
I walked through the palace's corridor and was on my way to the King's office. It was quite odd, after I was summoned out of the blue just after returning from the patrols in the border. As promised, we had already been handed our monetary awards for our achievements in the monster subjugation campaign led by the first princess. Therefore, I did not fully comprehend the nature of work for which I had been summoned for.

I was pretty sure the royal guards did not make a mistake while spelling out my name 'Will Varlon'.

One of the youngest commander, in the history of Ascalon's army and the leader of the battalion NIV . Well, it was an achievement my family was most proud of; which comes from a noble line in the Ascalon Kingdom. Though joining the army has always been my calling as a family's inherent duty , but the reason I was able to climb to such great ranks was because I have always loved this kingdom and always willed to protect it from any harm.

Even though the Ascalon Kingdom mostly remains peaceful with its moderate policies and freedom, which might not be true for other nations in the demon continent. An army is always required to maintain peace from foreign intrusion, monster outbreaks. With the recent drought and monster stampeded problems that have cropped up, the army has been continuously on the move to relieve people of their problems and deal with the monsters and magical beasts.

But this has only served to bring the common people and the army closer, while improving our understanding and agreeing on each other problems. With how the recent excursion helped in improving the standard of living for the elven people in the boonies and reach out to those who live too far away from the capital.

And after the calamity was somehow miraculously solved, but the contents of how it was done is still being kept classified and I am not high ranking enough to obtain that knowledge. But as long as I can serve the Ascalon royal family and work to maintain peace in the kingdom, I was ready to accept such terms.

Though there have been several instances where I have been underestimated and made fun of for withholding such high position in the army as an inexperienced young lad. That so may as be true; but I have always proved them wrong with my actions and dedication towards my work. And today even these people consider me a comrade, and age do not have any precedent importance for me.

With haste and pride I rushed, as the royal guards at the door to the King's office responded to my summon by spontaneously opening the door for me. King Ereg was seated on his office chair and the prime minister stood beside him.

If it was a mission involving the army, I would have expected other military officials to be in attendance but that did not seem to be the case anymore.

"Your highness, I, Will Varlon am here to answer to your directive." I said bending down on a knee.

"Raise your head." The king ordered.

I respectfully stood up and in the accustomed elven military salute of my right-hand fist positioned on mid-chest and the left hand on the back in horizontal. Though for the royal guards, it might go a bit different, since they have to place their left hands on the hilt of their sword.

"Will, I have a special favour to ask of you." The King hinted. I was pretty sure by now that the contents of further discussion would need to be kept confidential and it was up to me to continue listening in or not.

But if I do then I had to swore secrecy.

"Yes, your highness." I said with a stern face that expressed not a slightest hint of doubt. No matter what answering to every calling of the royal family is one of my duties and conviction. As strict and obsolete it may sound in the peaceful times after the historic Great Wars; obedience and discipline has been drilled into me by my family from childhood that have served the Royal Family for eons.

The King nodded to the Prime Minister and continued, "Will, I would be direct as to the nature of task I am assigning you to. It would seem that my younger daughter Regis, has asked me to assign you as her tutor to teach her to control her magic powers." The King reserved his crossed arms in front of the table folded.

The temperature dropped slightly in the room as the cool breeze broke through the strange silence that suddenly fell.

I was not obtuse to the difficult situation the second princess, Regis Ascalon was in. It was one of the most dark-famed gossip, filled with scary accounts and anecdotes, including the accident in the forest. Though it was a completely different matter altogether when it came to the authenticity of these talks only then to be considered as mere story-telling skills of a talkative nitpicker or to be true to the baseline incident.

Though I have never thought much of it, except for describing it as a magical accident where the victim was not able to control their magic powers and ended up with a disaster spell. Except for this case being extreme, unfortunate and rarest of all.

And with how the second princess barricaded herself from everyone; the rumours intensified of her being possessed by evil spirits or of being born a monster out of control or angering the Great Spirits. But I knew that was not the entire truth, because I have been watching her for a long time, her continuous efforts to control her magic to improve her skills and grow in every way possible.

