Chapter 63 - CHAPTER - 2 : MY REASONS AND




"Father I have returned and subjugated all the monsters in the southern part of the empire." Edith, the first princess said kneeling down in front of the king of the Elven Kingdom.

Everyone, including the King, Queen, Regis, Alicia, prime minister and some close royal guards had by now assembled in the King's office. Most of the official decisions regarding the Kingdom were taken here, and unlike the humans who liked to show their grandeur by sitting on ornamental throne with a diamond crown on their head and surrounded by a multitude of dauntless men working under his reign in a giant hall, elves preferred secluded lives and peaceful discussions rather than going over rambunctious debate and protests.

"You did well Edith, I am glad that you have secured the borders and even took care of all the monsters that were attacking the farms and the villages in the area." The king announced.

"What I just did was for the benefit of the Ascalon kingdom and was needed to be done in order to keep my homeland safe." said the young lady, who was around five years older than her little sister. Her long, bright golden hair colour and striking features amplified the impression of her being an energetic and lively person.

Though one could observe subtle similarity in Regis and her face, but they vastly differed because Edith possessed eyes that were more courageous and ambitious.

Her attitude had been stately but also fresh and modest to make her a perfect and idol princess and a ruling Queen in the near-future. But seeing her clad in a military armour from neck to toe, not only spoke of her being an attractive women, but one who also excelled in military campaigns as she led a small battalion of the army and did a meticulous job of a general too.

The other subordinates working under her and other minsters submitted over their report regarding the restoration of the kingdom after the Dragon Island problem had been taken care of and the productiveness of the land was slowly being restored everywhere. The citizens were happy and the economy had started flourishing with the production of goods accelerated by the resources harvested from the monster corpses.

Everyone in the army seemed to be happy by the fact that the expedition ended three weeks earlier than expected and they were able to return home with laurels.

"I thank you with great joy. You may go now and rest. The rewards for your achievements and hard work would be granted to you on a later specified date." The King said with a smile on his face as he rose up from his seat and so did the soldiers who were on their one knee including the first princess.

"Yes, your highness." Saying that everyone left, leaving Edith, Regis, the Elf King Ereg, and the Elven Queen Alva. And one more individual who seemed to be trying to do her best in hiding behind Regis all this time. Unfortunately for her, every time she tried to move, she was filled by the fear of being embarrassingly caught in the act and left shaken.

Edith for a long time had her eye on her as she was the only one wearing a half mask, only revealing a small mouth and her glossy skin underneath it. For some reason she found her actions funny but could not understand that why she was still waiting there with her family. And it did seem that she would have left on the King's order if Regis had not eminently held her hands and forced her to stop.

And that's when Edith stopped understanding everything. That was because she had never seen her younger sister in any of the kingly proceedings before. And what about her condition or did she just saw things and was tired after all.

As she silently stood there and her father and mother tried to approach her, she was lost too deep in thoughts to notice that.

"Edith, I want to introduce you to someone…" the King called out to her.

But before he could continue, he found Edith already rushed close to the two small girls who were standing in the corner of the room all this time like obedient little kids waiting for their turn on the merry-go round or down the slide. And even though he would have rubbed his eyes twice he still couldn't shake off the feeling, that the two girls looked like being bullied by a senior who refused to renounce his turn to leave the play because they were having fun.

And somehow, he knew what was coming or maybe it reminded him of his own past and unexpectedly felt sorry for himself for not being able to do anything.

"And who is this little one here." Edith said flashing a motherly smile. Her hands moved as if on its own and grabbed on to something that shouldn't have been touched or no one had dared to do so before.

Alicia who was shocked with a sudden question posted to her, said in a broken voice. " My name is Alicia a…a… and…" there came an unexpected self-introduction which even Regis did not guess so.

Alicia's broken voice turned into flushed cheeks when the mask on her face was plucked off from her face in an instant. This had never happened before to her and neither did anyone gambled to do so.

She could have easily teleported herself or moved away if she would have found herself in a tough spot. But because she was the younger cousin now, she wanted to have proper introductions and not come out as rude by disappearing.

But now she was just overwhelmed by her frankness and with how Edith came out so strong on her. Instantly she found her face pulled between Edith's palm and her chin resting on it, like a flower beautifully held between the two hands. Even when the touch was soft and gentle, she found the act pretty violating, as her finger's jiggly movements were prompt and executed much similar to someone else's technique which she was most familiar to.

