
It was the second day for my training and I was out of bed early, making sure not to wake Alicia up. Honestly, did she really had to sleep in the same room with me. I know the room is more than big enough to accommodate the two of us, but she would never learn like this. But then again, maybe this is good for a little while, if I am not the only one using this room.

After doing all my morning chores and exactly when I was about to leave for the practice ground. It would be a pleasant start if everything went well.

"Regis." Alicia silently stood there at the door, and I don't know how.

I thought I had given her the slip, but she was too sensitive and perceptive for that to happen.

"Alicia…" I most hesitantly called out her name, "Good Morning. I never saw you up." Being caught red-handed, I had left nothing to do but search for fictional flies, that might had been floating inside the room at any moment.

"Good morning to you too. Regis will you…"

"Okay, bye. There's some place I need to be." Neglecting her, I tried to move out as quickly as possible. I did not wanted her to know what I had been doing behind her back. I was guilty, and hiding something from her felt bad. But I had no choice and could not help doing it in any other way.

Facing her right now as I was, would be impossible for me.

"Regis, here take this with you." Alicia gave off a down smile, not at its brightest setting.

"… What's this?" I asked in reflex. A small box wrapped in a cloth, was already tucked between my finger's grip.

"I am sorry, for yesterday. Sine there was no more left for you." Alicia said in an apologizing manner.

"Thank you. We will talk later." Reassuring her I rushed out. I was beaming with energy because I knew I had made a phenomenal progress yesterday. And maybe today I can have a breakthrough, where I can actually properly conduct magic according to my will. After my level raised and my skill turned into a title. Controlling my magic power has been more comfortable and easier for me than ever before.

Besides already having this lunchbox, when yesterday I had to go hungry because of Will's harsh training. I was sure yesterday's tragedy would not repeat itself all over again.

I met Will at the training ground, and he was right on time. Neither a second late nor a second early.

"Sorry for not being the first." I condoned my own words.

"It's alright. So, let's start off right from where we left at yesterday."

"So, are we going to repeat the same training method?"

"Not at all. We only have two days left and your growth has been extraordinary. So, instead of repeating yesterday's drill. I think we should try new things so that you can explore which kind of tactical ability and magic suits you." Will explained to me as usual. He was dexterous in giving briefings and elucidating his teachings and training techniques.

"So, what do you think I should do this time." I asked quite eagerly. I did earn his praise, so it wouldn't be too bad if I overworked a little.

"We are going to raise the difficulty of our training!" Will looked smug with his answer.

'As if it's not difficult enough already.' A plain thought crossed my mind. Not like he would listen to what I have to say, when he has already with decided today's routine.

He was really a good teacher, and patient with me. Though I would had been glad if he would be not that open and free-minded.

When his over-optimistic personality could be thrashingly painful.

But for better or worse I was handling all of this pretty well, by keeping him in check in the best ways I could think of. I am sure by the end of our training he too would realize that, or maybe it would be just that late and by that time he might lose a body part or two, with countless holes in his body. But there is nothing to worry, since Alicia will surely patch him up for me, on my request and I can have several other get goes until I make sure of it that he improves too along with me.

"Regis… are you listening? From today on you are prohibited to use those enchanted arrows." Will, synchronized with the most positive vibes of today's appealing weather, called out to me without having a clue or inkling to any of my future plans and ideas.

"What?" I protested against the sudden decision he made on spot without consulting with me. I was sure if it were those arrows, I could definitely aim perfectly after yesterday's live-action practice.

"How will I shoot and aim at the same time, then?" I was sure I made the second question sound pretty reasonable. Will, knew that just either controlling the flow of magic and taking aim simultaneously was still a far cry for me.

"Exactly, I will not really call it the best of times but an exceptional opportunity, when you are neither too familiar nor a stranger to controlling the movement of magic in your surroundings. So I think with little hit and trial, you can figure out the right amount of magical energy to be used to complete a magic arrow formation." Saying that Will, threw a quiver at me; filled with arrows and it was like someone too careful made sure of it that not a single space was left for these poor arrows to take breathe inside. They were completely stacked and heavy.

