
I never would have thought that the person I had been with for all this time, Regis, would turn out to be my very own cousin and that half of my name would belong to the Elf Royal family.

And if that was difficult enough to digest, then at the same time I would also be the nephew to the Elf kingdom's king and queen. But while I am alone in this room with mother who has been fondling and trying to hug my reflection on the other side of the transmission screen for a long time, I felt vaguely unhappy at the same time.

It wouldn't be a hassle for me to just teleport back into the labyrinth, but I did promise to mother and father that I would come back only when I have achieved what I have set out to do. Anything else and other than that was out of the question.

Mother probably knew this and instead of making me feel homesick she was trying to cheer me up in her own weir… special way. Everyone is possibly weird in one way or another. Or am I the only one who thinks that way.

Even back in my original world when my uncle and aunt became my guardians, they made it so obvious that they detested me at the first sight for who I was. For them I would be something similar to an unlucky charm to be kept shut in their house. It didn't matter whether I got rusted or withered away. I did not care for their reason and neither wanted to know any of that stuff. And because of that I learnt to take care of myself on my own.

But things were little different between me and my cousin. She was three years younger than me and, in the start, we used to play together all the time. At that time I had no memories of my past except that I was told that I lost both of my parents in the car accident and the only person I was close to then was my cousin.

She too was fond of me and we would spend most of our time together whether it was time for studying, playing, eating or even during sleep. I even considered us as a pair of inseparable sisters. I thought I didn't need anyone else and she was my whole world and the person who meant most to me.

But things changed when she was coaxed by her parents into going to the city's best girl's boarding school. When in between she came back home because of the vacations, I realized things between us could never be the same again. Slowly but surely everything fell apart like whatever we had gone through was a lie.

Ever since then she always had a dejected and resigned look on her face. It was clear that my uncle and aunt were forcing and putting up a lot of pressure on her to improve in studies. And despite that she was struggling to improve. Even as a cousin sister and a close individual I failed to lend her a helping hand.

My uncle insisted on leaving her daughter alone and blamed on me that it was my fault that her grades were poor because I did not let her study. On the other side, I would see my cousin quietly sitting and hear all the complaints. She had no reaction and she wasn't even moved by an inch to either support or oppose them.

Maybe I slightly understood her, that being left alone and not had to deal with these conflicting thoughts being forced upon us from time to time was the best possible escape. From then on, she would avoid meeting or talking to me. All I could do was tell myself that her sole motive to do this was to avoid her parents or to give them a chance to shout and put all the blame on me.

At least that's what I got myself into thinking. But I could always have charmed myself with such a lie and never know.

"Alicia just for a formality should I ask how did you end up in the elf kingdom?" Caroline asked with a bitter smile on her face.

"Well, I first followed a stick and coincidentally Regis was following me and…." I answered cheerfully and demonstrating the direction I took with my hands, because that was obviously an easy question for me to answer than the dilemma I was facing now.

"….Never mind I asked. I probably knew that already." Mother interrupted me.

But of course, because she knew me the best and always stayed with me the whole time without getting bothered by the fact that I always got lost in the huge mansion we lived and it took quite some time for me to get acquainted with the layout to use teleportation magic easily.

"Alicia, do you think it was wrong of me to tell them about you. Are you angry with me." Mother asked.

"No… not all. I can never be angry with you." I insisted by raising my voice a bit louder than the usual. I really could never feel angry for whatever decision mother made for me. But I still felt uncertain with how they might react to this fact that I am a part of their family now.

Would they accept me just like mother and father did when they found me, or would they completely try to shun me.

Even now I feel conflicted that whether telling them was the right thing or not. I never minded with what mother did and I could never come to hate her for who she was because in this new life they were my only parents. The moment I have been in this palace, it has been such a nice and welcoming place for me. Even when it was just for a day or whether at night, with how I was poisoned…. I did not mind if the confusion was cleared at the end

But Regis, the King and the Queen have been so good to me, and treated me nicely despite their stature. They would probably call it so because of the Great Spirit's proclamation but I could tell that it would have been the same even without it.

