster or I was a monster hybrid. We never came in contact with other species with the fact that how isolated we were with the help of illusionary fog which kept strangers away and prevent them from visiting this island.

Though I could not find my God in contract- Loki anywhere. So I waited for him.

On this island you had to hunt and eat dangerous beast. But when I went on my first hunting trip I saw blood and started puking, was it the trauma from my previous life as I froze still and lost consciousness. My father did not mind and instead told me to wait for some more years to stay away from hunting and try again later on.

Things were peaceful, I would play with village children, train in everyday magic taught by mother and later learn fighting with father. I never know why train in fighting but he told me that as the son of tribe chief it was a necessity.

And I did my best and my father would usually praise me for being so talented in whatever I did. Well I would say it was thanks to the stat boosts which we got form all of our respective gods and then there was my unique skill with which I used to show magic tricks to my friends and village children back from my world.

They would still get amazed by such a simple trick to cut half a body or predict a card calling or separating thumbs. They started calling me by all sorts of name like 'priest' or 'prophet' or 'master.' And swearing loyalty to my glory and other crazy weird ritual things of a medieval fantasy world.

Nothing was amiss, when one day a huge battle ship similar to which I once saw in a pirate movies came sailing in.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly my body felt a chill as a rush of energy made my body heavy and restless with bursting magic powers. It was my god in contract, because I felt the same when he made a contract with me.

That day I was off in the mountains practicing the powers of my unique skill. I was unsure of its real uses but I think I was learning to use it both offensively and for defensive purposes.

I could hear a massive sound of a giant horn and tried to chase the voice hurriedly as if to welcome him. Now I could set off on a journey with him. I always wanted to get out of this island and see this new magical world, though I have to leave the village for that, it will surely make me sad. But I think I would keep returning here sometimes.



Huge explosions with flames and large black clouds of smokes rising high up in the sky were visible to me.

Is it some kind of firework display for welcoming, but why is it coming from the village.

I hurried my steps as I ran into one of the villager lying on the ground. I thought it was not safe and good for health to sleep in the middle of road, so I wanted to wake him up. On pushing his back…

"Hey, wake up mister? Or the ants will surely nest in your ears!"

The body flipped without much effort, which shouldn't be possible with our sturdy built as a huge bloodstain covered his brown rags.

He was already dead and forever asleep. A body as peaceful as I had seen before that makes no noise that would discomfort anyone. I could feel a gaping sword wound in his chest.

"Wahhhh…" I puked disgusted by the very sight. This order of quietness was making me sick.

'The village…' I thought as I ran towards it.

"Kho…khoo…" the burning dust, smell of fumes have mingled deep into the air itself which made me feel choked. As one who has been living in such bounty of nature, it reminded me of how polluted the air was in the city.

"Why… How did this happen? Hey you…. You there …anyone…. Help me…." I led out large shouts tears pouring down my eyes heavily. As a destroyed village came into my view. The burnt and ripped apart houses released long trials of smoke into the air. The burnt smell of ash, the smell of fresh blood – it all reminded me of death.

Several bodies lying on ground, covered in blood. When did this all happen, I was just gone for a while. Who did this?

The same thoughts curling up in my mind, I ran through the streets, whoever did it did not spare even the children and women as their lifeless bodies lay on the floor.

I was almost at the centre of village which was under the cover of a huge magical tree which is said to be the source of magic on this island and the thing that maintained the illusionary fog on the outside.

"Father…." I led out a scream as I saw a man in a golden armour suit thrust a sword into his neck.

"No… No…No… why?" I fell on the ground unable to think anymore.

"I see you are finally here. I have been asking all of these people about you but they never opened their mouth. It helps that you yourself came running. You see I had been worried sick about you." The person smiled at me as he wiped a small bloodstain from his cheek, he looked disgusted by the thought of blood smudging on his skin.

'Who is this person? Why is he talking like that he knows me? Why did he do all of this?' there were so many questions that I wanted to know the answers from but I was trembling on the floor. Unable to speak. Unable to move.

The man came closer to me, brandishing his sword.

No… don't come close. Don't hurt me.

He smiled again… as if wishing me to move on a happy journey.