"Alright. If it's a challenge, I am ready to take it on." I was pumped up for sure and after receiving that lunchbox from Alicia I felt like I could do anything. Even if I was a princess, I won't be going hungry today, unlike the last time.

Will, then seeing my eagerness, coincidentally had a profound idea and traced out other sets of quivers filled up to the brim, with arrows of different sizes and shape. With its bullet point ranging from pointed to different forms I never knew of before.

I knew Will, was making sure I gave my best and working hard, but he was way over pushing this above limit.

I might have hit him hard on the head for still not learning with his yesterday's lesson on my account. But I was not in the position right now of complaining and taking it slow. I had decided on a fight myself, and it was already troublesome to make Alicia accept the terms.

Taking a deep breath, I drew out an arrow and perfectly placing the nock on the string, I pulled it to its maximum, just making sure that the elasticity of the string was put to test to its utmost elasticity. I started channeling magic in it, just as I practiced doing yesterday and only hoped to not mess up this time.


The arrow was shattered and twisted into a scrunch from the middle with a strong gust of wind that dented the ground.

"Will…" I called out to him dejected at my miserably failed attempt, looking for his venerable and diligent guidance.

"Don't you worry and keep trying. Just as I said, there can be hundreds of wrong shots that you might pull, but a single correct shot just might tell you where you were going wrong in those hundred."

"You really think that way. But do we actually have that much time?" I enquired, now leaving everything to my master's far-sightedness. But this time it was just a doubt and I could not let myself feel insecure and self-doubting anymore.

"Just as I have always said. I will stay here with you unless you are able to achieve your goal and as long as you like me to." Will did not change his stance or expression, even for once.

Maybe people don't really change that quickly. And so I cannot expect from myself the same. I cannot expect a miracle to happen in these remaining two days. All I can do ⸺ is give my best and accept whatever the result may come. But I had to win this time no matter what, and until I think I had put effort enough to make that effort enough to make that happen, I shouldn't stop.

When Alicia uses magic, she shines really bright, the kind whom I would be most jealous of. But from the moment I met her, with whatever she says or do, it pulls my heart in.

But I doubt I will ever have any of that. I sometimes talk edgy and I still cannot properly use magic at that level. But if I want to be with her, I will have to train more and more and reach to the point where I and she can talk at an equal level. Never in my life I have ever felt this competitive before, to be strong and able to reach someone and catch up to them.

Disheartening myself even before the match would be like betraying my own words with what I said to my aunt, Alicia's mother.

I kept on practicing as Will instructed me to. Not sure how many hours passed, when a small group of people in training uniform, the same as Will, showed up at the training field. Around seven people, while two of them were girls, the rest were men.

"Commander Will, I knew we will find you here!"

"We just couldn't rest, knowing that you will be alone training here." A soldier jeered, as he waved his hand at Will.

"I see someone is already there to accompany you but who is that?" one of the soldiers tried to stare at me, giving off the feeling that they just might had seen me somewhere before. Maybe not sure where, but they were no stranger.

"Never seen her before. You sure?"

"Maybe commander found a new teammate for us. A new recruit." One of the female soldier suggested.

"I am not so sure about that. But isn't she really beautiful."

"She really looks pretty and refined for a soldier class recruit. I guess."

"Don't tell me the Kingdom is low on manpower, and has to hire such a angelic lovely young lady."

"Don't be rude!" shouted another of the female soldier at the other three who just then had shared the short exchange of comments in their circle.


"I was sure that I had dismissed all of you from training for a week and to have absolute rest after the southern campaign. Why are all of you here then?" Will asked passing a worried expression at me.

Since I was a princess, he had absolutely no idea how would I respond to this as such. On the contrary I was the clueless and much more in distress, for someone who had never talked casually to the soldiers of my country before.

What a failure of a princess have I been? I am sorry father and mother, for causing any trouble to you!

Wait, what if I compare myself to Alicia, she surely falls short too in such situations. But then again, it feels rather meaningless. And winning from her in such a field doesn't really excite me that much. Right, maybe because its already a given.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I am sorry commander. But we just couldn't have a proper rest without tiring ourselves with training each day." Excitedly one of the soldiers explained.