When I was assigned the post of a commander and leader of the NIV platoon, two years ago, the training grounds we were assigned to was at the back of the palace as it was always left empty and neglected. Since I was young and my platoon was rather small, we were not considered important enough to allot us a perfect standard military grounds to hold our training exercise by the top military officials.

But that did not matter to me and my troops were too a collection of young soldiers from different parts of the kingdom with similar motivations that only favoured to strengthen the synergy among us.

Little did I know that this backyard abandoned ground was connected to one of the backrooms of the palace where the second princess lived. Most of the times I would see her hiding and peeking at us from the window when our initial drills began and while I was educating the soldiers on their duties, fighting tactics, magic spells and mock fights using weaponry of their choice. I myself excelled as a magic swordsman and I had the highest affinity for sound magic.

Deliberately but surely, I could see the princess observing us carefully from her room's window situated on the palace's top floor. Though it was a bit distracting even for me, when her fine appearance would counteract with the treacherous fables woven around her.

After a while after completing our drills I returned back to the place, to pick up my bag and belongings. Coincidentally I saw the princess who was now there doing the same training drills as we performed that day and practicing the same weapon training plan. So, instead of emerging from behind I decided to watch her for a while and leave.

Things continued like this and I soon started seeing faults with her practice and how she was hesitant to use magic even when she was alone. So the next day I made my soldiers to correct themselves, which was similar to those mistake and explain them where they were going wrong to the best of my ability. Turns out that even the soldiers were having trouble and this correction uptake doubled our efficiency and combat power.

And I would also find the princess improving and already excelling in all the combat abilities just by taking a look at our training after we had all left. It goes without saying that she had a knack for combat and sometimes I would see that zeal in her eyes and her conviction to prove something.

I was a bit ashamed for being just a noble, who was trying to do his best to keep things in place instead of making a big deal out of it and turning it into an upheaval. All I could do was make sure no one disturbed the princess or made her feel anxious during her training including me and if there was anything I could do to help I would include it in the next day's training routine of my platoon.

But at the moment I was drawn back into the present when the King called me out.

"Will, do you think there is a special reason that Regis would have chosen you as her trainer." He asked a bit taken back by his own words.

"Maybe… but I am not entirely sure." I stammered as I was unable to lay bare the truth of what I had been trying to do.

"I see." The king asserted as if he already knew about what has been transpiring putting me in a bind.

The king then rose up from his seat and holding his two hands interlocked at the back he issued my orders.

"Then Will, I leave it to your discretion to accept the task or not." The King dictated.

"Your highness. I would like to take up the job and have the honour to tutor the princess." I articulated my clear intentions.

Maybe I was already going for a yes, because I did not wanted to believe in those rumours and see it for myself, than hiding behind anymore for these years.

"Then your further directions will be delivered to you by the princess herself. You may take your leave now." The King beamed a bright smile on hearing my response and I felt content with my answer and the privilege of being given such an important responsibility.

Keeping that in mind I again made a firm salute and left the room with a bow. But I felt a bit restless not knowing the sudden reason for the princesses' demand and why of all people me when she could have any of the great royal tutors at her calling.

Not to forget that I felt a bit embarrassed after realizing that the King really knew of everything that has been happening. Since he didn't consider it necessary to divulge me the information of where I was to meet for the training with the princess.

Maybe instead of being cryptic I should have been more open then. I regret now the fact that I could have been of more help if I had come forward previously to help her and how she wouldn't have to feel so singular, rather than being so registered and only keeping to myself.

On various military drills and campaign I have met the first princess, a graceful lady of great insight and is a wonderful leader. But somehow, I too was left in awe as to what type of person was the second princess and could not wait for us to meet.


////// THE KING'S OFFICE /////////

After Will left, the king slumped back into his chair like a lazy bug as he felt exhausted and satisfied that he was able to fulfill her daughter's unexpected demand.

"You must be pretty exhausted." The Prime minister said pouring a glass of fresh water to the king.