"Oh! Regis you never told me you had such an adorable friend." Edith indulged further into the act which she found so intoxicating.

"Big sister, stop with that. Maybe you should first listen to her. Alicia say something don't just stand there feeling guilty." Regis who was disgusted by her sister's impulsive behaviour felt unsettling chills. Even though she was glad that she was not in Alicia's spot, she vocalized her protest to put some sense into her about the disconnect between their effect and reaction. she had realized that she really shouldn't be ignoring this if she would have to be the next victim.

"It's useless Regis. It seems that Alicia had already developed a tolerance for it. She would stand strong and not lose her ground." Regis's father tried to explain Regis of how their efforts would be for naught as he brandished a strong fist at her, declaring that they needed to be determined and united.

"I see. If that's the case…, then we should come after some time and maybe… then talk properly." Regis passed a tensed smile followed by a chuckle as she was now on the same boat as her father.

"Instead of just standing there you two and giggle, why don't you just do something. Alicia is about to pass out from overdoing it. Edith how many time have I told you to be considerate of people around you." For the first time Alicia found a saviour in her life and it was not Regis her friend and cousin or, the highest authority of King but her quintessential empathetic and understanding aunt .


/////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV /////////

I thought my life would have been sucked out of me this time. But I can finally take a breath of relief after being saved by my brave aunt in the final moments. I will always be thankful to aunt Alva for saving my life.

Then my uncle explained to big sister Edith, trying his best to stay terse as much as possible with the events. About my visit to this kingdom, how me and Regis ran off to the Dragon Island to which she already knew about and had already guessed it. Coming to the present dual Regis proposed between me and how I was related to the family as such.

"I see. A lot has happened in my absence and there is so much to catch up to." Edith now took a quick glance at her two younger sisters, "So, I am going to start at it just about… now." Edith said without getting surprised or emotional seizures after all that unbelievable history that went down.

She appeared to be a level headed person, after she had an earful from aunt Alva. But I was so foolish to just assume things that lustful people could ever have their thirst quenched so easily.

Again big sister Edith latched out from her berated state and without learning anything pulled herself close to us and hugged me and Regis tight. I was not customarily hostile to the act…., it's just that I was still not used to being around so many people like this and share their thoughts openly.

Or, rather there was just one person in the room who needed to exercise such etiquettes and manners.

"I was so busy in mushing those soft cheeks. I didn't even notice that beautiful white shade of your hair. And now I have such a cute younger sister." Edith said excitedly as my spidery senses went ringing.

" Big sister stop with your weird antiques." Regis protested with a detestable tinge in her voice.

"Ahhh… it's just your big sister fulfilling her curiosity." Edith replied fearlessly.

"You just have to win in an argument." Regis said frustrated, as she stared at me still struggling around with the pampering. "Alicia, don't tell me you are enjoying this." Regis's face colour was blown apart as she became emotionally sterile; being a witness and an untouched target herself.

"No. It's not like that." I said loudly, trying to make things clear. I tried to make out my hand to grab to her for help but Edith successfully snuggled those in between her tight hug too.

"Regis, by any chance are you jealous, because Alicia is getting special attention from me. Or, is it because she is just more adorable than you are." Edith said in a teasing voice.

Till now I was just hesitant around her, but somehow, I could feel terrific vibes emanating from my elder cousin. This was bad, that was the only message my brain tried to relay to me again and again.

"Alicia, I am sure Regis wouldn't be so nice to show you to the capital city. But don't worry your elder cousin here is kind enough to give you a tour to the elf kingdom since it's your first visit." Edith said whispering in my ears. But still I couldn't understand the point if she was going to be loud enough to be audible to everyone in the room.

"Yes. Yes. I want to." With a quick response I showed my urgency to the proposal. And I might have responded even more excited than she had expected me to be that for a moment even she was taken by surprise.

Nothing mattered to me now anymore. I didn't have time to think but all I wanted to do now was to take a look at the city and the market area. The things they sold here, their specialties in eatery and not to forget their indigenous magical tools.

And just when I was lost in thought I heard a hateful voice.

"You traitor." Regis passed me an evil eye and continued in the same tone. "If you are that desperate to go and would rather have a tour from her, then be my guest. Don't complain to me when you get lost in the middle of the capital. I am leaving because I have things to do for now." Saying that Regis hurriedly left with huge and heavy strides. At least she should have tried hard enough to not raise flags for me.

I was out of words and felt sad for her, not knowing myself what to do.

