Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 248 3rd Party

Back at the hotel room, the three men were oblivious to the fate that would befall them. They stared at the one double bed silently.

Wait, technically it was only two men that stared at the double bed.

Sun Jingwei had taken one look at the bed and then promptly gone into the bathroom to take a quick shower. He wanted to wash away the smell of cheap cigarettes, perfume and whiskey that was hovering all over him, thanks to that unfortunate encounter.

He had to make sure to look presentable for his father-in-law tomorrow! But the motel shower clearly didn't want to make it easy for him. The water pressure was poor, and it felt like someone was peeing on him, making showering a chore. To add insult to injury, the water temperature seemed to swivel from hot to cold to hot with no warning whatsoever, and he screamed in surprise.

He wondered how he could convince Xue Ning to at least let him shower in her house. Then his brain thought about Xue Ning and the shower and remembered all the fun times they had, and his dick stood up again.

Guess his shower would have to take a detour…

Meanwhile from outside, Ming Guang had rolled his eyes at Jingwei's behaviour. How could someone be so noisy when bathing? First screaming, then moaning. Disgusting.

As Young Master Sun was definitely going to take the bed, he and Wei Yan were relegated to the floor. As such, he wasted no time doing a customary security sweep of the motel room.

It was free of technological bugs, but sadly not free of biological bugs. Wei Yan had to swat a few errant moths that flew in from the open window, attracted by the lights!

"Can't believe they don't even close the windows," muttered Wei Yan disbelievingly as he chased away the last stubborn moth. The windows made a squeaking sound when he shoved them shut.

The air-conditioning also let out an ominous creaking sound when he turned it on. They waited with baited breath, but it finally opened and began blasting semi-cold air into the room, just in time for Sun Jingwei to emerge from the bathroom in his own bathrobe, looking clean and refreshed.

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He wasted no time plopping himself right in the middle of the bed, claiming territory even without drying his hair.

"Well come on then, go and bathe and join me." Jingwei said cheerfully. "We have to get up at 3am tomorrow to meditate."

"With all due respect Sir," Ming Guang said, in a tone that sounded quite disrespectful indeed, "three of us cannot fit on this bed. I'll take the floor." Ming Guang was too tall for the sofa chair.

Jingwei then turned to Wei Yan expectantly. "How about you? You're already pretending to be Xue Ning's fake boyfriend, you might as well pretend to be my fake boyfriend too."

Wei Yan choked and hastily shook his head. He thought Sun Jingwei had forgotten about that, but clearly he was still holding a grudge! What a petty guy! If he shared a bed with him, he might be kicked throughout the night on purpose.

"No thanks. Sir." He added belatedly at Ming Guang's warning look.

"No, I insist," Jingwei said, waving him over. "I wanted to sleep next to Xue Ning, but since she's not here, I'll have to make do with you. You, her fake boyfriend, the man that was quick enough to pretend to be boyfriend in front of her family."

"Sir?" Wei Yan asked hesitantly, alarm bells ringing in his head.

"No, no, I'm not mad," Jingwei said cheerfully, but Wei Yan would have been a pretty shitty bodyguard if he couldn't sense the bloodlust radiating from him.

"After all, it's not your fault that your face looks more compatible with hers that everyone thinks you guys are a couple. And it's also not your fault that you're also interested in Xue Ning. Everyone should be interested in her. You have good taste."

"Thanks?" Wei Yan said warily, shooting Ming Guang a worried glance. Ming Guang shrugged and helpfully went into the bathroom to wash up.

"But it was really smart of you to use this method to pretend you're dating her," Jingwei continued. "Since you knew that we had no intention of letting anyone know we were dating, there was no way to call your bluff! A perfect plan, if I do say so myself. But it ends now."

The air-conditioning wasn't cold in such a third-rate motel, but Wei Yan still felt a chill travel down his spine at Sun Jingwei's words and at the look in his eyes.

Now he understood why Sun Jingwei wanted a room with all three of them! This was a power play!

"I beg to differ," Wei Yan said, crossing his arms. His feelings for Miss Li might be new, but they were there and they longed to be recognized and treated with respect.

"In the eyes of the townspeople here, I am still Miss Li's boyfriend. You revealing the truth will just further harm her standing - she'll be known as a playgirl, a whore jumping in between men. Is this what you want for the woman you claim to love?"

Jingwei smiled with too many teeth. "That won't matter. We aren't going to be staying long enough for Xue Ning to suffer any repercussions. But it's good that you care so much for my wife." Jingwei emphasised the last two words, his eyes flashing with anger.

But he still kept a cheery grin.

"It's always good to bond with a man of culture. So come on, feel free to sleep next to me!"

"I'd rather not." Wei Yan wracked his brain for an excuse. "Wouldn't Miss Li be upset if she finds you sleeping beside someone that's not her?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind," Jingwei said.

"Fine," Wei Yan said, gritting his teeth, as he clambered to the other side of Jingwei's bed, purposely glaring at him. He hadn't showered and Sun Jingwei was bound to hate it, but he asked first. And he had something to say to him.

"In case you forgot, even married couples can get divorced, if given enough incentive."

Jingwei's eyes flashed. "Are you threatening me?"

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