"I think you are exactly right." Confirmed one of the soldiers, but he didn't seem much happy about it with his own affirmation and lethargic tone.

"But isn't it the truth that if we get slow on our official training day then commander might overextend our work out time." Complained one of the dejected looking soldier as he supported his other two comrades at the same time.

"And that's something we do not want to happen. Commander." Continued another in haste and pride.

"We do not want to get rusted. Commander. That's pretty much it!" Complimented the other women soldier.

"Reporting to commander Will. We are here to train, Sir. So, if you would allow us? Please." Together said all the soldiers in unison while also giving the sanctioned salute to the higher official Will.

I somehow felt proud, that he was respected so highly among so many soldiers this much. But now he was lost in thought and would sometime look in my direction. Not being able to decide what to do or say to them anything.

Seeing him in a quandary, I knew it was my time to shine. But what should I really do, because when it comes down to it, I haven't got a clue. The other soldiers stared at me as they too figured out Will's hesitation. Regardless both of the group were new arrivals to each other and the only link was Will himself, who was quiet now.

Just say something.

"Hmmmm…." I cleared my throat, making sure to exactly copy my father, as I saw him doing the same sometimes, "Will, I think it's okay if they can train and practice with us together. Can you please introduce ourselves to each other?"

For some reason, I would have been fine introducing myself. But I let Will do it. Since, I don't know how they would react when they would really come to know who I was?

"Hm...hmm." Will rapidly nodded his head in affirmation as he continued, "You are right. I think the more people train with you then you can get more ideas with how others use magic and have different viewpoints about it."

So, he never would change. And was more worried about my training. But that's kind of good to. And I could already feel the future problems ⸺ I might had been accidentally imposing on these soldiers, because of my sudden request to Will.

The others were in bewilderment, since they didn't realize my position, to be able to give their commander, Will orders. Even though I have never done any princess like thing before, except for living inside the palace.

"Good for you trainees. I present to you the second princess of Ascalon Kingdom, Princess Regis Ascalon. And from today we are going to train together." Will made an impressive introduction out of my name, though it was a little beyond what I actually was.

At first those young soldiers were taken aback after hearing my lofty position, later then, they were hit by a certain ignorance trying to figure out who I was really, and did I really match to the description. Seeing their blank faces I could at least tell that much.

From there I was sure that the next thing I could expect were their harsh stares, as other people have done to me on a constant basis. I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly ran away, but I felt bad for tarnishing Will's reputation by this.

"WHAAAHHHTTTT???" All of them blared out together and in the next moment were on their knees as if begging for their lives.

I was expecting a much ruthless reaction, but they were actually prostrating in front of me. And what's with the indescribable expression on their faces.

"Princess, please forgive us for our disregards."

"Don't feed us to the monsters for our crime of ignorance."

"I swear to the spirits, we were oblivious of our own place. Please forgive us for our insolence."

I was sure by now, that if I wouldn't have done anything, then they would surely leap on me in their desperation. Even when they were making me look the bad person, I was scared of their mob reaction. Just what kind of tyrannical figure did they imagine me in their heads.

"Will, did I say something wrong, or was I not clear enough?" I imperatively seeked Will's help, which I needed more than ever to clear out the confusion.

"Everyone quiet down, the princess, says that you can actually train along with her." Will ordered his battalion with a much louder and stronger voice than he ever did before.

The battalion broke into tears realizing that their lives were spared. But I really never intended to do such atrocities, never in my lifetime. They stood up again in the formal salute and in a proper formation for the first time.

"Yes, commander. We look forward to our training." They shouted together in unison again.

And approximately that's how it went down. They were more than happy to help with my training, which had already come a far way along. The other soldiers cheered at me while I tried to use quick implementation magic spells for simple attacks. And besides they also showed me their own specialty.

Mira, one of the female soldiers had an excellent control over water magic, or how unexpectedly one of the most bulky and muscular soldier was good at healing magic, than using the giant knuckles to knock down his opponent. They all had different intake about using magic and perceiving it in their own ways.