While the king drank the glass with a great appreciation and relief; the prime minster chimed in.

"It would seem that no matter what Princess Regis has already made up her mind to do things as she wants to now. And she is more than set on and determined to do it in her own way." The minister's hair was grey and the wrinkles on his forehead and side cheeks forecasted of him already hitting his old age.

The king knew better than anyone with what he meant. It was not so easy to just let their loved ones go on a journey without a news. He has already felt that pain before when his big sister Caroline set out on her own journey. It was sad and lonely.

This time it was her own daughter. She never made her intentions clear, but it was evident seeing her and know what was on her mind. But he didn't wanted to snatch away the opportunity from Regis to grow when she had such a long life ahead of her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

No matter what, such a day was inevitable, and when that day would come; him being ready for it entirely lied in his hands. Whether he would take the news with a blow and a heart-crushing jab or end it with a pompous and cheery goodbye.

Only waiting for the day when they could meet again and exchange their amazing stories. While all he would have to tell about would be his simple ruling days, but he could have gone on and on for weeks without getting bored, while listening to her daughter's daring journeys across the globe and the wonderful places she visited which might be a little too uncommon a luxury for elves, …except for those eccentric ones or rather the adventure spirited ones.

"I did promise her that I was willing to go to any length to help her out. But to think that she would make such a demand." King Ereg sighed.

"We already have all the details about Will and he is one of those favoured by the princess herself and was willing enough to ask for. He specializes in sound magic and also has affinity for fire and wind magic. That can be considered a great plus point for him to direct the princess, while also being of around the same age." The old prime-minister explained as if he was satisfied with the pace of things.

"I know. I know. No matter what I am going to make sure that Regis gives her best and I can finally win against…" before the King could complete his statement in his fired-up mode, the prime minster tilted down his face towards him and surprisingly it was one of the scariest thing he had seen in his long elven life.

"Your highness might I know, did you make a bet again." The old man's voice has a chilled flair attached to it.

"What are you talking about." The king stuttered as he whispered, his eyes shut open and close quicker than his heartbeat.

"You do know well that you have an entirely worst and a very bad history with bets."

"Isn't that being too hard on me. And you are wrong I did win one time… though I can't say it was a total absolute win with how things played out, but…"

'So you do not deny that you did make a bet. Now may I enquire into the details of the bet so that I can already prepare for the compensations and the consequences that you have to face to make sure that corrective measures are ensued for his majesty to not further indulge in frugality." The prime-minister words were filled with obedience though it was clear to the King that those were at the moment, not in his personal favour anymore.

The King's bad memories again rewind in his mind-frame where he was subjected to a low budget for an entire month, sanctioned by the prime minster himself for his personal use, only because he lost a bet.

"Your face is making me scared…. no. no. noooo…. I promise I won't do it again. So spare me. At least let me have enough to purchase a goodbye gift." The king submitted to his faults and to the mercy of the prime mister hoping that the cut might not exceed this time the four-month mark.


/////// REGIS ASCALON - POV /////////

I waited in the palace's backyard for the person, who I chose to be my tutor to help me in refining my control over magic powers. I did not wanted to ask for any help from Alicia, because then it won't be a fair match as she promised it to be.

I did not know his name but the prime minister was quickly able to tell ⸺ Will.

So, that's what his name was for all this time. I always used to try and copy him while learning whenever he would practice magic or do training with his team members here. The passion in which he trained with other soldiers, always drew me in and it became much easier to grasp and improve over my own training.

To be honest, that was never really my intention. But sitting in that place and seeing all other trying to do something out there, it initially felt all pointless to me. Day after day, the soldiers who can't even perform the easiest magic spells, were suddenly able to get a hold of themselves and were improving at the same time.

It felt like I was the only one being left behind, doing nothing. The world and other people might had wanted me to just stay shut inside that locked room, and even if my family did everything in their power to help me; I really didn't knew what to do. Did I really have a choice with what I can do with myself?

