Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 249 Unwanted Observations

"No, just making an observation Sir," Wei Yan said with a steely gaze, lying down on the bed. "Couples dating can also break up, especially without support from the family members. A third party wouldn't make a difference."

"Hmph. Fine then, I accept your challenge!" Jingwei slapped his hand on the bed, and because the mattress was so lumpy the smack didn't even cause the blow to reverberate.


"In the end, I'll be the last man standing at the altar when Xue Ning walks in," Jingwei vowed. "Wei Yan, you can try all your dirty tricks to win her over, but just know that you'll lose!"

Wei Yan scowled. Part of him wondered if Li Xue Ning knew how ridiculously possessive and dangerous Sun Jingwei truly was. She had only seen the cuter side of his possessiveness, his reluctance to part with her tonight, for instance.

​ His protectiveness over her and willingness to indulge her every whim. But Wei Yan had a feeling that it wouldn't be enough in future. This man had no career of his own and was living off his family's wealth, and he even got himself into serious trouble that Wei Yan and Ming Guang had to be sent to guard him instead of Tianwei, the heir that was actually doing something!

No matter how he thought about it, even if Miss Li didn't like him, she still deserves someone better!

"Miss Li will be the judge of that," Wei Yan said firmly, giving Jingwei a cutting look. "Her opinion matters the most in these circumstances, not yours."

And then Wei Yan had to land a finishing blow. "Her parents don't like you and your father destroyed their restaurant. What future do you hope to build together?"


Back in Shanghai, Wu Shang Jing swirled a cup of red wine as he gazed at the monitor, taking a long, appreciative sniff before gulping it down like water.

Good news deserved to be celebrated with good wine, no matter how late the hour!

"Zi Long, isn't it great that Heaven is still on my side?" Wu Shang Jing mused idly to himself, gesturing to the screen.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sun Jingwei had activated his credit card, which wasn't out of the ordinary. What was weird was that he used his credit card to stay in a motel in the middle of the countryside. No wonder the trail went cold after he got on his private plane! Such a backwater town didn't even have good enough Internet for him to work his magic.

Clearly, his old friend had run away with the tail hidden between his legs.

"Young Master Wu, you should be asleep," Zi Long said in concern. Wu Shang Jing's mental state tended to get more erratic when Young Master Wu kept late nights, hence Zi Long had made more efforts to usher him to bed early, as though he was still the child he watched over.

"Yes, yes," Shang Jing said fondly. "I'll have sweet dreams now that I know where Jingwei is."

"He'll return to Shanghai," Zi Long said, after a cursory glance at the information on the screen. "There's no way he can hide there forever."

"Of course!" Shang Jing clapped gaily to himself. He had already set the pieces in place, and it was too easy now that he knew who Jingwei's precious woman was.

Sun Jingwei would be returning back to Shanghai, but no one could know what state he'd be in…

And whether he would still have his precious fiancee with him when he returned. Oh, such anticipation! He couldn't wait for next week!

Meanwhile, Zi Long sighed, his hand holding his Young Master's medicine case. The pills were left uneaten again. How much longer could he last like this?


"Wife, I know you're still awake. How are you feeling?" Tai Cheng asked as he entered their bedroom. He watched Sun Jingwei and his bodyguards drive off to the motel before returning to his own bedroom.

Unfortunately, this meant that he also got an unwanted eyeful of his daughter making out with Sun Jingwei before he left! He wished to avert his eyes in disgust, but he was afraid that if he did, they'd go way further than they were supposed to! Thankfully, his daughter still had some common sense to send him away.

Tai Cheng didn't like that hungry look in Sun Jingwei's eyes as he gazed at his daughter. That man had no respect for them! Why couldn't Xue Ning pick another man? The fake boyfriend Wei Yan seemed to be a better choice!

He had kept a close eye on her as she turned in for the night, making sure she didn't chase after him. Just in case. Now that Jingwei was finally gone, he could check on his wife, who had been suspiciously quiet.

If she was her normal self, she would have flung a flower pot at Jingwei the moment they started kissing on their front porch!

Yue Niang let out a sigh at her husband's question. "Is he finally gone?"

"For now," Tai Cheng answered, crawling into bed. "And you didn't answer my question."

"What's there to say?" Yue Niang said with a sardonic smile. "He cooks like Bi Yu… Guess she managed to pass her cooking skills to one of her kids. I'm surprised Sun Haowei even let her into the kitchen to cook, let alone teach her son. Remember how he claimed cooking was for servants?"

"Like he'd stop Bi Yu from doing what she wanted," Tai Cheng mused. "He isn't that terrible."

"Don't tell me you still have rose-tinted glasses on! If he didn't ill-treat Bi Yu, it isn't because he's a good person. But because he didn't care enough about her to do that." Yue Niang muttered, scowling. She knew better than anyone - she used to be Sun Haowei's lover, before she picked Tai Cheng over him.

During that time, Sun Haowei had always treated Bi Yu with a certain level of distance, so when news of their engagement hit the grapevine, they were both shocked.

Yue Niang wanted to turn back and demand an explanation, but Sun Haowei would probably have them shot if they returned. Part of her always wondered if Sun Haowei purposely married Bi Yu as a twisted form of revenge against her and Tai Xuan for leaving, or was it because Bi Yu was the only one of their little circle that was still left.

Either way, there's no point in wondering about it now. Bi Yu was dead, and her son was in love with Yue Niang's daughter. That thought gave her a headache.

"I'm making Jingwei visit us at 4am tomorrow," her husband said. "I want to tire him so completely that he leaves our daughter alone. Did you know that they were kissing outside our house just now? The nerve!"

Yue Niang scowled. "I don't trust him. Husband, make sure you work him to the bone tomorrow!"


Back in the motel, Jingwei sneezed repeatedly as Wei Yan shuffled away in disgust from their shared bed. Was he coming down with a flu, or maybe… someone was thinking about him!

He hoped that someone was Xue Ning. If only she was here by his side to hug and kiss all night…

With that thought, Jingwei drifted off to dreamland.

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