That made me think of how Alicia would perceive her magic? It was unlike anything that I have seen before. She does not use magic words or chants, or even magic circles. Her casting speed is almost spontaneous and I won't be able to predict the kind of magic she would be using.

Fighting with her without knowing how she could counteract me in any impossible way, was going to make it even harder. But I did not let any of these concerns bother me anymore. Because my brain was now more focused on learning, and the fight came afterwards. Also practicing with these soldiers I was more than thrilled, when there could be more competitors.

After that one of the soldiers reminded us to take our lunch break on the pretext that eating food was also a necessary part of the training. Good job there.

Not sure whether Will shared the same sentiment, but after all the votes balloted against him, he would for sure try to reconsider his thoughts on the matter.

Or I might just have to drill it inside him, before our training period expired.

In between that process, I happily opened my lunchbox, hoping to see something good since father and mother highly regarded the food Alicia made. Not sure why, but after I had lifted the top lid, a multitude of people collected around me in a circle.

"Waahhh… I have never seen what does the Royal family eats?" One of them expressed his thought with a shameful eagerness, seeing that he was already drooling form his mouth.

"What kind of special luxurious food is that? It's all white." asked Ema one of the female soldier and followed most of the other soldiers whose names I had learned by now.

"Do you really think you can understand the cuisine of the Royals."

"I am sure it's not really that special." I butted in, rebuking all of their statements. It's just what I eat, and eat every day.

But all of them had eyes ogling on me and my food as if it was some kind of historic treasure. I looked below and gave a serious thought as to how Alicia had prepared more than enough and sharing won't be that big of a problem.

I raised my tiffin and holding it like a cup, its perfect smell and the still magically hot food inside lured out seekers from all around.

"Would all of you like to have a bite?" I muttered innocently, making a hasty decision so as to not to be the cause of a riot.

"Yes." "Sure." "Thank you so much." Words of gratitude let my mind wander far off. Only to later realize that the top of my palm now held empty air. Somehow the lunch box was gone. Did the earth eat it? Or the sky swallowed it?

And before I could even look around who might have picked it up, the box almost reappeared immediately, without me even knowing who put it back. I know, it's highly doubtful, but don't tell me that one of them knows teleportation magic just like Alicia.

Everyone had satisfied expression on their faces.

"I told you this food is totally out of this world." Cried one of the soldier in joy.

"Do they grow this kind of special and exquisite ingredients inside the palace only."

"I am not going to wash this hand from now. I am sure the taste has perfectly dissolved in it."

"If only I could get one more bite. Just a small…" wailed one of them.

I was now in a dilemma as to whether it was the right thing that I did or maybe not. I just might have escalated their opinion about the Royal food menu, when one of the soldiers who participated said he could see 'God's hand' work behind the making of this food.

Without stressing much over the unknown, I pulled the box down, with great prospects. Even if I would be the last to taste the food made by Alicia's hand, I can be the only one to rightly appreciate it, because I am the one who has to put up with all her thoughtless and strange demands.

"Whaaa…t? Just a single ball !!!" I cried while jumping, and screamed in a hush.

To my utter dismay I found just a single rolled ball of that white rice left inside. I am sure it was something, that yesterday they called it a rice ball. I gulped, knowing that I had no choice but to fill my tummy with just one.

"Princess. I am glad to see that you are able to renergize and have a lot of fun at the same time." Will came after a long walk and fixing the damaged training ground. Keeping my lunch box on the side, he joined us. His dress had gotten a bit untidy and from what I had noticed he had went back to calling me a Princess after the soldiers showed up. But I really wouldn't have mind if he would stick to my name only.

But is this what they really call fun, hanging out with these soldiers, training and playing with them at the same time.

"Yes, it is fun." I eminently replied, thanking him for all his hard work. I wondered can I have fun doing the same thing with Alicia?

"In my work ethic doing a lot of productive work is a great way to keep yourself healthy and lively." Will replied without holding back his emotions and faith he religiously followed.

So, that's what he really meant. Shhhh!... after all of this? But that might be just he saying. I am just glad that the whole army is not like him, otherwise they would have surely abolished all the Sundays and holidays in the name of increasing the efficiency and working hours in the kingdom.