I was a princess, for that matter my security was above all else. It was always required for me to act in a certain way in public, to uphold the dignity of the royal family. But now I was even scared to show my face anywhere. No one knew about this power or how dangerous it could be if not used properly by me. And so people were even more scared of me because I was just a kid.

It had left me with no choice to try doing something on my own. For practice I once channeled some of my magic on one of the dolls I was holding tight which was given to me as a gift and it was ripped apart in shreds. I thought if it was a thing precious to me then I would be able to control my feelings. As I tried putting the crumbles and parts together, but could not fix it. I had realized.

Maybe it was really true that I could have destroyed everything I touched.

Even a monster wouldn't have been able to conjure such a grotesque sight.

I had not given up, still I really didn't knew where to start?

It was in this confusing times when I picked up something he said to his battalion while training ⸺ 'If you really crave for something and make the kind of choices you would love to, then believe that you can and believe that what you have is needed and necessary.'

There was an explosion in my brain… hundreds of doubts in my mind there in that buzz of words. I had already tears in my eyes when it all began and the challenge was big enough.

How can this power be necessary for what I might have wanted to achieve?

And the least expected answer that came from my side; I laced my boots and took a step. The might had been the first choice I made by myself.

Not because I had found the answer, but because I wanted to find one, or create it with my own power.

I already knew basics of magic and fighting techniques because big sister Edith used to help me a lot with my studies, to the extent of calling it as intensely unreasonable and overboard. But I was glad she did, because now I was able to understand what they were doing on the training ground just by watching them and later practice them on my own after they had left already.

And today if there was a way to defeat Alicia then I was going to need this power.

All I wanted was to be in command of myself and make use of this power to prove my worth. Also, I was quite uptight and annoyed by how big sister Edith got hold of Alicia first and took her to visit the city.

Even when I wanted to be the first one to show it to her. Doesn't matter, because when I win, I will definitely….

"Princess Regis." A firm voice came seeking my attention.

I looked behind and there was Will and for the first time I was seeing him this close. Brownish-black hair and brown-eyes looked even more lively than they appeared from the long distance of my room. Since both of us knew each other names, maybe we were not that strange to each other anymore.

He wore the usual military uniform of the Ascalon Kingdom but maybe the armour was not necessary so he abandoned it for the session. This was the first time I realized he was someone close to my age, but looked much more mature than me.

"I am Will Varlon and, on your request, I am here to help you in controlling your magic power." His face had a calm expression as he bowed down in front of me.

I couldn't even sense a hint of hostility from him against me rather he was bubbling with enthusiasm as if he was looking forward to this meeting. I wondered just what kind of person was I am in his mind.

"Just call me Regis." I emphasized. I had no time to waste on flippant thoughts. I had only three days and every second passed made me anxious.

"How would I do that… princess Regis." he asked nodding his head.

"Because I am not used to getting called a princess. Everyone I know calls me by my name." I said frustratedly without thinking of a proper reason.

"I understand, this would surely make things faster. I am honoured to help you with your training Regis."

His frankness though threw me off a bit, but I was glad that there were no further useless questioning or bringing in royalty and status. I was least interested and indifferent to those things anyway.

"So, how do you think I should go on telling you about magic control." Will asked as he scurried around the training ground making sure everything was in perfect condition.

"I don't have a clue. But whenever I use my power, I feel a heavy pressure on my hands and if I don't stop channeling magic, my hands too would get ripped apart." I clenched my fingers again and again as I pondered over the nature of my magic power. According to the doctors and alchemists my magic veins were too thin to stop the overflow of this magic which seems to be in constant motion and so due to its tendency it tries to attack whatever it comes in contact with regardless of my mind.

Will looked suddenly worried when he heard with what I had to say. It was obvious because we wouldn't have the luxury to use my power directly for practice when I could suffer from self-inflicted damage. If I was ever to release my magic power then it has to be in a perfect controlled condition.

"Have you ever succeeded doing it before."