"Big sister Edith…, shouldn't we invite her too." I appealed to her.

"It's alright. You don't need to worry about her and if she still decides to remain angry from you then I will take care of it."

Though her words sounded just a make-believe to me it had a special kind of affection attached to it that I never understood. It was not a skill she had been using or a magic that I could not comprehend with my knowledge.

They were simply ⸺ words that could really set one free.

And just when I was rounding up my thoughts Edith pulled my hand as she waved to aunt Alva and took me out of the room.

"Mother, we are going to take a trip to the city."

"Take good care of her Edith, and be mindful of your actions." Aunt Alva said adding a voice of consequence.

"Will do." Edith replied from the still remaining small opening as she closed the door from the other side. And I am afraid her promise sounded hollow to me.

"Alicia, let's first get you a change of clothes. I am sure we have a variety of them available here in the castle and you can choose any number of them." She said as she rushed like a little child pulling my hand to catch up to her pace.

We entered a new room, which more or less looked like a huge super mart of clothes, hanging on the walls from pipe like hangers and put on display – well-ironed and all of them smelled so fresh and scented with rose-water. That's how royalty lives, was the only next thought in my mind.

But fortunately for this kingdom I have never seen Regis and her family wishing for a golden hand and they were already satisfied with the wealth they had. But most of these dresses were too flashy for me, at least that's what I could conclude just from one look.

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"Is it really necessary for me to change to visit outside. My usual attire should just do." I liked my clothes very much because I designed them myself from my webs. Also they were lighter than any fiber and stronger than any material I have still to find to cut it in half. They are easy to move in, no matter what I am doing and I can keep them fresh and clean by adding new layer of threads and discarding the old ones.

"Ah! You might be right. But…" Edith kept on smiling, until it took me a while to realize her real intention of just playing around with me like a doll.

"Listen everyone, you have got a new visitor here. And she wants to try something new." I didn't quite catch to whom she was talking to; until then I could hear a rush from the other side of the room. Dozens of elves in maid uniform headed in our direction and their eyes were fixated on me, or rather they were trying to look through me, measuring me from every direction and way their eyeballs could probably roll.

I wanted to run, but Edith had already devoured my hands deep in her chest, "Alicia why don't you start picking with your favourite colour – do you like red or pink?"

"Neither." I whispered trying to pull myself away without being forceful. Well I usually preferred blue, but I think white too suits me after my hair colour changed.

Back in my previous life I had always dreamed of meeting elves, the obsession was too high that I had started dreaming about being surrounded by them everywhere and even living among them in a dream like world.

Sure, this world was supposed to be the place where I could fulfill my every desire. But now that I was living in it, the things that I was pushed through was absolutely indescribable that I wouldn't be able to say with my limited knowledge of vocabulary. Being manhandled and roughed around by a train of maids and their hands that worked in undressing and dressing me in an assembly line had achieved transcendental skills.

Not to forget the fact that every time I was displayed in front of Edith in all types of clothes and she just had to refuse them all as if intentionally after praising my appearance, to go for an even better one.

Not to forget the dedicated maids who kept on passing compliments like the sales manager of the month who would do anything to coax his customers to hit his pitch. And every time Edith refused, they vowed to come with a strong comeback and with a totally new design, some even processed and cut into a dress to fit my size on the spot.

The whole procedure just became so spontaneous that I had already given up on resisting and just went along with it, like opening a totally new door in my life.

At some point a new maid entered from the direction from which we came and after taking a quick look at me, she conjured a huge empty copy and a fountain pen and started scribbling on it.

"Stop it." I said with a stuffed voice, when I realized that the dresses, I was wearing became ostentatious and deprecated in logic and common sense.

"I am sorry to interrupt, princess but I think that, choosing any cloth from here would be detrimental to your identity leak in the public." It was the maid who had just been taking notes till now suddenly spoke.

"You are right. It seems Alicia we will have to stick with the usual. But if you want, we can visit here again."

"I refuse." I said imminently. I was thankful to the maid who tried to drill some sense but never understood why did she take so long to do it.

After that Edith pulled out two cloaks from a cupboard, one of my size and one that would perfectly fit her. Putting on the hood I realized that it was the same kind of cloak that Regis wore when we first met.

We were offered a carriage at the castle gate and Edith promptly refused. She wanted to go on foot and I seconded her vote. If it was from inside the carriage, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy much either way.