"Now, the lunch break is over let's get back to training." Will prompted to the others including me.

"I am stuffed. That was some really some insane food, than the usual boiled green veggies which the commander recommends."

"I think I can do double… no maybe thrice times the usual training just after taking a bite from that dish."

"If princess joins us in training, then maybe we can actually be fed such delicacies every day." Another soldier, Nirim opinionated his thoughts gladly.

"Just as I said before. Don't be rude, to the Princess." Mira screamed giving a severe blow to Nirim on his nape almost knocking him unconscious.

But I had no time to worry for him, since I hadn't had my chance at it till yet. Even with this less of a time I was sure, I could gulp it down and savour it in one mouthful... the anticipation of this heavenly taste had broken all the time barriers for me. I turned to my lunchbox, nicely kept over a piece of cloth laid on the ground.


But my eyes narrowed on a single red ant trying to pull a small single grain from the box. And from there followed a long train of ants strongly holding to a s ingle piece of grain one at a time in a marching procession.

"You got to be kidding me. Not the ants too…" I fell on four on the grounds, just to observe how extra-ordinarily stretched the line of ants carrying the food was.

"Everyone to the training ground. Quick." Will gave us the final call. Almost everyone had packed their stuff and had gone back to the training grounds.

With tearful eyes, held back in my eyes, I sniffled, while closing my lunchbox. For me it was no longer fun anymore. How does that paragon trainer expects me to work on an empty stomach. There was no choice for me.

And once again I had to go on empty stomach for training.

I arrived back in my room late at night, hoping to find Alicia and ask her to make something for me again. But for the first time she was absent from my room. It was quite strange, because I would always find here if not anywhere else.

She couldn't have just gone to someplace on her own. She is still too childish to know her way around the palace.

I quickly enquired the maids, and was relieved to know that she was forcibly dragged and was today going to spend the night in big sister Edith's room. I felt bad for her upcoming fate and the tolling death bells I could hear for her. But I was in even much worse condition ⸺ starving and tired.

It felt quite long for the first time silent again in my room. But I think I was already too tired to hear any noise, or go to big sister and fight back for Alicia's safety. All I could do was wish for her safe return tomorrow morning.

The third and final day, did not go with things as planned. According to Will now it was time for me to stop trying for new methods and repeat all that I had learnt by now and find the best possible way for myself to cast magic and repeat it as many times as I could. Though there were only simple basic spells I could wield when I controlled my magic but because of my magic nature they were largely of destructive nature.

At least it was better than having nothing in my arsenal and it was also Will who said that I should focus on things and ideas that were available to me instead of complaining for not having the necessary power.

But aiming for a target in the dark under a time constraint might had been really a fool's errand for me. Without doubting for a second, I did as Will suggested me to. The soldiers and the new comrades I had made here too showed up and they were more than happy to further test my limits.

I won in races, sometimes failed to dodge an attack and got hurt, fell prey to one of the trap magic laid by a veteran soldier, and could go toe to toe with Will in hand-to-hand fight. And not to forget seeing how Will won in all the unofficial hand-wrestling matches we held in our breaks as we cheered for every competitor.

But my goal still hadn't changed. It had deepened even further. It's all because I have been trying new things here and there. Doesn't matter whether I lose at it in the first try or not. Or fall too short in skills to follow those who are ahead of me.

I tomorrow had a big day and the jump I had to make was bigger than any of them I made in these days. But the basics were already drilled into my body and I was already in the spirits of one etching for a fight.

"I think we should temporarily stop training here."

"Temporarily…." I whispered; words barely able to come out of my mouth.

"Yes, tomorrow is an important day for you. I think you should take some rest before that happens." Will calmly looked at me. At least he could have helped me to get up.

"Wil…." I stared at him softly in return. "You, say that… but can't you see all the soldiers have already fainted because of exhaustion while those who were still barely able to stand had to carry them back to the infirmary. It has already been more than five hours from when the sun went down. And I am hungry too." I complained, screamed and cried at the same time. I might have acted like a little kid there.