"Of course I would… have." I responded in haste thinking that I was being looked down upon but seeing that Will was genuinely concerned with the facts, I explained only the part where I used my magic, to take out the relic weapon which the Ouroboros dragon was using.

He was intrigued by the story and for the first time I was talking to someone I met for the first time without reservation.

"If that's the case. Then first I would like to explain to you about how I originally use my sound magic."

"Isn't sound magic just a derivative of wind magic specialization over controlling the pressure of air." I remembered what big sister Edith taught me.

"Yes, that might be close, but that is not all there is to this magic. When I use sound magic, I try to channel my magic from my body directly into the air surrounding me, manipulating its flow and generating wind currents that rapidly oscillates along the line of projection in which my hand is directed." Will explained to me with various hand gestures and flow of magic and I was able to get the gist of it.

"I see, what you mean is that you want me to channel my magic not as an entirety and instead of concentrating it at one point of my hand to disperse it thoroughly in the air." I wondered whether it would work in the first place. Surely it was something I might have tried and failed but never gave much thought to it.

"I highly doubt whether this style would suit your magic but if you release your magic in small compositions and at regular intervals… you just might be able to. Even if it is a temporary solution." Will looked determined with his solution and I wanted to believe in him, just as I believed in Alicia when I was able to draw out my power for the first time.

"How about I try doing it first?"

"Maybe you should use these arrows." Will suddenly took out few arrows from his spatial magic box.

"Is there anything special about them." I asked wondering about their different design and shape than the normal ones I use.

"Yes, I want you to use these enchanted arrows as a medium. If you channel too much energy into them then they would crumble and fall apart. With this you would be able to know just the right amount to at least get by with a simple launch spell."

"Okay!" I took the arrow from him but still wondered how did he know that I used a bow as a weapon and he was already ready with a method to help me out. Did father tell him?

Without thinking twice I was eager to put this method into action.

Loading the arrow which was a bit longer than the usual one I was used to that were made of a material derived from a magic insulator, this one was slowly tingling in my hands.

"Now try to slowly channel magic in the arrow and then release it into the surrounding along with the arrow to create a forceful blowing effect." Will said excitedly.

"Yeah." I said in awe, as I started pouring magic energy into it, my hands shook but I still went with that strange feeling.


It was not even two seconds when the arrow turned red and our surrounding was blow away with a huge explosive blast.

Somehow, I was safe and I searched for Will after the dust clouds cleared. And in some way, he had managed to conjure a magic shield and save himself just in the nick of time, as he lay flat on the ground.

"Are you alright." I said as I offered my hand to him.

"I am glad it didn't kill me." Will smiled at me.

I pulled back my hand and stood back at my position. While Will, was left in a confusing trance not knowing what to do with himself when he could be such open-minded and too painfully-optimistic sometimes.

"If you can say that, then you are more than fine enough." I murmured.

"I am sorry princess. I am sorry again, Regis. Why don't we try again? Such kind of things are not exactly common but I don't think the same should apply in your case." Will said in a hurry trying to explain himself for his thoughtless comment.

But I was surprised he didn't scold me for sending him flying away or breaking the magic arrow he gave to me.

"Will, I need to learn to learn to control my powers in three days. Do you really think it is possible for someone like me." I said in a deep voice, feeling down as I shifted my face away making sure not to let him know that despite his efforts, I was still not hopeful and lacked confidence in myself.

"I should have asked this before. But it is still not late. Can you tell me the reason of why do you want to learn to control your power?"

"I have to defeat someone. To show them that I am strong and they do not need to worry and look after me all the time." I didn't knew how Will would respond to this when he has now learned the real reason. He must be thinking I am a fool just for trying.

"Are they strong?" Will had the same serious look in his eyes which I would see in him during the training hours when I watched him from my room window.

"Much stronger than me…, you or anyone else I have ever known. Strong enough to rip apart the whole palace with a snap of her finger." I said turning at him this time. That's where at present I would rate Alicia's power level since I needed to defeat her but, Will might take me as over-exaggerating things.