But walking through an elf city, was something that was pumping me up and made me forget the tiredness of the treatment I was put through. I was just glad I had to not meander in those show-biz of clothes in the market place when I was at least visiting for the first time. Those flashy garments are surely not to my taste.

At first while walking around Edith, there were only huge castle walls and nothing else special to speak of except for an endless plane of plain grass and a wide grey gravel footpath we have been walking on.

Slowly things were taking shape and after few check posts and high towers that we were able to easily pass through, only to get salutes whenever they saw big sister. She was surely valued and held in high regards everywhere.

Slowly the scenery changed and from the castle in the hills, down to the bottom, the path that became of cobblestone and small stone and wood building in clusters started appearing from time to time.

Unfortunately for me, when I asked about living on trees, she told me how it was an outdated practice now. And people did it only on the outskirt villages to live in small tree houses to avoid monsters. But since it was safe in the kingdom, there was no longer any need of those houses.

Now that I put much thought into it. The idea of living in tree house is enticing, but in longer terms the wood gets easily rotten when seasons can drastically change in these parts. Also there is always the fear of trees decaying and falling or outgrowing into other tree-houses. That would surely be a mess.

Even with preservation magic it would be difficult to find people with acquitted skill to sustain these houses and would not gain much in strategic advantage and can easily catch fire and spread to other places. Somehow, I am grateful I realized the foolishness of my idea pretty soon.

But that didn't change the fact that the town square that we had reached so soon would be so bustling with elves around everywhere. Sometimes I would spot some beast men or demons and out of the blue even humans.

But Edith seems to have already planned where we were heading to. But before that she wanted to show me the specialties, the capital market had to offer. It would mostly seem that for a single commodity there were specific market where we would find all the sellers selling the same thing.

There was the furniture market, that took pride in its handily thrifted manufactured products. The curvilinear design they made and achieved by using wind magic to move the cutting tools and finished with bold, beautiful curves, surpassed the technology in my previous world. They were quick in their work and the tall, strong elves were so swift in loading and unloading trucks with the huge logs, though that shouldn't have come as a surprise with their muscular body. And just by seeing their vigour and rigorous actions and synergy they brought, would have put anyone who called himself a hard worker to shame.

Then there were medicine shops along the same line. Medications were produced from all types of herbs collected by the army and the adventurer's guild, where they were then distributed to the whole world. But according to Edith they were very secretive with their recipes. Not that I was interested it when my healing magic could fix anything unless I wasn't dead.

Then we went through shops that sold anything available to them, much more like a versatile market where I could just enter and ask for anything. There were even people outside selling things through auction and that day the item of the day was a bag of magical beans that could do a bunch of things, but none of them happens until a bean is planted in the ground, watered, and then allowed to sit for a minute.

Then fruits, mushrooms may sprout instantaneously from where the bean was planted, or a giant 60-foot-tall tree might bud into existence. The concept seemed quite familiar to me, not that there was any mention of someone curious trying to climb up and go beyond the clouds. Now there wouldn't just happen to be a floating island of giants or would there?

Then were several special magical tools being sold like the staff of birds that could attract birds to a place I wanted just for once. And a magical fishing rod with an endless string attached to it. Well it would seem that they were not that dedicated to this department after I was finally able to stop Edith making me wear an amulet that could make her listen to my inner thoughts or the bow, she was trying to purchase to use on Regis that would put her under a charm for a day.

For, starters how does the government even manage to handle the flow of such useless devices in the first place.

There were several other places we went through like the place where they sell clothes and it would seem that green was not their only favourite colour. Usually their art pieces would depict the impression of the divine tree and the spirits they worshipped and believed in.

Edith flawlessly talked to the shopkeepers who were more than willing to tell us about the products and they had a unique air of arrogance and pride of the things they made. Usually in my previous life I would dig information about a product or a human being on the internet but listening to them in details with added stories and signs from the seller was surely a new practice for me.

I had never been thorough with any market before, because I would usually get tired or land at the wrong place, but in this new magical body I never get that feeling unless I really overdo it. And with this hood no one even bothers to look what we are doing.

"Finally…" I sighed.

"Is there something that matter." Edith asked, as we headed towards another lane.

"Nothing. It's alright."

"Are you talking about the guards that have been keeping an eye on us. I wonder where they suddenly disappeared?" Edith seemed to be worried. So I thought it was best to come clean.

"I am sorry. I found it uncomfortable so I used a magic spell – perception blocking, to vanish out of their sight. Is it wrong."