I don't want to die. Don't kill me. Please save me someone. Anyone help me. My friends from before. The God who contracted with me. Someone…

The light of the sword running past across my eyes, when blood splattered all over my face. It was not my blood. Not the blood of person standing in front of me. But the blood of the one who protected me.

I felt the coldness of the blade impaling the warmest of all hearts.

"Mom… stop… no… mom…" As mother fell on the ground a large wound opened inside of her.

"Run away, ZANDER… LIVE… Your mother loves you… so do what she says." Her pupils shook with the tears as her body slowly lost its strength. The soft voice pierced my ears and at that time I felt like waking up from a dream.

My pain was gone. My heart was not aching anymore. It was not racing anymore. It felt more at peace, maybe it was broken or had stopped moving.

"You monsters sure are resilient being… well I will finish it in the next blow for sure."


I realized one thing did not change - my ears weren't hurting but they were itching. Itching so harshly because I wanted to hear the screams of the people who tried to slaughter my people, the family I loved and wanted to spend my life with.

"So you can speak after all. So do you realize now who I am?" The man in the golden armour holding the bloody sword was still smiling right at me.

"Cut that smile from your face…"

"Hey, come again. Why would I. after all I am doing a good job by wiping out trash. These all here are monsters. So we can slaughter them for the benefit of this world. After all this is all to make this world a much better and cleaner place."

"Clean… trash… aren't you the trash here."

"You are calling your God Loki trash. Who gave you this power? Know your place fool. Your mere sight disgusts me. Even though you were weak, I had to form a contract with you because our magical wavelengths resonated effectively. So I thought to make do with you. But you being born a monster is such a disgrace to my honour, that I need to kill you and wipe out all the evidences of your existence. After this I would triumphantly return to my domain claiming your heads HAAAHHAA. Are you feeling sorry for yourself."

Deep down when for the first time I saw him I knew he was my God in contract, Loki and now he also told me the reason why he destroyed my family. Because he hated me. Is that the reason why my family was killed. No, it's these people fault. Fault of the people of this world that couldn't accept that passion of monsters. We are not mindless. We did not try to kill someone. Living peacefully here, just so we don't disturb others life, they came chasing after us claiming that we are the evil.

I feel so sad for them and pathetic myself. Taking it all so easy. So this is the world where such kinds of people live, that I had to save. No, I think I know now.

Why I was reincarnated in this world!!!

I needed to save this world from such kind of people. As if time had stopped moving for me. I was losing consciousness. My mind felt heavy, as if it would burst with the blood gathering inside. So why don't I let it out.

A red status message appeared in front of me but I think I did not wanted to be bothered by it.
















"What the hell is this… shut up…" but for some reason my body started feeling light and ever stronger than before.

"You… swine… what did you do to me. How can you cancel a God's covenant all on your own? This is absurd. It doesn't matter, I am going to finish and sever all the bonds that I ever shared with a monster like you. You should be proud that to slay an evil monster a God himself showed up to kill you. Die with the regret that this is all your fault, that because you existed in this world all these people had to die."

I did not reply then. But in that instant I quickly rose up from my place, and grabbed the man by neck, tightly clutching it between my fist. It was just a thought, but my body acted on its own.

Loki's face paled and was now drenched in white as if life itself was being sucked out of him.



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"What did you do to me? What are all of you looking at me attack him this is my order."

I felt stronger by every second as the power within me growing at an exponential rate, my red hairs became longer, my body became more mature and muscular and my short horns became much longer. Is this some kind of transformation? It hurts a little… but the sensation felt like a bliss. It felt like I could do anything in this world.

"Card World. Activate."

Hundreds of cards appeared around me as the original red colour turned into black and radiating an intimidating black aura, I did not care because they felt a thousand times stronger than before.

As they were launched at the other soldiers, their flesh sliced into thin pieces and blood splattered on the ground to the extent of forming a small pound.

Some tried to run.

"Hey, shouldn't they be unable to use magic except for us."

"You think that the force field has stopped working… Ahhh…"

"There's no escaping it." I smiled as I gouged out each of their flesh and hearts with my severing card attacks. It was fun, making them remind the same pain and anguish my people would have felt.