But now that I was only an adopted family member so would they just start treating me like my uncle and aunt and try to avoid me. Would their behaviour towards me completely change…. But all I just wanted was for the things to remain the same as they were. Is it really that bad to wish just for that…

Because even back then, at the end the one who was left isolated and alone in the house was me and making friends at school was not an optimistic prospect for me either.

"Huhhh…" Mother took a deep sigh and continued, " If you remain this quite, then even I would get concerned. Don't forget that I am your senior as well as master in adventuring and have much more valuable experience than you. If you find a place you want to stay then you don't really need to say it goodbye forever. It is people whom you can trust that are real and you should always share your heart with them and you will never be forgotten." Mother has often told me about her adventures and I always wished I could be a part of them or at least experience one of them myself. And now that I had got a taste of one, I longed for it.

But sharing things like that could really destroy the trust when not handled carefully. Sharing secrets…. I have hidden so many from Regis of about who I am and I would end up doing so probably more often. And because all secrets comes out eventually, I will lose Regis and her family's trust and the fact that she would ever call me her friend again would be lost forever.

If Regis decided to come with me as she requested in the start, it would surely put her life in danger, just when she has finally learned to conquer her fear and magic power. Now she can stay with her family and do what she had wanted for a very long time. There was no need for her to come with me. I can just make do with directions and not get distracted from my path.

….And I would only be getting in the way of their family bonds at the end.

I stared hesitantly in mother's eyes not knowing what to say.

"Alicia at least trust me on this, when I say that this world has many different people and many ways of thinking. You don't need to rush things and can take your time to see the world and broaden your horizons. That would really make me happy."

"I still do not know what to believe or what I should choose to do and because of that…. I am only able to trust myself." I replied to mother's heart-warming perspective. I was still hesitating. I cannot make up my mind for things that haven't yet even happened or I have no control of.

I am terrified to think that I would lose such an important place that I have found so new. The thought that I have to leave so soon, my wish and care for Regis as a friend feels so empty.

I could tell now that the feeling of being betrayed in my past life still lingered within me. Because I betrayed my own cousin's expectation and instead of trying to talk out things with her. I still chose the path of separating our ways. At that time it felt so right to do, that she would find happiness and support even without me.

But I was just running and scared to think that what if she really hated me for doing this to her. That somewhere or the other, deep down she was waiting for me to turn up to her. At that time was I really waiting for some kind of calling or a sign when everything was so clear to me just like now.

Why is it so much difficult to put my trust in other people first, than hoping for them to trust me. Even though it feels so wrong at the same time.

But thinking of Regis who saved me back on the Dragon Island and did everything to the extent of using her magic which she hated the most just for me.

Maybe I was the one who was being the most unaccepting….

"I am sure you can do that even if you just believe in whatever you do. Alicia do well to remember it, that there is a place for you and you are always bound to it. It's your home and we can take a bath anytime together and have a hearty talk." Mother said gleefully and almost jumping out of the screen at the end. Though her motherly affection did reach me it wouldn't surprise me at all if she blurred those virtual boundaries and came to my rescue.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Yes, I will." Maybe it was best for me to figure it all on my own and decide by myself after all. And what makes it so special are the people watching over me, which I did not had last time. Though it can be also because I am hesitant to the last offer Mother made and I am not so sure that I should agree to such a glamorous offer because the theme can turn dark anytime.

But I can't wait to go back home soon and still continue to travel in this world, and this time of course with a guide.



////////// REGIS ASCALON - POV ///////////

It was the first time the condition struck me, where my tongue cleaves unto the dental roof, body freezes, my ears twitched and the blood vessels in my heart about to rupture and burst out.

The fact that Alicia was my cousin was already startling enough, but to think that I was standing alone in front of my aunt. After Alicia came out of the transmission chamber and she seemed to be in her usual merry mood.

Did she think nothing of this or is it just not that big of a deal to her. I wouldn't be surprised or is she just faking it all? I cannot tell now….

But just thinking that the legendary True Hero is my actual aunt is making me sweat buckets.

Isn't this supposed to be a top-grade information of our country and much bigger secret than the Genesis Tree. To think of possessing the knowledge that the history of our world is warped and a big fat lie… possibly it should be graded as a world-top secret. I would be dead even if I blurt out such a big secret by mistake. Isn't it too soon for me to die… or being pursued for withholding information about such complicated affairs.