"Really. Don't worry about it. I too used to be bothered by them, but father would never be willing to leave me alone. Since, they were more skilled than me, so I couldn't even run away from them. He is such a worrywart, so I thought let it be since they wouldn't interfere until the situation becomes threatening. It would be so nice if I could do something like that."

Edith smiled back at me and I felt relieved.

But she did say about doing something similar… But why is that? A princess who has got the looks and smarts to do everything in her life would need such a wicked spell, that is nothing but escapism.

If I could use such a magic in my previous life and hide my existence from everyone. I would have gladly done so for my entire life. There would have been no one who would make me feel sad, or blame me for things I could not do. Heck, I could have probably travelled around the world and no one would have noticed me. But, to be honest even then I would have holed up myself inside a room and did nothing.

So, what was different this time. I could have easily avoided the dragon island situation if I could have casted this spell and just left in the start. But I didn't do that. In the labyrinth there were mother and father and Lili with me, but here outside I have my own expectations. But till now I have no confidence whether I can do it alone or not.

"Alicia don't be dazed. I have taken you to all of the best places I knew in the market till now. I am already disappointed with me that I couldn't buy you anything." Edith's voice broke me out of the loop of my self-inflicted pain I was putting myself through.

"Well, that cannot be helped. I did not find those things useful to me, so it would be a waste." I replied. Since I would be travelling, I think keeping my inventory low would be for the best. Then again, my spatial magic could have handled anything. It would seem that old habits don't go away easily.

"I would ask for something if I will really need it." I assured her just in case.

"Ask right away." Edith stopped ad then continued, "This is one of the place I wanted to visit." saying that Edith pushed one of the doors in the lane in which we entered and I followed her without any hesitation in mind. Also I lowered the intensity of the magic spell I had casted just in case.

It turned out to be a restaurant, more inclined to the old-style with a long wooden table at the counter and small round tables where people gathered sitting over stools. And I could smell pot roast being cooked in the air.

It did not have the magnificence for a royalty to visit here, and looked like a simple dine-in tavern that I used to read in books. There were already people occupying some of the seats, and they stared at Edith.

She did not flinch and silently stood there, when from inside another elf women that looked similar to her age walked to her, while others watched patiently including me. Well, they did seem to understand what was going on, and it made me feel annoyed that I was the only one in the not know.

"Look who finally decided to show up." The elf women dressed in a black and white dress wearing an apron on the top, holding two huge jars of purple juice in her hand said in a cheeky way.

"And this place hasn't changed a bit except for becoming more noisy and a nagging friend who has gotten a bit older." Edith replied trying to copy down the tone.

And the two suddenly burst into a hearty laugh. The lady beckoned to Edith to take a seat in the corner and that she would be taking our order.

I followed Edith and after taking a look around, everyone was busy talking among themselves and they all looked lively. I was sure the food here would be the absolute best from the mood in the restaurant.

"Does this place bother you?" Edith asked.

"Not at all. But it is a first time for me." I never remembered ever visiting a restaurant with my family or my guardians to eat together even on a festive day. And I was uncertain of going there alone. So backing myself up with saying that it was a waste of money I always stuck to the home-made food or the packed ones in case I didn't had the time to cook.

"After coming from the campaign, I just could not wait coming here. And so I had to drag you along." Edith sounded diffident for the first time.

"I would really like to eat something special." I replied in kind. This place must have meant a lot to her, and I was just happy with the fact that she brought me along.

Suddenly, someone pulled her face down from behind me.

"And who is this small girl, Edith? Don't tell me you have started snuggling kids from around this place again." It was the elven girl from back then and she had already taken off her apron, she had been wearing then.

But what did she mean by 'again'. Has Edith tried 6ot pick up little girls before me and I am not the only first.

"Lia, now don't scare my little sister. Her name is Alicia."

Wait, why isn't big sister trying to deny just now what she said? And she is smiling again.

"Hello, there. It seems that Edith has already had her share of fun with you. My name is Lia and I am her childhood friend." Lia said to me with a big grin on her face.

"Lia, Alicia wants to eat the special here." And then Edith leapt forward and whispered something in her ear.

And all I could hear her was asking for the secret menu items with my heightened sensory skills. I just couldn't wait, thinking that there are restaurants with a secret menu for special customers and they are not just myths or urban legends of a food enthusiast.

But then Lia passed me a familiar smile as if taking pity on me at the same time and I started feeling uneasy.