Then again, I was the only one who had seen her power first hand and I knew how devastatingly strong magic spells she could use and without uttering a single chant.

"In my experience if I have to fight a strong enemy that I could not hope to defeat at that time, then I will put my everything on the line and aim for the best I can do. I too have known people that can just pick up a sword and master all the techniques scaling new heights, where one can never hope to reach. But at the same time I have met people again who work hard to the bone and achieve results. So, you wouldn't know unless you make an effort?"

"Wait isn't that saying that you are putting your life in danger." I said worriedly.

"But you are here training yourself and has decided not to quit. I am a soldier of the Ascalon Kingdom. It is because of my duty to protect you and the Royal family even if I have to risk my own life." Will said with his formal oath salute.

I was speechless and taken aback… maybe a bit embarrassed. No one has ever told me in person that they would risk their life for me, even if it was as his part of his duties. I gulped and for some reason could not look directly into his eyes for some time.

Will too grasped that our tutoring session was deviating from our primary objective and now that he knew the deadline, he was even more dead-serious about it.

"Princess… Regis, why don't I show you one of my own spells so that you can adopt how much magic power is required."

Will pointed for me towards a bunch of aiming targets placed far away.

He brandished his hand and started chanting a spell.

"Air heed to my calling and pierce through like the wind. Howling bolt."

A bright white light was drawn out from the arrow, a sudden gale slashes through the surrounding as Will pitches the arrow from the palm of his hands.

The force was so powerful that I was barely able to keep my eyes open. And when I finally did my eyelids apart, a massive crater lay waste and the target blown to smithereens.

That was more than impressive.

Though I am still sure I was more amazing with what I pulled at the Dragon Island…, but that might just have been a fluke on my part. I am sure if I can do something similar then at least I can hold my ground against Alicia, I think I could for a minute or two. Probably.

Or am I still underestimating her.

I was still astounded by the spell, and after a long time I got to see something overwhelming in the context of being normal. Nonetheless I still found myself in dust not knowing whether I will succeed in this pursuit or not.

Should I give up and forget?

"It's your turn to try shooting at those targets." Will might have noticed my hesitation as he walked to the target layout himself. And shout at me…

"Just don't forget why you started doing all of this." He had the most generous and sincere expression on his face. He was attentive and thoughtful enough to get me these special enchanted arrows, even when I am meeting him for the first time.

I glanced at him, and the unique seriousness and power was reflected in his soft atmosphere.

At some point I did not wanted to do anything, and the previous me might not have wanted it at this point of time. I was able to hug my family, have a casual talk with my sister and now I had someone devoting himself towards improving me. It all became possible once Alicia came here.

Everything came true, the moment she said she would grant my wish.

If she really has the power of granting others wishes, then why does it still annoys me when she said that I was afraid of using my own power?

I have used this power before to help her even for a little. I only need to remember.

This power is all mine, for me and me alone, to use at will.

Steadying my hands, I drew my bow to its limit. Channeling magic just as Will showed me, quickly transferring from my hands into the arrow, the air swelled and twisted around my arrow.

I finally released it before I could tell it would go exploding again, and it did not only contain my magic power but I knew I was able to let go of all of my pent-up sadness, and doubts in me.

The shock wave from the shot was strong enough to nearly blow me away. The arrow advanced at lightning speed, a brutal tornado in its wake.

"…. It wor… Will, look out!" I screamed the last of my words barely able to keep my eyes open and look through the dusty smoke.


Though the targets were unharmed. I was still not able to spot Will anywhere.

Where is he? Why? I can't see him? Someone…Will, where are you?

My eyes were about to tear up, as I sunk to the ground, both in my miserable state as I ran out of energy because I tried to release and suppress a lot of my magic powers at the same time.

Where did he disappear to?

"Regis you did well." A cheerful voice came from behind me as a shadow flashed.

I saw Will there standing, with his fine uniform all covered in dust.

"It would seem that with this method you can only turn the enchanted arrows into bombs that can explode any time. But it's a good start."

"Huhhh… How?" I asked in panic.