"You, you stole my God's power. How did you? You turned into a real monster after all. Your humanity was just a clothing. That' the real you. Rejoice because your hands are stained in blood."

I looked at my hands there was nothing.

"So are you going to kill me… a God… can you commit a sin of killing a God. Bow in front of me mortal and I will forgive you of your crimes and grant you your salvation." I did not know exactly who was saying all this. How did he exactly look? But my itching ears wanted to hear no more further.

My ears started itching again, I looked at my hands again and this time I could really see they were red. A smile appeared on my face.

I took the man in my fist by his collar and slammed him on the ground with excessive force.

I raised my fist upwards high and swung it down releasing all of my dwelled up feelings in one go.


Once, twice, thrice…. I think I then roared and screamed, bashing my enemy's head until I finally smashed the man's skull and brain to pieces. But now that I think of it, it burst open in the first punch.

I looked back at my hands and realized that it was my skin colour that was actually red. But now it was even redder with the fresh blood leaking from it.

A big pillar of light appeared out of nowhere from above the sky, creating a hollow in the grey clouds and suddenly the body on which I had been sitting on dispersed into tiny molecules of rainbow light and vanished in the next instant.

He might have returned to heaven after all I thought as I rose up and looked up high in the sky. Now the atmosphere really felt in harmony. And the next thought.

But now what…

I suddenly looked around with a pair of bloodshot eyes when a huge shadow appeared out of a swirling fog of ashes.

"Who are you?" this strange sensation almost left me in a defensive stance as I scowled at him. Even with such a strong power flowing inside me I could instinctively tell with my now heightened sense that I was no match for this being.

He wore a huge black robe with a hood beneath which I could only see darkness and black fog radiating out of other three openings.

"Let me help you." a strange tight voice came under from the black robe and extending a warm help to me.

I heard a huge siren's voice as I remembered about the ship with which Loki came.

A strange purple lightning emerged from the sky and charred the ship in the next second as the burnt out pieces fell and sunk into the river filled with shark monster that would devour the corpses of the crew. There was no question of survivor with the amount of light that sparkled on the ship or to the extent that the ship was reduced to ashes.

"Who are you and what are you here for."

"My name is Zero and I am here to fulfill your wish?"

"Isn't it fallacious to assume that you would know of my wish."

"I want you to become the part of my world which I am going to create where people like you are accepted and can live freely. It is time for those ignorant Gods watching from the top to rethink about their omnipotence and exceptionalism and the disrespect they have shown to this natural world."

Those words from a stranger were not trustworthy. The man was suspicious than even the salesman of my previous world. But the idea which he wanted to sell to me was more than enough for me to make me follow him through a black portal that led me straight to hell…

Now that I remember, I left all my brethren corpses untouched, because that was the rule in our village. Whenever someone died his body was thrown into a deep pit saying that it should be returned to from where it came. Let the nature do its work. This world contains my family now and I won't let others discriminate or make it unhappy anymore.

I had almost reached the bottom through the last flight of stairs of the cave. When a huge door covered entirely in ice came into view. Almost 80 feet tall this door, I wondered what was inside in it that Zero wanted it so badly.

According to him, this gate is supposed to be sealed and no mortal magic would be able to break through it. That's why…

As planned I took out the two origin stones from my storage and placing it in front of me I smashed them on the wall with my concentrated energy fist.

Swirling light came radially flowing out of it. This outburst of magical energy was more than anything I had ever seen before….

"So this is the true power of two Gods. Having all this power and yet they act so high and mighty and aloof but still do not use it to stop all the unfair things happening in this world. Then let me have that power and I will use it myself as I see fit."

The door cracked, as the thick ice sheet crumbled into small sparkly crystals and melted into the next instant by the heat of the light. In the next second a huge hole appeared into the gate and a thrust of cold storm poured to the outside.

As I walked in…. my mind was blown….

"So this is COCYTUSES' ARMY."

It was an unbelievable sight to behold. The Gods during the Great War had sealed an army of Frost Giants led by Cocytus along with him and his 80,000 troops strong.

Such a huge army was silently sleeping with their eyes open under a thin plane white sheet of ice. But it's not like I could just carry them to the base or wake them all up and march them there.