Five minutes later, Lia returned with three plates and took a seat beside Edith.

"I call this creation 'bugs burrito'. Dig in." Lia said passionately introducing us to the dish.

And that was more than enough to put me in an odd state, where the two of them kept on staring at me and wouldn't let it slide unless I had taken a bite.

"Please tell me how this dish is." Lia asked with an endearing appearance on her face.

"This is the secret menu's special dish Alicia. Try it." Edith flashed an appealing devilish smile.

I gulped and look below. Don't they have to add specifics to the dish. I mean the name is quite ambiguous. Should I just ask. I can't even inspect the dish for the ingredients with the chef in front of me. Even I wouldn't like someone trying to destroy my dish in a suspicious manner.

But it sounds so ridiculous to ask whether the dish has really bugs in it or not? Is it a joke or are they for real? But with big sister Edith around I can't be less careful?

It is an another world with magic in it, so it could be that eating monster and bug dishes is a norm here. I have eaten monsters before, but isn't it raising the bar just too high this time.


And the next moment Edith had taken it upon herself to shove her burrito bite in my mouth and I forcibly had to chow it down. At first, I thought I could avoid the taste if it contained bugs by gulping it down in one bite. But in my mouth the flavours magically burst open and it really tasted delicious.

I looked at Lia and she explained to me that actually the main spice used in it is difficult to find. And the only way to identify it is the special brown bug that thrives around it, and hence its name.

"After all, I was the one who came up with the name? Though it might be slightly misleading." Edith declared proudly.

Well, her idea of slightly is at a scam level.

But this dish is really tasty, as all of us continued eating and enjoyed talking, on most part it was Edith and Lia.

"This dish is what I am still working on. So do you have anything to add. There are not many humans that visit this place, so I would love to hear it from you." Lia asked me.

"It's the best. But some rice would surely pair perfect with the beans in it." I recommended. "But I don't think I have seen rice anywhere in this kingdom."

"Yes, I do have a small lot of them. I purchased it from a peddler but apparently the shipments have stopped from the human continent due to problems in sea trade route. And I don't even know how to use them. Maybe they will just go to waste." Lia said sadly.

"Can I have them?" I asked almost jumping from my seat.

"Sure. But in return you will have to tell me how it's used." Lia said promptly.

That was an easy deal. To find rice in a place where it was imported from outside would surely cost more but just telling them how they are used will be much easier.

After that Edith and Lia told me about how they met and have been friends since childhood. Somehow their exchange of stories turned into a booze drinking competition.

And Edith won without any extra effort, though I might be the only one who settled on juice. Things escalated when it turned into a bet, and slowly a gambling ground for other regular customers, ending up with more than ten rounds in a row. And with all the wins handed down to Edith. Which surely surprised me with how well she could hold down her liquor. But it was fun.

"I think I will be taking my leave and I can't neglect my work for so long." Lia was actually the owner of this place and it was also the place where their friendship took root.

Hearing them share their stories, made me want to do the same. But unfortunately, I had nothing special in mind at that time to tell, when Regis was already set on a duel with me and I had no clue to where Athena was except for what the Great Spirit had told me.

But someday I am sure I too can sit on table and enjoy food with lots of family and friends.

"Lia, I think you should take a rest for a while." Edith looked at Lia who was already dangling and unable to stand on two feet.

"There's no way I could get drunk on my job. But next time I will be taking the win." Saying that Lia almost rolled over when Edith caught her and had to go and put her on bed inside in one of the cabins and inform the other co-workers.

That was our exit and we took off from that place. I had already got a bag full of rice and stored it in my dimensional storage and was happy about it. I wanted to try even more of their secret menu now.

"Alicia, I want you to visit one more place with me. But it's going to be a long walk."

"I am coming too." I affirmed.

We kept on walking a straight road and ascending heights, until we were out of the shopping area and it appeared to be just a small cluster of blocks.

We continued walking in silence as we were too busy enjoying the greenery. A vast garden with beautiful flowers of all colours and sizes decorated the piece of land. And the evening sun was slowly dropping in the background. Without even realizing it, almost an entire day had passed so quickly.

Edith took a seat on a rocky ledge of the wall. Patting on the wall she asked, "Come and join me here."

"Really." I asked awkwardly making sure it was not again another of her pranks.

"I am inviting you aren't I." she cheered.

"Yes, I will." And I rushed to her side.