Will, explained me how he was able to measure the trajectory of my arrow and it going berserk before it could even hit the target right. He was able to run using his supersonic freefall spell and get behind me making sure that I was safe too.

Though the holes in his uniform tell me that he was barely able to escape the explosion.

"But I still missed the target and ended up hurting you? I don't know should I continue with it." I had started having second thoughts… maybe Alicia can help me suppress my powers as she had already done before, and then I can practice.

But that would be accepting it outright that I was again scared of using my powers on my own. I looked at Will, trying to know what he was thinking.

He grinned at me as a new friend and maybe as an old friend whom I just might had known for a very long time. As if he knows the answer even before I ask him. He has been helping me, without complaining and at least he has not given up on me.

"I will help you with everything, as long as you like it. Princess… Regis." I was not turned away this time.

This time… I will carry it on without losing myself. It might be embarrassing, but I really know now what should I be doing.

"Will, let's try it one more time and this time I will hit it for sure." I said with a warm smile.

"That's the spirit, I like to see in the soldiers I train. But knowing that you won't run out of magic so I have prepared dozens of enchanted arrow for you to keep practicing shooting unless you are able to hit your targets." Will had a miraculous outburst of energy as he pulled out several arrows from his magical storage box skill.

At that moment I realized that Will, was a pushover and a bit scary when it came to training. Seeing his perfect smile as he filled the ground under my feet with enchanted arrows, pulling them out of his storage box. That was also the moment I remembered a word hearing from the trainees calling him ⸺ the mad trainer or the tormenter.

I was flummoxed and at the same time, felt I was the weird one if I asked for a break to have my meals or some time for rest.

"Go forward. And help yourself with. I know you can hit it this time." He reissued his statement.

"Maybe you would sound more convincing, if you can help me here than cheering me from the sidelines." I screamed at Will, who was now like a scaredy-cat hiding behind the trees to the extreme corner of the training ground; the moment I loaded my bow with one of the enchanted arrow.

"Haha… it would seem that the training would literally end leaving me with holes." Will carried a suppressed smile. But his openness in thoughts was too refreshing for my choice and I wanted to give him my peace of mind in return.

"HAHAAA…" But I carried his smile even more vigorously and filled with kindness, "Will, I think I can improve more in my training if I try shooting at moving live targets." I was sure I was smiling at Will, when I pointed my arrow at his head, though my eyes may not have the same charms of a princess right now.



Well, later that day the training ground did literally was filled with screams of the boy who did his best to help a girl with all his honesty.

"I am sorry Princess… Regis."

"If you don't stay still, then I won't be able to fix my aim."

"But I don't want to get hurt anymore!?"

"I said, stay still. Or my arrows might hit you in the wrong place and you might get even more hurt."

"That would be worse."

"Get Ready!"

"Princess… please STOP. Maybe we should try other methods first which I have thought of. I am sure, there are other ways too."


"Yes… Princess."





I know you all have waited long enough and weeks for the climax fight and want to know who is going to win the fight. In the meantime only three days has passed in Alicia's new world and it would seem that Regis had a strong secret and is quite busy training. But finally in the next chapter the wait will be over and you can finally see the final fight between these two main characters.

By the way you are free to tell me your favourite special character I have introduced up till now - Edith, Lia and Will.




\\\\_(ツ)_/ ̄ A thank you mention for the Patrons

We are thrilled to have your support. You truly make the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful!

Names :- connormbond



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\\\\_(ツ)_/ ̄ SUPPORT ME IN MY WRITING ̄\\\\_(ツ)_/ ̄

Till now I have published from volume one to volume five for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

Keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

You can support my writing by reviewing my book on the platform you are reading or especially rate my book on Amazon Kindle.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating me.

Buy me a coffee at - https://ko-fi.com/noelelitia

Paypal - paypal.me/Harshitintelligent

You can support me from (razorpay gateway) - https://rzp.io/l/LgC54Q3

Even a little amount helps. I hope that you keep enjoying my work and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.