Wait… from when I have been fretting over things so easily. It's not like me at all. Is this what when people say of being influenced in bad company. I need to work on it because it's totally bad for my brain's health. To think that she would have such a deep effect on me when just over a day had passed.

On second thought I might need to get used to it after all. Since we are cousins now, so maybe this time definitely I have a strong reason to journey alongside her. So I still I had a chance… just maybe.

I crunched my eyes and decided to look up at the transparent screen. But before I could focus and think of way to greet my aunt for the first time, my gazes were fixated on the screen depicting a portrait of a beautiful lady in long and puffy green hairs with vibrant purple eyes. I would have only taken it as a stunning picture of a dreamlike beauty, but the woman displayed too beautiful smile to be written off as unreal. On top of that with her brave features she flashed an overpowering and confident aura all around.

She was the perfect embodiment of what I always wanted to be.

But just watching that simple and cheerful smile was putting my heart at such ease that if things went on a bit longer like this then even my heart would start fluttering.

"So, Regis…" a sweet young voice called out to me, while her childlike large eyes made her appear younger than she really was. And to think that she was more than two hundred years old, but then again being this young was a common trait for a high-elf after all. I think I am kind of glad I was born an elf and a beautiful princess myself.

"Yes!" I blurted out loudly without thinking. Even with how much at ease I was, there was still something daunting and a strong power behind her. Something I would feel from Alicia too from time to time.

Trying to line up my thoughts with how I could convince others for letting me be with her. But I came empty and most of the reasons were bleak and arrogant on my part. And that's when I realized how powerless I was. I was just putting my curiosity and needs first without thinking about the difficulties and problems I was causing the others. Even on the Dragon Island I fainted and was not of much help. I am sure Alicia could have done all of that on her own. So what did I really have to offer and help her with.

If it was just taking her to the human continent, sure there were much more capable pathfinders than me in this kingdom. But on the other hand I was just as much stranger to the outside just as she was.

I have always hated to be on the taking side and not being grateful. Alicia made everything possible for me to help me get rid of my fear from this magic. And even after that fight, and I have jumped several levels now with my skill being evolved into a title ⸺


I really don't know what I can do with it. At the end I failed to prove my capabilities and I could never hope to reach in power levels to Alicia even if I train for a millennia. I am not a fool to not realize that. There are so little things that I can do and only make things difficult for others because of my self-centered nature. But I was ready to change myself if only it is possible to…

"I know Alicia would be difficult to handle when alone. Just look at yourself with all the new wrinkles on your forehead." My aunt exclaimed out as she burst out into laughter.

"No, that can't be…" saying that I hid my forehead with both of my hands and was played like a fool to see her make fun of me. It felt a bit annoying but it so much reminded me of my big sister, Edith whom I haven't seen for a month.

"I know. I know. You don't have to tell me. But isn't her openness refreshing." Aunt Caroline said wiping a tear off from her right eye.

At first, I felt embarrassed but when the time came to face the truth, I knew I would be upset but being unable to hide it was not something I was prepared for.

"….Yeah, she must have lived a great life surrounded by amazing people. She is really special." I said softly. Unlike me who only made things difficult for myself as time passed by, she must have talent to keep on being herself.

"Oh… I wouldn't be so sure about that myself. If you think she chose to stay with you out of pity. Then I am disappointed if you failed to notice that she too could feel your pain of being separate and different from others. Don't you want to follow her on her journey. You know I can just look and tell for girls that are ambitious like I am." The True Hero looked at me intently and I swear that her eyes glittered as I couldn't help but feel that this person knew me better than myself.

So, someone could have surely taken pity on me. But for Alicia that thought even for once never passed from my mind. She really never left me alone or gave me a moment to think that way. Why haven't I seen that before. The reason she is still here or been with me was so simple.

But now that makes me even more greedy and happy, that I can no longer let it go. A clear smile cracked on my face.

"You are wrong. I do not want to follow her. But I will be her companion, friend and an equal. Someone she can rely upon just as much as she could on me for help."