And the two of us were sitting next to each other and the view form there was enchanting. I could see the palace all the way from here, while the rays of the setting sun shone like a gem in the evening sky. Tintinnabulation of wind chimes blowing in the cool breeze made me feel so light and fresh after the meal.

"This is one of my favourite spot that I often visit." Edith started speaking but lost her energy before she could tell me why so.

"And that makes two of us now." I added. This place was really a wonder and since I was never going to forget it, I could come here anytime with my teleportation magic.

"Alicia, as the first princess of Ascalon Kingdom I want to thank you for securing the Dragon Island and reviving the Genesis tree." Suddenly the expression on her face changed and became more fragile, "And also as a sister for helping Regis."

"I am glad I was just able to do something, since I am also the part of the family now aren't I."

"Yes, you are. And I will be relying on your help." She cackled as she tried to choke back on her own tears.

Rubbing her eyes Edith took a deep breath in the fresh breeze that continuously flow and looking at me she said, "I never thought this much would happen in such short time while I was away. Maybe even a high elf's life might be too short to witness everything that's why I do not want Regis to give up. The outside world is full of beautiful things and I want Regis to see it for herself. She had been inside that big palace all alone and caged in that place. And no matter what I did I knew I didn't have the key to set her free. But now she has completely changed and she is no more the same sister I once knew. And I want to thank you for it from the bottom of my heart."

Maybe this is what Mother used to call sharing their heart as I could see a fresh drop of tear leak from her eyes but was instantaneously wiped off.

"But then why… does she wish to fight me. I don't want to." I asked eagerly. Just maybe she knew the answer and could tell me.

Was fighting with her the only solution? And I knew what she wanted was not just a simple training drill but a fight to decide who is better than the two of us. But I never considered fighting strength as one of the most important factor to make friends.

"Alicia do you really think she wants to fight to prove who is the strong one? Well, that might be just her trying to be competitive as ever."

Well, I think I have already seen that side of Regis a lot. And I realized it would not be that easy to get a straight answer for someone as fastidious as big sister Edith.

"Then shouldn't you be spending more time with Regis than me." I asked.

"I am her big sister you know and I can just see and tell that she is happy with whatever she has chosen to do. And I am yours too." She said gently patting my head.

From there it became hard for me to make out words. I always felt uneasy in the previous world to go for shopping, while surrounded by so many people and walking alone there not knowing what to do when everything moved so fast.

So, why someone like me could have been at so ease in that kind of environment?

Then again with my usual problem of confusing with the directions and wasting rest of the time puzzling which one is the way back to home.

But that didn't happen this time even when Regis had raised a flag for me. I looked below and there was the living proof. A comforting warmth had already enwrapped my hand.

During this entire trip, big sister Edith had held my hand and never left me out of her sight even for once.

I always wondered how it feels to have a big sister in my past life, but now that I have one, I think I know how it would have really been like.

"Alicia, I think we should go home soon, otherwise… mother is going to scold us for being late after we had hoaxed all the soldiers keeping an eye on us." Edith had already started bowling as I could imagine the final warning of aunt Alva. I wonder is she the only one from whom Edith is afraid of.

"Yeah. we should." I admitted the same. After all I did not wanted to get her a scolding on my accord.

Edith put her hands around my shoulders and looked me directly into the eyes.

"Alicia I already know from the story that you can use flying magic. And I am too tired to walk to home. Please use it on me too. I want to know how it feels to fly." Edith confessed with a desperate plea on her account, while her eyes sparkled like a child.

Even I would have been like that if I knew someone could fly using magic in my previous world. They could have even charged ticket prices for each fare and would have been rich in no time.

"How about we directly teleport there." I suggested.

"Huhhh…" Edith blubbered. But before her voice could reach her own ears, we had changed spaces and landed in Regis's room.

"So, this is teleportation magic." Edith said amazed as she checked that all her body parts were intact and it made me laugh as it might had been her first time doing this.

Edith saw me giggling and pouted, but suddenly flipped to her usual smile.

"But next time, we will be taking a flight route, for sure." She said confidently.

Wait, there is going to be a next time too. I won't mind but if more and more people learn about this then I might get into trouble. So, no more flying till then in front of a crowd.

Then I asked Edith for the way to kitchen. Now that I had rice with me, I wanted to cook something delicious in return for Regis, since she did it for me the last time.

Edith showed me the way but decided to stick around the whole process. I had already decided to go for fried rice since I wanted to make something quick and warming.