This was the part of the mission I hated the most of all. I took out a communication stone from my pocket and set my location tracer on. The next second the stone glowed and a black portal opened up beside me and a girl walked in holding a spear staff dressed in a black tight uniform of some kind of maniac cult who would shamelessly preach an unknown entity and claim to get salvation if you start drinking and eating the food only sold at their affiliated stores..

"Amazing… so you found it. Master Zero will be happy with our work. With this it would greatly boost our military strength and now we have the almighty Cocytus too."

"Wait… wait why did you showed up, Chiyoda. Our work is still not done so don't waste my time. And I am the one who did all the hard and dirty work."

"Don't act all buddy- buddy with me and know that I am stronger than you, stronger than everyone. Even this army won't stand against the powerful instant death magic that I got from Master Zero who saved me." Kariba Chiyoda, another reincarnate and human who works under Zero and is faithfully devoted to him to the extent of saying in essence of soul.

I wonder what's her story, but with the little information I know she was weak and was exploited by her goddess. But then when she was about to die she was saved by Zero and learned instant death magic. It's just like it sounds - she can kill anyone just by seeing the person, but no one knows know how she does it.

"I think it was about time when you would call me." Another person in white robe about the same height as me and of an unknown race walked through the dark hole. Sakamoto Sanda. Wielder of time and space magic to an extent that he can sometimes even stop time or change its flow but again I don't know how he does it.

Both of them keeps the secret of their power hidden and rarely shows them off. That's why they are the kind of monsters and I wonder is anyone really in the outside world who could defeat these two with such frightening powers. I doubt even if a God would descend he would be no match, unless he is a high ranking God we are the strongest in the world and will do anything to get our wishes and plans through.

"Hey tell me, Aki did you kill those two."

"Didn't you just say Chiyoda to not act so friendly." I frowned at her.

"I see so you failed at killing them. Well we need to report that to Master Zero too."

"I just gave them a warning and got what I really wanted. Next time if they stand in our way I will definitely kill them."

"You are just so pathetic. But if it was me, first I would have given them a sleep death and would have drank their blood to my heart's content." Her craze for blood is more worse than I thought. At this point of time I wonder whether the fact she is a human is even true or not.

"Stop disturbing me and get ready." Sakamoto interrupted.

He then opened a huge portal gate on the ceiling where all the living ice statues of the army got sucked in as we flew inside the hollow and vanished in it with it.

/////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE //////////////////



First prince of Lativania Kingdom

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy


Adventuring together with other reincarnate Akane Kirigashi


Prince of a royal family

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy


Currently working as a devil's army general under Zero

Status of God - unknown


Son of a Count Family

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy


Second son of a royal family

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy


Currently in Dwarven kingdom

Researching on latest weaponry technology

Suspected of some huge top secret project underway


Currently working as a devil's army general under Zero

Status of God : returned to divine realm


Currently working as a devil's army general under Zero

Training pirates in the northern middle ocean to disturb trade routes between demons, humans, demi-humans and elves

Status of God : unknown


Second Prince of Perillus Empire

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy

Secretly working alongside Zero and Erebus to take over the control of this world and rebuilding it


First princess of Alucrad Empire

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy



Status of God : unknown


Daughter of a Marques family

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy


Adventuring together with other reincarnate Natsu Kenchi


Currently working as a devil's army general under Zero together with her God


Princess of a Royal Family


Daughter of a noble family

Currently studying in Grindalwood Magic Academy


Currently working as a devil's army general under Zero

Status of God : unknown


Previously an adventurer

Currently working as a devil's army general under Zero

Status of God : returned to divine realm


Currently living in The Great Tathya Labyrinth with her family

Athena is the princess of Hart Kingdom

Currently looking after her territory and taking care of monster invasions

Formed a secret spy organization to search for Sachi{~ now Alicia}



Till now I have published from volume one to volume three for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 4 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating.

You can donate me at - https://rzp.io/l/LgC54Q3

{Note : if you are unable to copy link from here then you can do it from the description/synopsis.}

Even a little amount helps. I hope that you enjoy my work from now on and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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