"Now Regis, stop complaining." After a long time he called me by my name and it caught my attention. "I wish you best of luck for tomorrow. And I am sure that you will find all your hard work that you had put in your training helpful to overcome those challenges." Will's polite words really helped me feel better.

"I think I feel a bit more relieved now." I applauded myself for recovering from that traumatic and devastated temperament of mine a while ago.

"Really…" Will excitedly looked at me, ignoring my beaten and torn down looks, which he should be blamed for.

"Stop. That doesn't mean I am going to train more… at least not for today." I stopped Will before he could go any further with his bestial and demonic cultivation tutelage.

"Yeah! Yeah, I understand." Will giggled, trying to pretend that it was all just part of his big joke. But he was just that good at not hiding it.

"Ahhhh…" I took a deep breath and stood straight and tall. "Will if you really understand then… I want you to come and see me in my tomorrow's fight." I said it in a serious tone. But then started laughing, maybe I started having second thoughts that it might not had been a good idea and whether Alicia would permit it. She had been set on hiding her presence, saying that it was something she was asked to do generally.

"Yes, I would definitely like to be a witness of your duel; as long as you like me to." Will stood on one knee under the growing shade of the last remaining tree in the backyard of the palace in the official work code. A paragon of the finest soldier in the kingdom and also a bastion of training.

Wait! Don't tell me he really expects me to pass on an official statement about the completion of the status of his duties.

Why isn't he moving an inch. What if I am unable to do it properly and we might had to spend the rest of the night like this. But I ant to go home and take rest!

Having no choice, I stood like my father and big sister and mother would always do in the official king's court and observing Will, I paused for a second.

"Will, I am grateful for your service and for what you have taught me until now in these three days and… for those years. I hope that I can keep on learning from you even in the future."

"Yes, Princess Regis." The knight smiled proudly at the kind words of appreciation from the lovely princess for whom he had been duty bound to.


I don't even remember how I got to the palace. My body is the only thing I am sure of.

Thankfully, I was able to at least make it back to my door. But it was so late at night that even the maids had gone to sleep. I was the only one burning the midnight-oil. My eyelids were feeling heavy and I would be most thankful to the person who could have just arranged for a bed even in the hallway for me to lie down.

Alicia too now spends most of her time with my mother and big sister Edith. But I was the one keeping my distance from her. I haven't even apologized to her for yesterday's morning, when I left her alone and without an answer.

I was too dry and drained to turn the knob by myself. It's not like anyone would be waiting for me.

Just then I magically saw the door knob rotating by itself and as the gate flipped open, my hands caught in a grip and I was briskly pulled into my room.

"Don't touch me. I could have hurt you." I jerked off my hand in reflex as I pushed back the person a little. But found myself too weak to even pull that off. When surprisingly the person who stood in front of me was with such a slender and thin body.

I thought I might have really hurt her if I tried to. Alicia.

"What are you saying? It's me… Alicia."

I took a sigh of relief and felt the environment around the room as the type of being a twisted noontime evening. My eyes were drawn to Alicia as she stared back, she was still shining in that beautiful background of her white hair.

But something was different. And I wanted to laugh, but also knew that it was my fault that she felt like this.

I saw Alicia pouting, showing her rebellious side because I was not paying attention to her. But honestly, she was still failing to do such a simple task. I am sure I can give her proper lessons to be able to do so, after I myself have been coached by Will. But most part of me actually liked it the way it was.

It was too hilarious and broken.

"Alicia. I am so…" But if my actions at the end was bringing pain to her then I am not sure of its worth.

"Regis…" before I could apologize, Alicia stopped me from speaking.

She pressed my hands between her own, a perfect size fit for each other. As if she was reassuring herself, that I was there.

"I am so relieved." Her words sounded warm to me.

"Relieved?" I asked.

Since it is beyond anyone's capabilities to figure out her intention. It was better to directly ask her.

"You looked down earlier, so I was wondering if you were okay." Alicia scrunched her hands and releasing me as such, her eyes lit open.

That's what was actually worrying her. Just her touch made my body feel lighter and revitalized. I can't be sure whether she might had been casting one of her magic spells at me. But her feelings were refreshing.