That's right, I do not want to be taken as a person just for granted, or out of consideration or because we are now relatives. That's never been any of my thoughts. Just a friend in need and deed.

"Oh! Is that so. I am glad to hear that. But as of now she still lacks the courage to believe in others. She must have told you about her mission to find someone and how absurd as it may sound. Are you still willing to stay with my daughter till you see it through?" She said in a motherly tone but at the same time I could also feel an intimidating aura around her. She sure is Alicia's mother.

"I care for her, more than ever now. And the more I get to know her I want to look after her. So, please let me be her guide from now on… because she always kinds of get lost." I felt a bit embarrassed saying these lines, and it's highly unlikely I would have said them in front of anyone else. But seeing her talk I felt like I could be more open for the first time myself with my feelings.

"Regis, people can't ignore the power that reside in them. You know it better than anyone. And I have learned it too in my own ways. For Alicia even if I hate to say it, but it is going to be the same no matter what I do about it. Even if she ends up finding that person, she hasn't decided what to do next. And that scares me whether her journey will end with happiness or will it bring sadness to her." The True Hero flashed a look of maternal concern for her daughter.

"In all this time all I had been doing is saying mean things to her. At that time, I didn't even know what to do and no matter how much I tried I might have hurt her feelings. But I have decided to be a part of everything she faces from now on." I added stubbornly. It was a weird feeling but I came on strong.

"She might have never had a friend about her same age, so just try to help her so that you can laugh and feel sad together. Because from here on now her fights will not be that simple. Because they won't be just simple mindless monsters, but living and breathing people."

"That won't bother me, because being with her… it all felt like a dream. And no matter what I cannot give up on my dream. No matter what I will trust her, Afterall we are sisters now." I announced with full confidence.

"Just look at you being all big sister type. It's so adorable." Caroline outburst.

"Fine… fine. I knew it would be embarrassing to say all that. So please don't repeat it on my face and stop chiding me. She is a handful and not honest with whatever she says completely. And that irritates me and kinds of put me off but I can at most handle that much… at least I am preparing myself or so." I realized that the person in front of me was formidable and an expert of letting someone freely speak of their inner feelings out in the open.

"See you acting like a good old cousin again. I totally get you. But also then, I wouldn't be able to worry about her like this." She said with a maternal tone.

"Wah…. I did it again. How could I." I stomped my feet in frustration.

"I wish if only Ereg could be like that." She said with a clear-cut smile.

I couldn't help but wonder how were she and father in their childhood as cousin brother and sister. Obviously, she would have been more understanding of father and would have acted maturely and been good siblings, unlike someone who needs to learn and act properly.

"So go and tell the world what you really want and I hope that you never let the colour in Alicia's eye fade and turn blue." My aunt finally passed me a thumbs up and wished me good luck.

So, that was it. Maybe it was time and I have already talked long enough and after wishing her goodbye I slowly started walking outside.

Father did always warn me of being wary of elder sister and another women he would suddenly bring up. Was he speaking of her. It was really scary to talk to her but at the same time it was fun.

But what did she mean by the thing she said in the last. Was that some kind of a warning? Even I don't know what we would do outside with ourselves? For now I was within the boundaries of my family and father's rule. But outside my comfort zone and thing's beyond this kingdom's borders can change much drastically.

But she did never explain me of how I was going to do all of this. Should I turn back and just ask. But it seems that father had been impatient to talk to her for a very long time and so I shouldn't take his precious reunion time.

And she was right, I had seen Alicia fighting; even when it was just for a glimpse before I fainted. Her strength was limitless and she fought without any hesitation like an arrow launched out of a bow. She becomes a totally different person, so different and apart.

So, then which was the real she?

When a bow is tied too tight, it can easily snap in two. But is it really important for me to know? I am going to stay with her and believe in what I will do and find it out myself.

I walked out of the final entrance gate and it opened into the vast radiance of the elven garden than the closed room packed from all sides. It rather felt refreshing. And there was Alicia waiting for me too.

Looking at her, I might have just wanted to go and tightly hug her for some reason or already start behaving like sisters. But I knew she really didn't want that kind of treatment from me.

That's why I am going to accept what she had offered to me previously.