I carried the plates and the pot inside my dimensional storage to Regis's room and Edith insisted on joining us. Not only that but she had called for aunt Alva to join and who in turn had called Regis's father. All of us now were sitting on the table in Regis's room.

But ironically, Regis was the only one who was absent.

"Aren't rice the white seeds that is a staple food in the human continent." The Elven King said.

"You know about it father." Edith and Aunt Alva enquired.

"Yeah, every time Caroline tried to cook, they turn black and rock hard. But according to her this food has the special effect of making you feel strong and would make me finish the whole dish and it was grotesque. It smelled horrible, but then she would argue that good medicines are always bitter in nature. But I quite never got the feel that it actually ever worked on me." My uncle complained.

While Edith and Alva tried blaming him for his incompetence to understand the ideas and ways of my Hero mother to help him out and that he should be more grateful to her for thinking about him.

But on the other hand here I was standing with my head down and lips sealed, because I was the only one who had by now realized what had really went down inside mother's head.

She duped her own little brother into making him eat her own failed cooking. But I do like her sentiment of not wasting the food.

Something tells me that father and uncle would get along pretty well.

Should I tell him that he had been conned by his own sister.

"You, don't have to worry with my skills, I have turned that dish into something edible." Saying that I lifted off the lid from the pot. As the fogginess of the steam drifted off from the view, everyone saw the puffed up soft white rice mixed with finely cut vegetable I used from the Royal Kitchen.

It's no use. There's no way I could have told him the truth.

But at least he could finally taste real rice. They gawked at the dish like it could have been one of the wonders of the Elf Kingdom.

"It smells so good." saying that Edith had already pulled out a scoop from the pot and had helped herself to a plate.

Followed by the King who wanted to fulfill his curiosity and aunt Alva who definitely did not wanted to be left behind in the race.

Everyone had already started eating and forced me into doing the same as they told me how the food was delicious. I was already used to the praises now form mother and father but someone trying out my food for the first time and liking it made me feel even better.

"I think we could add this in our diet everyday from now on and I wouldn't be bored." My aunt ordered the King even if it was a suggestion.

And that's when the knob of the room turned and Regis entered. She looked awfully tired and covered in dust all over her clothes. I wondered what she had been doing when she rushed to the table to see what we were actually eating.

I looked at the container and too my horror it was empty to the last grain in it. With a push I turned away my head not knowing what to do.

"Ahhh.…. it's such a shame you could not try Alicia's handmade food when it was so yummy." Edith teased Regis again with a lamenting voice.

Suddenly the King and the Queen rose up from their seat.

"Thank you for cooking for us. We will be taking our leave now."

"And sleep early you three."

In a blink of an eye the two vanished and left everything to settle between us siblings.

Regis seemed to be angry as obvious. She looked awfully hungry and exhausted.

And then we went and dined in her room leaving nothing for her. Well that would be something that would upset me too.

I looked at Regis and the hate she had displayed the last time had intensified even more.

"Goodnight Alicia. Would you like to accompany me to Lia's dine again."

"Just where you two have been wandering off to without me. I want to go too." Regis chimed in. As she was the only one being left out of the loop.

"Ohhh… but wasn't there someone who had something important to do and refused to come along." Edith smirked.

And in return all Regis could do was sneer.

"Well, I am sure Alicia would like to try all of their secret menu bug series dishes."

"Umu…" I affirmed to her proposal. And that's what I really wanted to do after eating that new secret menu dish item.

Edith then left the room leaving me and Regis alone.

Now I and she were in an intense eye - lockdown match and for some reason none of us wanted to bat an eyelash first. Her competitiveness was crystal clear as the vibe of the room had changed.

But it was more like the one who lost would have been declared to take the blame. I was trying to come up with an excuse or a better deal for her.

'Alicia had finally broken down because of big sister's influence. And I am glad that I was not there but I also feel guilty for not being able to prevent it. Then again there is little I can do in her case.' Regis thought to herself.

She walked towards me and putting her hands on my shoulder she looked at me with such passionate eyes and blinked to accept her defeat. But I wanted to make it even and say that it's alright and I should have been more careful.

"I am sorry Alicia. It's not your fault. It might be tough and even if you would end up developing weird habits, I won't dislike you for it. Just make sure that next time you cook you leave something for me too." Saying that Regis left to tidy herself up.

And just like that I was forgiven.




\\\\_(ツ)_/ ̄ A thank you mention for the Patrons

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Names :- Anko



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Till now I have published from volume one to volume five for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

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