"Don't talk foolish? Do I really look like someone who would feel down on small stuff." I said making sure that she doesn't have to worry about anything else.

"Not at all." Alicia said clearing her eyes and her smile as if made my heart skip a beat twice consecutively.

"I am not a big bundle of cheers like you. I have my own worries which I want to solve on my own." I lashed out at her, pointing out her faults. Obviously, it was intentional and made-up.

"Hmmm…." Alicia bent lower and stared at my face directly bringing it closer by every instant and winked at my eyes.

Don't tell me she has figured out that I was just pretending, and was actually worried before.

"Wh-What?" I asked as I gulped.

"Yeah, this is how you should be!" Alicia said with one of her brightest smile. It was finally back and I love it.

If she stared even for a second more, I might had given in. So I pushed my neck away at an uncomfortably difficult angle, even when it was hurting a bit after training.

But Alicia did not pause her ascent, and before I could fall, I took her by shoulders and pushed her a bit back, making her directly land safely on bed. It's not like she would get a bit offended if I created a bit personal space for myself.

She should be more careful with whom she does that kind of things. If it were for my big sister, I bet she would had become food by now and had been gobbled up. I should really be appreciated and commended for my gentleman attitude.

"Let's go to sleep. I am very tired." I said impatiently, rubbing my shoulders.

"Umu…" Alicia responded childishly as she scrolled inside the bed sheet in her usual spot which she had marked as of her own. Later I joined her too after changing into my night clothes.


Tuck. Tuck.

"Now what?" I asked forcibly, not being able to hold back myself anymore.

We were already on bed, but Alicia was holding on to my back for some reason and her grip was getting lose and tight rapidly alternating every second. I just couldn't sleep like this.

"Nothing." She replied, making herself heard loud and clear that something was surely not sitting right with her. It was better for me to hear her worries. I wouldn't have minded if she went and destroyed the world in her fury, but I couldn't give up on my precious sleep and needed to resolve her problems somehow.

"Do you want to talk a bit. Before sleeping." I recommended to her. Painful as it was, I had to take the roundabout way. But it was a sure fall method for someone like Alicia.



////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV //////////

I cheerfully replied to Regis's proposal and I think it was one of the best ways to sort out my thoughts that were concerning me.

On the second day I had spent most of the time with my aunt Alva in the Genesis Tree residence dome. We drank tea and ate confectionary cookies all day basking under the cool and calm shadow of the lush green environment. Though I was continuously being pestered by her about the spirits, my mother and I could describe her as one of the die-hard fans of the True Hero.

The third day I visited Lia's dine-in together with big sister Edith and I showed her the recipes and different ways of using rice in a dish. She was astounded by the flavours and its versatility to go along and accentuate the amount and taste of any dish. I even got a job offer from her, but I had to refuse the application letter because I had my fight with Regis the next day and then I had to continue with my journey and search for Athena.

Settling somewhere now was a far-off-thought for me.

Today too Regis had left early in the morning without talking to me in a hurry. Though I am glad that I was able to cook a new batch of breakfast for her early in the morning and give it to her on time. I thought I would be able to spend much time with her. But she hasn't been around me lately ever since we came back.

The third day was the same. It's her home, I know there might be things more important to her than me. Is it possible that I am trying to gain her attention? But it won't be good for any of us. Now would it…

Mother wanted me to be decisive in this matters and so do I, otherwise it would leave me sad and that would also hurt Regis and everyone else around me.

Saying goodbye to them, mother and father was way more easier, maybe they were always prepared for that day or they were making sure that I was prepared. That I won't be too hurt when I leave home. But Regis has got her own life and even if she might be willing to help me out, I can't be sure that she would enjoy a journey with me, and partake in my troubles.

If I had anything to speak to her right now, it would be ⸺

"You know I have never known so many people at the same time and spend so much time with them!" I said, not knowing why. But these were really my inner thoughts. And just as mother told me, I wanted to share my heart with someone.

But for that someone… I wanted it to be Regis for now.

"What's that about?" Regis turned to me in surprise. Putting me in doubts whether it was really that strange to say something like this.