As I straight forward marched to her and stood in front of her.

My heart raced, as I still hesitated to say it, while directly trying to look into her eye and not faltering this time.

"Alicia, I want you to grant me my wish!" I announced.

"Then I will make your wish come true and not let you hurt anyone because of your magic unless you want to." smiled Alicia as she said it after a small pause, a glint of surprise surfaced on her face.

"Also I want you to fight me." I spoke making my intentions clear with my glare. And others too must have got it while they were also wondering what could have gotten into me to do this. As both mother and father were taken aback by my daunting proposal.

"And why would I do that. I don't want to or have a reason to fight you." Alicia said innocently, like a saint who would never preach for violence.

"But didn't you say that for my wish you will protect anyone. So how would I know that you are up for the task and capable of doing it if you cannot prove it with a fight and those are not just words of fallacy." I rebuked her, and rejoiced thinking that I have backed her into a corner. I held my breath, while my shoulders might have just trembled for an instant.

She stood their silently and without her mask and with that gorgeous composition she had the appearance of a doll.

"Don't worry I won't be taking much of your time. Three days from now I challenge you." I might as well confess that I would have a crazy smile on my face right now, because in this little time, as far as I remember it took me much longer than this to understand that I needed to hold the spoon from the thinner end to eat and not the other way around.

"I see. Let's have a fair and equal fight. I say yes to your challenge." Alicia replied betraying no hints of emotions.

But even that tempting appearance of her failed to cover up that as I gulped looking at those pursed lips and thought that that smile, she had on her face was scarily beautiful.


Pah-pa-rah…. Pah-pa-rah…. Pah-pa-rah


The intolerable silence was finally dispersed by the invigilant loud voices of trumpet and the explosive sound of drums that rumbled in complete harmony and progression with it.

Someone from the front of the castle gates announced, as we could hear a force of horses galloping towards it.

"The eldest princess, Edith Ascalon has returned to the Ascalon Capital Palace." This announcement was made twice. As I was glad to hear that big sister had finally returned and how I couldn't wait to see her surprised with how things have been here.

Then again it might not prove to be that pleasant of a meeting because of her weird attics which I remembered from my childhood just now. For some reason she too had a talent of making people do things that they never would have dreamed of.

'Oh Great Spirit couldn't you just have delayed her arrival by four days and I would have been long gone from here.' I might had just made another wish which could be even beyond Alicia's capabilities and scope to handle.



/////////// TRANSMISSION CHAMBER //////////

"So did you get what you wanted." Ereg asked as he circled inside the chamber, his forehead apparently shrunk and his skin warped into thick wrinkled lines as he assessed everything that happened on the outside. He needed to make this quick because long conversations on such old transmission stones could be difficult and his eldest daughter has just now arrived after one month.

"Don't make me sound like I am running a devious plot here. If you are going to be like this then why don't you send me my dear niece back, at least we were of same mind."

"Well she has got a similar spirit like you, but it seems that all your weird habits ended up being a part of Edith." Ereg, the King of elves frowned.

"You don't say that too often." Caroline was surprised at such a response and analogy being drawn out of her.

"So, tell me what it is that you contacted me for out of nowhere, surely it is not limited to just that. You already know that her strength is comparable to you or would I be right I assuming that it's even beyond that." Ereg spoke skeptically.

A thick silence filled the room and Caroline's face seemed frozen into a stricken expression. She was at a loss of words. She only came here to give a warning without revealing much and worrying others. But now that the cat was out of the box, she needed to renew her thinking.

"You don't have to be on edge. I am just asking. Is the world really going to be pushed into another war-torn era. And if it is a possibility then why now? As such for now I can't see any of those war-mongering humans take such drastic actions." Ereg remarked and seemed to be ruthless in his assessment.

"Don't be so harsh in your judgement. You do know that I and Alicia are humans." Caroline sulked.

"It's not humans I am blaming. War is not affixed to some race. But I cannot forgive those barbarian minded human nations in north who always try to intimidate us with violence. Though the middle earth and the South human nations are pacifists and have shown trade interest with us. But after the True Demon Lord too has decided to live a life of peace, thanks to a certain someone. Crazy ideas are being drilled into the some of the recent hot blooded eight demon lords. There is no telling what can happen in this world and when. This peace will soon break like a mirage."

"I told you not to see probabilities too far in the future. Those long numbers will just screw up with your mind."

"But that is a possibility." Ereg said with a pained expression.

"That's what I am saying they are just thoughts. It is you who are going to take action and keep it safe. Now act as a good king should and take care of everyone." The True Hero replied lacking the dignity of a hero but it also seemed to work like a charm. As those simple words were more than enough to put the mind of the Elf King and her little brother at peace.

"I understand. I am sorry."

"Just as I said before I won't be interfering with this world any longer. This world is too narrow for a Hero and peace to exist together."

Ereg realized the weight of the words and the thing she had to sacrifice as a part of bringing peace and saving everyone and ending the war. She did it all and it was she who sacrificed all. The more he hated it, at the same time he came to admire and respect that decision more as he ruled over his kingdom without being a part of any subsequent bloodshed. No matte what if he remained sad or tied to the past, then everything would have been meaningless. And so he had to decided to prosper this kingdom and live everyday of his life with utmost joy.

"You say that and yet you unleashed her on this world."

"Don't blame me. It was always supposed to be like that. And her natural strength is because of her own hard work, which she honed on her own. All I did was tune it up for a bit. Let's just say that it's in her blood." Caroline said brushing her bangs as she felt being complemented for her kids.

"So you do know of her origins."

"Ereg stop right there it would be foolish and futile to put your nose in unnecessary matters. It's not worth investigating."

"I hear you, big sister." Ereg backed down the moment he sensed her sister's disapproval over the matter.

"So, you finally called me that. I am glad to hear that. And don't forget that she is my precious daughter and I am happy to see that I also got to meet my loving nephew."

"Don't worry I will be looking after her and she seems to be much diligent and charming than you could ever be."

"What did you say. Well I cannot refute that statement. But you saying it, doesn't suit you." Caroline said out of frustration.

"You are one to talk. After you did not fulfill the bet yourself." Ereg suddenly went in hyper mode, as if someone had finally touched and revoked a feeling in him that shouldn't have been fiddled around with.

"Are you still upset with that. It's not my fault that you fainted so I just passed the bet."

"You passed. Those dark days and hell I was put through, surely would have done a number on my life span. But don't forget that I was the one who won in the final match on the day you left." Ereg opposed.

"Well, you took me by surprise with your cheap trick so let's just say I went easy on you." Caroline said in haste as she wanted to now quickly wrap things up and leave.

"You are the one with folly here. Don't turn around and start humming while I am talking to you. Just accept that you lost." Ereg shouted as every word of his was dipped in remorse and painful memories of those scarred times.

"Well, then why don't we make another bet to see who is the real winner."

"And what would that be."

"Let's bet on who would win between Alicia and Regis. Surely it would be Alicia my daughter but if you want, I can just take the bet back and close the discussion."

"You really don't get it at all."

"What do you mean?" Caroline was surprised at the sudden remark of Ereg.

"Regis is going to win, because she is fighting for the same reason as I once did. She is going o do everything in her power to win. And I am going to fully support her in doing this." Ereg said as if he was just about to awaken something within him…., something he had lost for quite some time.

He was becoming more animated by the second, as he burst into a wild laughter. The competitive nature of his to come out at the top from his childish nature had yet again taken roots in him.

"If that's the case then I dare you I am not going to back down either as the one who hold the title of True Hero of this world." Caroline said firing up his little brother even more as she gave him the final push, he needed to accept the bet.

While in her mind she was relaxed to think that her little brother was gullible as always to take his mind off from the previous bet and avert the calamity. She knew somewhere or other he needed to invest his mind into because if Regis had decided to follow Alicia, then she would also have to wish goodbye to her family too at the same time and part with them.

And she was happy that she could do something about it in the end.


\\\\_(ツ)_/ ̄ 📢 NOTE FOR READERS

I am doing this for the first time, and since it seems that there are actually two fights progressing at the same time. So here's a small poll for you to support your favourite team. Feel free to use and voice your support for the winning team in the comment section.




Hope you are looking forward to the fight!!!!


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