But that too would also have been my first reaction if someone told something as chummy to me like this.

"Well…" I tried to think harder hoping to come up with something in response and turn the direction of the conversation from becoming awkward.

"Your mother hasn't left my side since I came here and is always around me." I thought of telling her what I had done in these past three days.

"Obviously, it was bound to happen because you are now like an idol to her. My mother is the tree maiden and a staunch spirit worshipper. For someone like you whom even the Great Spirit bowed to, you might be akin to a status of Deity for her." Regis explained to me.

"Is that so…" I replied to her realizing that I really needed to do these kind of things around as less as people I could and only whom I could really trust. Or, if I was just going to get rid of them later.

There was suddenly a long pause as I ran out of words to speak and I could already feel Regis drowsing. I might had been really bad at these topic conversations after all. Thinking that she was awake, I wanted to say something that I had been holding back.

"Regis about tomorrow, is it really necessary to…"

Before I could complete, Regis woke up as if she just now dived out off a bad dream in which she fell from the cliff. Quite a scary experience and I too sometimes have those nightmare visions. Most of the time it's a small cute wolf puppy who would run to the side of cliff and to the dangerous broken bridge which cannot hold us two together. And just when I was about to rescue him, he runs to the other side and tears off the ropes with his canines and I fall into the ravine. I for one have come to despise wolves.

"Alicia if its about tomorrow, then let's have that talk tomorrow only." Regis framed those words stiffly.

"But…" I questioned apologizingly, but struggled against Regis who was trying to physically shut me up.

Regis when was about to protest with her hands and trying to push me to the side of the bed, as if she found her hands heavy. She looked below and found her hands were intertwined around mine. Someway in her half-sleep, she had snuggled close to me.

I smiled at her. I actually didn't mind her doing that. It might had been strange in the start but I think I owe her that much. Also it was better this way on colder nights.

Regis face again went red in shame as she pulled them back with a funny reaction.

"You have gotten a bit mischievous with spending your time with big sister Edith." Regis said in an embarrassed state.

"Wait I can explain…" my hands went around here and there in air but I still couldn't come out with a reasonable excuse for myself.

"Don't be dumb. And. Goodnight." Regis stomped the pleasantry on my face and pulling all of the bedsheet to her side I was left bare.

Realizing I was just now scolded for a being a bad girl. I needed to reassess my thoughts of spending my time around so many people when I can get in trouble for being in bad company. I was again hit over by the truth that living with so many people can be a bit bothersome at times.

I pulled out a new blanket from my dimensional storage with how I was refused to get a share in the one which Regis was using.

So, she finally decided to not talk about it. Is she really that stressed on fighting with me. And what will happen after I win…

All I wanted was just to spend more time with her before I decided to leave.

I may have also fallen asleep shortly after.



I know the pace of the novel is going slow for this arc and I couldn't bring up the promised fight as I had said before, and by the flow of the story you know it is bound in the next chapter now.

Also for few chapters our main character is getting less screen time every second…. So from here on after her duel, the chapters pace would be a bit fast and we will have loads of (Sachi) Alicia's POV and the adventure is going to continue soon. I have already shed light upon the two new minor important characters coming up further in this novel – to whom I refer as to the best duo in the world. You will probably know the reason pretty soon in the story. Their illustration will be shared soon in the discord community. So you can join up there if you are interested.

Strangely this arc involving Regis and the duel was supposed to be dealt with in the previous volume. But Regis being an important character I wanted to give her a bit more of time. Also otherwise with how I usually plan and write – characters like Will, Lia and their involvement in the story was never a part of the series and were actually made on spot. The reason might be because I think Regis is a kind of character you can find everywhere who is insecure of their capabilities trying to pull out punches. But if we don't see that punches then we might not be able to see their effect that can leave a mark and she would soon fade in the background.

No one would like to happen that to a good character like her. I am sure of it.

I hope that this story arc was worth your time and you liked all the new characters and found them interesting. You are free to share your thoughts in comments.

Next chapter : We're the same : Next chapter will be coming soon. And don't you forget about the bet!



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Till now I have published from volume one to volume five for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

Keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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